HTML,CSS,JavaScript で自由配置を行う。やつてみたシリーズ半完動品

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            <div id="box04">
                <table><tr><td id="my4td1"></td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td>
<div id="my4_1"> <mark><font size="6"><b>テキスト</b><font color="#f00"><b></b></font>られる。</font></mark> </div>
<!-- font-size:20px;  text-shadow: 水平方向の距離 垂直方向の距離 影のぼかし半径 影の色;  -->
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<tr><td id="my5td4"></td><td id="my5td5"><div id="my5_1"></div></td><td id="my5td6"><div id="my5d6">0000</div></td></tr>
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        <div class="content2">
                <input type="button" value=" Relode " onClick="Relode();">
                <input type="button" value=" Stato " onClick="Stato1();">
				<input type="button" value=" Pause " onClick="Pause();">
                <input type="button" value=" Re_Stato " onClick="Re_Stato();">
            <form name="my_form_0">
                <input type="radio" checked onchange="radio_glope1(1);">demo 
                <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope1(2);">non 
                <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope1(3);">readプレー<br>
				 <input type="radio" checked onchange="radio_glope2(1);">16:9 
				<input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope2(2);">9:16 
				<input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope2(3);">1:1<br>
				サイズ <span id="dis_size_wh">640 * 360</span><br>
				 <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(1);">1280 720(x)x<br>
				 <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(2);">1088 612(450 800)1040*780(4:3)<br>
				 <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(3);">720 405(405 720)<br>
				 <input type="radio" checked onchange="radio_glope3(4);">640 360(360 640)<br>
				 <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(5);">320 180(180 320) 
				<input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(6);">free<br> 
				 width<input type="textbox" size="2" value="100" id="tx_wid" onchange="text_3_w();">
				 height<input type="textbox" size="2" value="100" id="tx_hi" onchange="text_3_h();"><br>
				<font size="2">mini(max) 100*100 (1280*800)以内に。</font><br>				
                 <input type="checkbox" checked onchange="chec_g4_1(checked);">Video S off 
                <input type="checkbox" onchange="chec_g4_2(checked);">audio S off
                <input type="checkbox" onchange="chec_g4_3(checked);">予備
			<table width="100%"><tr><td width="60%">
			<label class="my_1" onclick="chk0();">
				<span class="my_1">Stop.pop_up表示</span>
				<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" class="my_1" onclick="chk1();">
				<div id="popup">
				    <div id="my_i_01"><img src="imge/cyat.png" width="200px" height="200px" alt="ねこ"></div>
				    <font size="2"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" id="my_11" onclick="chk2();"><input type="checkbox"  name="checkbox3" id="my_111">自在
				    <input type="checkbox"  name="checkbox4" id="my_1v" checked>自由
				    <input type="checkbox"  name="checkbox5" id="my_v">右側
					<input type="checkbox"  name="checkbox6" id="my_v1"><br></font>
				  	<form name="my_form_1">
					<span style="color: #fff;">
						<select name="ray_sel" id="ray_selct">
							<option value="#my1td1">box_1</option>
							<option value="#my1_2td1">box_1_2</option>
							<option value="#my2td1">box_2</option>
							<option value="#my2_2td1" selected>box_2_2</option>
							<option value="#my3td1">box_3</option>
							<option value="#my3_2td1">box_3_2</option>
							<option value="#my4td1">box_4</option>
							<option value="#my4_1td1">box_4_1</option>
						<input type="text" name="w0_w" id="w0" size="2" value="100">*
						<input type="text" name="h0_h" id="h0" size="2" value="100"><br>
						<input type="text" name="w1_w" id="w1" size="2" value="200">*
						<input type="text" name="h1_h" id="h1" size="2" value="200">
						<input type="checkbox" name="my_1c" id="my_1c">書込
						<input type="button" value="送信" onclick="chk_3();">
					<form name="my_form_2">
						<input type="file" id="selfile1" accept="imge/.png, imge/.jpg, imge/.gif" onchange="chk_4(value);" /><br>
						<div id="errmessage2">ここ</div>
					<label class="my_3">
						<span class="my_3">pop_up表示</span>
						<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3_1" class="my_3">
						<div id="popup3">
