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gcc (g++) 4.9でGNU MPをコンパイルする時のメモ

Last updated at Posted at 2016-01-02

WandboxのGNU MPを触っていて引っ掛かったこと:

Header <cstddef> changes

The <cstddef> header was updated for C++11 support and this breaks some libraries which misuse macros meant for internal use by GCC only. For instance with GMP versions up to 5.1.3, you may see:

/usr/include/c++/4.9.0/cstddef:51:11: error: ‘::max_align_t’ has not been declared
using ::max_align_t;

Another possible error is:

someheader.h:99:13: error: ‘ptrdiff_t’ does not name a type

A workaround until libraries get updated is to include <cstddef> or <stddef.h> before any headers from that library.


GNU MPのgmp.hにはC++言語用のコードが混ざっていて,それが悪さをすることがあるので,ヘッダファイルを読む順番は気をつけた方が良さそう.


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