Web Speech APIの機能で、しゃべるブラウザです。

Last updated at Posted at 2024-09-10


スクリーンショット 2024-09-11 042001.png


サンプルテキスト 日本語

物語: 言葉の力




彼女は、テキスト入力ボックスに「Hello, how are you today?」と打ち込んだ。コードを実行すると、AIの穏やかな声が部屋に響いた。

「Hello, how are you today?」




サンプルテキスト 英語
Story: The Power of Words In the future world, artificial intelligence was deeply rooted in people's lives. People lived with AI and spent their days being helped by AI. Among them, "words" had a special meaning. Words not only connected people, but also served as a bridge between AI and humans. A girl named Mirai always felt lonely. Unlike other people, she was sensitive to words, and sometimes even normal conversations felt heavy. One day, Mirai was developing a new AI program. She thought of equipping the program with a function that would put her feelings into words and convey them as voice. "If we could make AI speak with emotion, we might be able to be closer to humans..." Mirai began writing a simple code. The code simply read the entered text in English and Japanese. However, to her, it was not just a text-to-speech. She dreamed that this program would convey the weight of words and be close to lonely people. She typed "Hello, how are you today?" into the text input box. When she ran the code, the AI's gentle voice echoed in the room. "Hello, how are you today?" The voice had a gentle quality to it, and it warmed Mirai's heart a little. Next, she typed "Hello, how are you?" into the Japanese text box. This time, the voice came out in Japanese. "Hello, how are you?" Mirai suddenly smiled. The voice was mechanical, but it reflected the feelings she had put into it. She was reminded that "words" are not just a string of sounds, but something that conveys emotions.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Web Speech API Example with Input</title>
    <h1>Web Speech API Example</h1>
    <label for="englishText">Enter English Text:</label>
    <input type="text" id="englishText" placeholder="Type something in English">
    <button onclick="speakEnglish()">Speak English</button>


    <label for="japaneseText">日本語のテキストを入力してください:</label>
    <input type="text" id="japaneseText" placeholder="日本語で入力してください">
    <button onclick="speakJapanese()">日本語を話す</button>

        function speakEnglish() {
            const text = document.getElementById('englishText').value || 'Hello, how are you today?';
            const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
            utterance.lang = 'en-US'; // 言語コードを英語に設定

        function speakJapanese() {
            const text = document.getElementById('japaneseText').value || 'こんにちは、お元気ですか?';
            const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
            utterance.lang = 'ja-JP'; // 言語コードを日本語に設定


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