							<font size="2"><input type="checkbox" name="dis_pop3" id="dis_pop3">自在</font>
							<font size="1"> FaileNeme:</font>
							<input type="text" name="my3_pop" id="my3_pop" size="20" value="imge/my_img.jpg">
							<font size="2"><font color="#0f0">layer:<span id="my3_pop_raydis"></span> </font><font color="#fff">
							to action:</font><font color="#ff0"><span id="my3_pop_ste0"></span></font></font>
							<form name="my_form_3"><!--it form in form-->
								<font size="1">
								<select name="model_sel" id="model_sel">
									<option value="none" selected>none</option>
									<option value="imge">imge</option>
									<option value="video">video</option>
									<option value="audio">audio</option>
									<option value="img_tex">img_txt</option>
									<option value="text_only">text only</option>
									<option value="all">test all</option>
								</select><div id="selectValue" style="display: inline;"></div>
								<select name="mo_size" id="mo_size">
									<option value="free" selected>free</option>
									<option value="1:1">1:1</option>
									<option value="2:3">2:3</option>
									<option value="3:4">3:4</option>
									<option value="9:16">9:16</option>
									<option value="16:9">16:9</option>
								<!-- div で改行が入ったり入らなかったりするからやらないとわからない。--><input type="text" name="mo_size_w0" id="mo_size_w0" size="2" value="32">
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								<input type="text" name="mo_size_h1" id="mo_size_h1" size="2" value="360">"+h0"<br></font>
								<div id="mod_s">
									<!-- patan 1 purogrambul select-->
									<!-- patan 0 -->
									<select name="mod0_pat" id="mod0_pat">
										<option value="none" selected>none</option>
										<option value="class">class</option>
										<option value="style">style</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste1" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<!-- patan 1 -->
									<select name="mod1_pat" id="mod1_pat">
										<option value="vid_1" selected>vid_1</option>
										<option value="vid_2">vid_2</option>
										<option value="vid_3">vid_3</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste2" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<select name="mod1_act" id="mod1_act">
										<option value="stop_play" selected>stop_play</option><!-- stop-play が正解だが演算避けた -->
										<option value="play">play</option>
										<option value="pause">pause</option>
										<option value="stop">stop</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste3" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<br><input type="file" id="selfile3_1" accept="imge/.mp4" onchange="mod_fail_1(value);" />
									<div id="errmessage3">ここ</div>
									<!-- patan 2 -->
									<select name="mod2_pat" id="mod2_pat">
										<option value="aud_1" selected>aud_1</option>
										<option value="aud_2">aud_2</option>
										<option value="aud_3">aud_3</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste4" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<select name="mod2_act" id="mod2_act">
										<option value="read_in" selected>read_in</option>
										<option value="play">play</option>
										<option value="pause">pause</option>
										<option value="stop">stop</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste5" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<br><input type="file" id="selfile3_2" accept="voise/.mp3, voise/.wav" onchange="mod_fail_2(value);" />
									<div id="errmessage4">ここ</div>
									<!-- patan 3 -->
									tabl patan<select name="tabl1_pat" id="tabl1_pat">
										<option value="tabl1_1" selected>tabl_1</option>
										<option value="tabl1_2">tabl_2</option>
										<option value="tabl1_3">tabl_3</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste6" style="display: inline;"></div>
									<!-- patan 4 -->
									text patan<select name="text_pat" id="text_pat">
										<option value="text_1" selected>text_1</option>
										<option value="text_2">text_2</option>
										<option value="text_3">text_3</option>
									</select><div id="my3_pop_ste7" style="display: inline;">this</div>
								<hr><font size="2">
								1st <input type="text" name="mod_t1" id="mod_t1" size="60" value="100"><br>
								2nd <input type="text" name="mod_t2" id="mod_t2" size="60" value="100"><br>
								補足<input type="text" name="mod_t3" id="mod_t3" size="60" value="100"><br></form>
