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chemical spill containment

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Among our collection of spill containment products are UltraTech Spill Berms, an ideal spill response product with various applications. When it comes to toxic chemical spills, you can never be too safe. Spills spread fast, and require not only lots of your time and money to clean, but also present a threat to the health and safety of you, those around you, including the environment. Finding the right, low-cost solution can seem daunting, but UltraTech has made it easy, with hundreds of advanced spill products.
Spill Containment Product Features
Thor Spill and Containment offers UltraTech Spill Berms at the lowest market price. The containment solution works by protecting nearby drains, doorways, and the environment from spills by sealing them off. Composed of urethane material, the unit “weeps” into even the smallest of cracks to help seal off any toxic liquids and stopping them in their tracks. This material also allows you to bend the berms to follow any angle you need. Shape them to fit any containment area you want protected. Polymer coated sidewalls provide added support and structure. The non-absorbing UltraTech Spill Berms are simply to use, and to clean, allowing for repeated use. The product allows for various features including spill response, temporary secondary containment, and the sealing off of doorways during washdown operations. The spill containment product also allows for not only containing large spills, but also diverting them. When you purchase the UltraTech Spill Berms through Thor Spill and Containment, you can also have sections cut to different lengths, customizing them to suit your needs. The UltraTech Spill Berms are also environmentally friendly, complying with various environmental regulations including NPDES and SPCC rules.
Contact Thor Spill and Containment Today
Contact Thor Spill and Containment today to purchase UltraTech Spill Berms or explore our website at http://thorspillproducts.com/ to view images and videos on the product. There, you can also find customer testimonials and other specifications that can help you make the important decision of which spill containment solution is right for you. We look forward to hearing from you!


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