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pythonの __all__ について

Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-20



それでfrom package import *だと、このpackageの中にある先ほどの文字列の関数がimportされるわけです。それ以外はimportされません。


ちなみにですが、from package import *は非常に嫌われる書き方なので、できるだけ使わないように気をつけて


__all__ is a variable that can be set in the __init__.py file of a package.

The __all__ variable is a list of strings which defines those symbols that are imported when a program does

from package import *
If the __all__ for this package was set as follows:

all = ['echo', 'effect', 'reverb']

from package import *

would be equivalent to

from package import echo
from package import effect
from package import reverb

Note that using from <package> import * is considered bad style in production code, since you have no control over what >you are importing and what your import might shadow.

for more information see : 6. Modules - Python 3.8.2 documentation


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