								<input type="button" name="pop3_w" value="書込" id="pop3_w" onclick="pop3_work();">
								<input type="button" name="pop3_d" value="this del" id="pop3_d" onclick="pop3_del();">
								NO.<input type="text" name="mod_no" id="mod_no" size="2" value="0">
								Commnt:<input type="text" name="mod_come" id="mod_come" size="35" value="100"><br>
					</label><input type="button" value="main" onclick="pop1_or_2();">				
			<label class="my_2">
				<span class="my_2">controls</span>
				<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2_1" class="my_2">
				<div id="popup2">
				  <form name="my_form_3">
					<input type="button" value="Cller" onclick="stp0();">
					<input type="button" value="SetC" onclick="stp1();">
					<input type="button" value="SetT" onclick="stp2();">
					<input type="button" value="Play" onclick="stp3();">
					<input type="button" value="Pause" onclick="stp4();">
					<font size="2">step
					<input type="text" name="step" id="step" size="4" value="0">
					<input type="text" name="step_t" id="my_tim_dis" size="4" value="0"></font><span id="my_you_dis">要素数</span><br>
					<input type="button" value="Up" onclick="step_up();">
					<input type="button" value="Down" onclick="step_down();">
					<input type="button" value="End" onclick="step_end();">				  
					 <input type="button" value="書込み" onclick="step_ok();">  
					<input type="button" value="削除" onclick="step_del();">
					<input type="button" value="挿入" onclick="step_ins();">
					<input type="button" value="追加" onclick="step_add();">
					<font size="2"> <input type="checkbox" name="dis_pop2" id="dis_pop2">表示位置替え</font><br>
					<font size="2" class="t_dai"> work </font>
					<input type="text" name="in_work" id="in_work" size="30" value="">
					<input type="text" name="in_work2" id="in_work2" size="30" value=""><br>
					<font size="2" class="t_dai"> value </font>
					<input type="text" name="in_value" id="in_value" size="60" value=""><br>
					<font size="2" class="t_dai"> come </font>
					<input type="text" name="in_come" id="in_come" size="60" value=""><br>
				    <input type="checkbox" onclick="rook_c();">Rook
					<input type="button" value="Editer" onclick="step_editer();">
					<span style="color: #fff;">二行目</span><br>長いのを書いていくとどうなるのか。
				  <span id="my_i_02">kore</span>
		<!--<div id='audio0'>0<br><audio src="voise/myout2_0.wav" type="audio/wev" controls autoplay></audio></div>-->
			<div id='audio1'>1<br><audio src="voise/" controls stop-play muted></audio></div>
			<div id='audio2'>2<br><audio src="voise/" controls muted></audio></div>
			<div id='audio3'>3<br><audio src="voise/" controls muted></audio></div>
	<div id="flex2">
		<div class="content3">
			<form name="my_form_4">
				my_my1<input type="text" name="myf4_1" id="myf4_1" size="120" value="imge/my_img.jpg"><br>
				my_my2<input type="text" name="myf4_2" id="myf4_2" size="120" value="imge/my_img.jpg"><br>
				my_my3<input type="text" name="myf4_3" id="myf4_3" size="120" value="imge/my_img.jpg"><br>
				my_my4<input type="text" name="myf4_4" id="myf4_4" size="120" value="imge/my_img.jpg"><br>
				my_my5<input type="text" name="myf4_5" id="myf4_5" size="120" value="imge/my_img.jpg"><br>
				<input type="button" value="読込" onclick="my4_1();">	
			<table border="1"><tr><td width="256"><div id="video1">video_in1</div></td>
				<td width="256"><div id="video2">video_in2</div></td>
				<td width="256"><div id="video3">video_in3</div></td></tr>
				<tr><td><div id="img_viw1"> </div></td>
				<td><div id="img_viw2"> </div></td>
				<td><div id="img_viw3"> </div></td></tr>
	<div id="flex3">
		<div class="content4">
			<div id="test_my0">test0</div>
			<form name="myfile">
				<input type="file" id="selfile" accept="text/.txt" />
				<div id="errmessage"></div>
				<textarea name="texta" id="mytextr"></textarea>
	<!-- <object class="obje" data="./text/steping.txt" type="text/plain"></object><!--ディレクトリを与えて読み込む場合 -->
			<span id="my_in_a_text" onclick="it_test2('test');">てきすと</span><br>
	<!--<span id="my_inna_text" onclick="alert('it chenge!!');">てきすと<span><br>-->
			<input type="button" value="テキストリード to arrey" onclick="read();">  
			<button id="download" onclick="down_faile();">テキストファイルをダウンロード</button><br>
			<textarea name="texta2" id="mytextr2"></textarea><br>
			<p id="mfl">text</p>
			<p id="my6_1"><font size="6" color="#f0f"></font><font size="1"></font><font size="3">かわった</font></p>
	<div id="flex_end">
		<div class="content_end">


