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hub で GitHub にターミナルから issue、PR を作成する

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hub のインストール

brew でもインストールできるが pre-release ではなく issue や pull-request の一部のオプションが使えないので以下 URL から最新版をインストール。

Issue を作成

# -a assignee
# -M milestone (ID)
# -m message
# -l label
$ hub issue create \
    -a "github_account" \
    -M 83 \
    -m "This is new issue" \
    -l "My Feature","WIP"

Pull Request を作成

# -b branch name
# -m message
$ hub pull-request \
    -m "This is new Pull-Request" \
    -b feature/new_function


$ hub issue --help  

Usage: hub issue [-a <ASSIGNEE>] [-c <CREATOR>] [-@ <USER] [-s <STATE>] [-f <FORMAT>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>] [-d <DATE>] [-o <SORT_KEY> [-^]]
       hub issue create [-oc] [-m <MESSAGE>|-F <FILE>] [-a <USERS>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>]

$ hub pull-request --help

Usage: hub pull-request [-foc] [-b <BASE>] [-h <HEAD>] [-a <USERS>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>]
       hub pull-request -m <MESSAGE>
       hub pull-request -F <FILE> [--edit]
       hub pull-request -i <ISSUE>

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