    <!-- end -->
			<div style="text-align: center;">
				<p>tattyan(<a href="https://tattyan0-0.sakura.ne.jp/" name="administrator" target="~_blank">たっちゃん</a>) by 2023/11/14- </p>
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/* 2024/04/16- */
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/* contorol pop_up3 strto */
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/* contorol pop_up3 end pop_up all end */

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#test_my1 {
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// ver. 1_00(test)

 giam フリーソフト Gif animetion 使い方 https://freesoft-100.com/review/giam.html  
    <!-- stato studio -->
    <!-- end -->

const maxtime = 7200;
let my_n =0; //行数
let timerId = 0; //タイマーID 後で何とかする
let intrtim = 1000; //インターバルタイマーの時間
let timerId_1 = 1; //タイマーID demo
let intrtim_1 = 1000; //インターバルタイマーの時間
let timerId_2 = 2; //タイマーID demo
let intrtim_2 = 3000; //インターバルタイマーの時間 //00 セットアップ余裕を持たせる

let singlsyot = false;
let tim_end = false;
let mycount = -3;

let timId1 = 1;
let puleymiu = "puleymiu";
let mykyoku = "mykyoku";
let mloop = '';// 'loop ';

let video_voise_on = false;
let audio_voise_on = true;
let sonota_on = false;

let v_muted = "muted ";// ""
let a_muted = "";// "muted "
let v_url = "";
let a1_url = "";
let a2_url = "";
let a3_url = "";

let my_pop_select = "#my2_2td1";//ポップアップウィンドウの選択2_2

let dis_hiritu = "16:9"
// let hiritu = '16:5';

let readlin = ['//00/*zahyou1_1/*#my1td1/*32/*32/*640/*360/*予備/*/*16:9 box01 1_1 始まり指定 */',
    '//00/*image1/*#my1_1/*/*/*/*<img src="imge/my_img.jpg" width="640" alt="イメージがありません">'+'/**/', 
    '//00/*redin_v1/*#video1/*/*imge/una00.mp4/*/*<video controls src="imge/una00.mp4" width="256"></video>/* box01 用ビデオ先読み */',
    '//00/*redin_a1/*#audio1/*voise/una_kiruna.wav/*/*/*Stato Up<br><audio src="voise/una_kiruna.wav" type="audio/wev" controls></audio>/* fast music 1へ先読み */',
    '//00/*table_img/*#my1_2td1/*64/*64/*/*/*/*/*/* box01 1_2 始まり指定 */',
    '//-2/*zahyou2_1/*#my2td1/*32/*32/*/*/* box02_1 始まり指定 */',//スタイルより座標をとってくること。
    '//-2/*image2/*#my2_1/*/*/*128/*128/*/*<img src="imge/gall.png" width="128" height="128"></span>/* box02 main image 女の子 */',
    '//-2/*zahyou3/*#my3td1/*32/*32/*/*/*/*/* box03_1 始まり指定 */',//スタイルより座標をとってくること。
    '//-2/*image2/*#my3_1/*/*/*128/*128/*/*<img src="imge/man1.png" width="128" height="128"></span>/* box03 main image 女の子 */'];

let linein_arr_n = [];
var line_in_arr = ['//00/*/**/'];//下の下の方に後から追加 エラーになるので 合格審査通ったやつだけ入れる予定。
let yobi_arr = [];//予備style
let yobi_str = "";//予備style string
let yobi_tmp = [];//予備style 一時
let yobi_tmp0 = "";//予備style 一時 string
let my_rey_txt = "";//テキスト

//glooe0 コントロールむ
function mystrto() {

        linein_arr_n = readlin[my_n].split("/*");
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="zahyou1_1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="zahyou2_1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="zahyou3_1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="zahyou4_1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="zahyou4_1_1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="image1"){
        if( linein_arr_n[1]=="redin_v1"){

        my_n +=1;
    v_url = "imge/una00.mp4";
    document.querySelector('#video1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="imge/una00.mp4" width="256"></video>';// muted
    a1_url = "voise/una_kiruna.wav";
    document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = 'Stato Up<br><audio src="voise/una_321.wav" type="audio/wev" controls></audio>';
    timId1 = setInterval('demoPlay()', 1000);

function demoPlay() {
    tim_end = false;
    mycount = -3;

// gloope1_in
                <input type="radio" checked onchange="radio_glope1(1);">demo 
                <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope1(2);">non 
                <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope1(3);">readプレー<br>
// Radio Button change
let int_r_no = 1; //nullを避けるため1から;
let demo_on = true;
let non_on = false; //現在の試行を行う
function radio_glope1(int_r_no) {  //2,3エレメントRadio noだけで良い?変わった時しか来ないから

    if (int_r_no == 1) { // demo
        document.my_form_0.elements[1].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[2].checked = false;
        demo_on = true;
        non_on = false;
        // Radio2が選択
    if (int_r_no == 2) {
        document.my_form_0.elements[0].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[2].checked = false;
        demo_on = false;
        non_on = true;
        // Radio2が選択
    if (int_r_no == 3) {
        document.my_form_0.elements[0].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[1].checked = false;
        demo_on = false;
        non_on = false;
        // Radio1が選択

/*  定義  */
let hiritu = '16:9';

// gloope2_in
                           // no_3-5
function radio_glope2(int_r_no){
    if (int_r_no == 1) {
        document.my_form_0.elements[4].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[5].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        hiritu = '16:9';

    if (int_r_no == 2) {
        document.my_form_0.elements[3].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[5].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        hiritu = '9:16';
    if (int_r_no == 3) {
        document.my_form_0.elements[3].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[4].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        hiritu = '1:1';

/*  定義  */
let dis_yoko = 640;
let dis_tate = 200;

// gloope3_in
                          // no_6-11
function radio_glope3(int_r_no){
    if (int_r_no == 1) {  //6  <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(1);">
        document.my_form_0.elements[7].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[8].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[9].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[10].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;
		if(hiritu == '16:9'){		
			dis_yoko = 1280;
			dis_tate = 720;
		if(hiritu == '9:16' || hiritu == '1:1'){  
			document.my_form_0.elements[4].checked = false;
			document.my_form_0.elements[5].checked = false;
			document.my_form_0.elements[3].checked = true;
			dis_yoko = 1280;
			dis_tate = 720;
		dis_hiritu = "16:9";
    if (int_r_no == 2) {   //7  <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(2);">
        document.my_form_0.elements[6].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[8].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[9].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[10].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        if(hiritu == '16:9'){		
			dis_yoko = 1088;
			dis_tate = 612;
            dis_hiritu = "16:9";
		if(hiritu == '9:16'){		
			dis_yoko = 450;
			dis_tate = 800;
            dis_hiritu = "9:16";
		if(hiritu == '1:1'){		
			dis_yoko = 1040;
			dis_tate = 780;
            dis_hiritu = "4:3";

    if (int_r_no == 3) {   //8 <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(3);">
		document.my_form_0.elements[6].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[7].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[9].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[10].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        if(hiritu == '16:9'){		
			dis_yoko = 720;
			dis_tate = 405;
            dis_hiritu = "16:9";
		if(hiritu == '9:16'){		
			dis_yoko = 405;
			dis_tate = 720;
            dis_hiritu = "9:16";
		if(hiritu == '1:1'){		
			dis_yoko = 720;
			dis_tate = 720;
            dis_hiritu = "1:1";
    if (int_r_no == 4) {   //9 <input type="radio" checked onchange="radio_glope3(4);">
        document.my_form_0.elements[6].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[7].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[8].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[10].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        if(hiritu == '16:9'){		
			dis_yoko = 640;
			dis_tate = 360;
            dis_hiritu = "16:9";
		if(hiritu == '9:16'){		
			dis_yoko = 360;
			dis_tate = 640;
            dis_hiritu = "9:16";
		if(hiritu == '1:1'){		
			dis_yoko = 640;
			dis_tate = 640;
            dis_hiritu = "1:1"
    if (int_r_no == 5) {   //10  <input type="radio" onchange="radio_glope3(5);">
        document.my_form_0.elements[6].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[7].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[8].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[9].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[11].checked = false;		
        if(hiritu == '16:9'){		
			dis_yoko = 320;
			dis_tate = 180;
            dis_hiritu = "16:9";
		if(hiritu == '9:16'){		
			dis_yoko = 180;
			dis_tate = 320;
            dis_hiritu = "9:16";
		if(hiritu == '1:1'){		
			dis_yoko = 320;
			dis_tate = 320;
            dis_hiritu = "1:1";

    if (int_r_no == 6) {   //11    gllpe_1
        document.my_form_0.elements[6].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[7].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[8].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[9].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[10].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[3].checked = false;
        document.my_form_0.elements[4].checked = false;
		document.my_form_0.elements[5].checked = false;
		hiritu = "furee";

		dis_yoko = 100;
		dis_tate = 100;
        dis_hiritu = "furee";
// テキストボックスからテキストを得て数字にする
/*const mystr = "a-9-b-1234-c-55555-d";
const result = mystr.match(/\d{2,4}/);
console.log( result[0] );*/
let non_nmu = "";
function text_3_w(){
	if(hiritu != "furee"){
	let str_in_text = document.getElementById('tx_wid').value;
	if(str_in_text.length < 3 || str_in_text.length > 4){
	non_nmu = str_in_text;
	non_nmu = non_nmu.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
	if (non_nmu != ""){		
		let int_value_t = parseInt(str_in_text);
		if(int_value_t>99 && int_value_t < 1281){
			dis_yoko = int_value_t;
			alert('100 ~999までてす');
function text_3_h(){
	if(hiritu != "furee"){
	let str_in_text = document.getElementById('tx_hi').value;
	if(str_in_text.length != 3){
	non_nmu = str_in_text;
	non_nmu = non_nmu.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
	if (non_nmu != ""){		
		let int_value_t = parseInt(str_in_text);
		if(int_value_t>99 && int_value_t < 801){
			dis_tate = int_value_t ;
			alert('100 ~999までてす');
/* サイズ <span id="dis_size_wh">640 * 200</span><br> */
function Chend_dsp_wh(){

    document.querySelector('#my5d3').innerHTML = dis_hiritu;	
	document.querySelector('#dis_size_wh').innerHTML = dis_yoko + ' * ' + dis_tate;
	const box_5 = document.querySelector("#my5td5"); 
	box_5.style.width = dis_yoko + 'px';  
	box_5.style.height = dis_tate + 'px'; 

// gloope4_in
                 <input type="checkbox" checked onchange="chec_g4_1(checked);">Video S off 
                <input type="checkbox" onchange="chec_g4_2(checked);">audio S off
                <input type="checkbox" onchange="chec_g4_3(checked);">予備
function chec_g4_1(in_this) {
    if (in_this) {
        video_voise_on = false;
        v_muted = "muted ";
    } else {
        video_voise_on = true;
        v_muted = "";
function chec_g4_2(in_this) {
    if (in_this) {
        audio_voise_on = false;
        a_muted = "muted ";
    } else {
        audio_voise_on = true;
        a_muted = "";
function chec_g4_3(in_this) {
    if (in_this) {
        sonota_on = true;
    } else {
        sonota_on = false;
// gloop_in end

/* stylsyto 変更 */
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let myNewWidth = my_width - 250 //styleで横幅を250pxと指定しているから
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const def_img_png = "imge/cyat.png";//初期値 "imge/cyat.png";
let my_Rnafil = def_img_png; //ファイル名初期値
let my_w = 150;
let my_h = 150;
let my_w0 = 0;
let my_h0 = 0;
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let yobi = "予備";///*yobi*yobi1*yobi2/*の様の形式で入れる 
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let myset_pop3 = false;
document.querySelector('#popup2').style.top = '10%';
let myset_pop2 = false;
//document.querySelector('#popup2').style.left = '60%';//`${myNewWidth}px`;
document.querySelector('#popup3').style.top = '30%';
//document.querySelector('#popup3').style.left = '30%';

function chk0() {
    // alert('test chk0 it ok');
        myset_pop = false;
        myset_pop = true;
/* これを書かない事(関数の中に入れる)でエラーが出る。 
function dis_pop3() {
    alert('test dis_pop3 it ok'+myset_pop3);
    if(myset_pop3 == true){
        document.getElementsByName('popup3').style.display = 'none'; //it name
        myset_pop3 = false;
        document.getElementsByName('popup3').style.display = 'block';
        myset_pop3 = true;

function dis_pop2() {
    if(myset_pop2 == true){
        document.getElementsByName('popup2').style.display = 'none';
        myset_pop2 = false;
        document.getElementsByName('popup2').style.display = 'block';
        myset_pop2 = true;
/*               */
function chk1() {
    my_width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    myNewWidth = my_width - 250
    document.querySelector('#popup').style.left ='40%';// `${myNewWidth}px`;
    document.querySelector("#my_i_01").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+String(my_w)+'" height="'+String(my_h)+'">';

function chk2() {
    let myelement = document.getElementsByName('checkbox2');
    if (myelement[0].checked == true){
       document.querySelector('#popup').style.top = '0';
        document.querySelector('#popup').style.top = '40%';
    document.querySelector("#my_i_01").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+String(my_w)+'" height="'+String(my_h)+'">';

/* マウスイベント */
const myelement10 = document.getElementsByName('checkbox1');
const myelement20 = document.getElementsByName('checkbox2_1');//チェックボックスのチェック自体pop2
const myelement30 = document.getElementsByName('checkbox3_1');//チェックボックスのチェック自体pop3
window.addEventListener("click", e => {
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    let myelement21 = document.getElementsByName('dis_pop2'); //name="dis_pop2"
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    //      alert('右端です。');
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            if(my_box_table == false){
                if(my_pop_select == "#my2_2td1" && my_Rnafil ==def_img_png){
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                    my_Rnafil = "imge/gall_1.png";
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            my_w1 = my_to1_w0 + my_to1_w1;// 参考
            my_h1 = my_to1_h0 + my_to1_h1;// 参考
            my_rey_txt = '  <font class="f3">t e s t</font><br>     <font size="4" class="mk1"><i>it test</i></font><br>'; //仮入れ テキスト
           // my_Rnafil = "imge/gall_1.png"; //仮入れ 画像ファイル名 .im3にて固定変更する
            var class_im = "im3";
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            var my_my2 = '<tr><td  width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">'+my_rey_txt+'</td></tr></table>';
            document.getElementById('myf4_2').value = my_my2;
            var my_my3 = "";
            document.getElementById('myf4_3').value = yobi_str;
            document.getElementById('myf4_4').value = my_rey_txt;
            document.getElementById('myf4_5').value = readlin[my_n] 
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            my_box_table = true;
            if(my_box_table == true){
                my_box_table = false;
//it test

        if(myelement4[0].checked == true){
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            const my_box_x_pop = 530;//ポップ     
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/* owari */
function pop1_or_2(){
   // alert('pop1_or_2');
    if(myelement20[0].checked == false){
        myelement20[0].checked = true;
    //document.getElementsByName('checkbox3').checked = true;
/* ポップアップウィンドウ表示 */

/* ポップアップウィンドウからの取り込み */
let my_img_rey = 'imge_3';
var my_arr_no = 0;
function chk_3() { //送信
    my_pop_select = document.getElementById('ray_selct').value;
    let my_to1_w0 = document.getElementById('w0').value;
    let my_to1_h0 = document.getElementById('h0').value;
    let my_to1_w1 = document.getElementById('w1').value;
    let my_to1_h1 = document.getElementById('h1').value;
    alert(my_pop_select+' W0='+my_h+' H0='+my_to1_h0+' W1='+my_to1_w1+' H1='+my_to1_h1+'<br>'+my_Rnafil);

    if(my_pop_select == "#my1td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_1';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my1td1"); 
        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';  
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my2_2").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';
    if(my_pop_select == "#my1_2td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_1_2';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my1_2td1"); 
        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';  
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my1_2").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';
    if(my_pop_select == "#my2td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_2';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my2td1");
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        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my2").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';
    if(my_pop_select == "#my2_2td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_2_2';
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        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';  
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my2_2").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';
    if(my_pop_select == "#my3td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_3';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my3td1");
        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my3").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';

    if(my_pop_select == "#my4td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_4';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my4td1");
        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my4").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';
    if(my_pop_select == "#my4_1td1"){
        my_img_rey = 'imge_4_1';
        var box_my = document.querySelector("#my4_1td1");

        box_my.style.width = my_to1_w0 + 'px';
        box_my.style.height = my_to1_h0 + 'px';
        document.querySelector("#my4_1").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+my_to1_w1+'" height="'+my_to1_h1+'">';

    // inner function 2f
function inner_fc_s_pop2(){
    if(my_to1_w0 - Math.floor(my_to1_w1 / 2) > 0){
        my_to1_w0 -= Math.floor(my_to1_w1 / 2);
        my_to1_w0 = 0;
    if(my_to1_h0 - Math.floor(my_to1_h1 / 2) > 0){
        my_to1_h0 -= Math.floor(my_to1_h1 / 2);
        my_to1_h0 = 0;
function inner_fc_w_pop2(){
    var my_p_tim = document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value;
    my_arr_no = document.getElementById('step').value;

    let myelement_1c = document.getElementsByName('my_1c');
    let my_w_name = document.getElementById('in_work').value;
    let my_w_n = my_w_name.split("/*");
    let my_now_t =document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value;
    if(myelement_1c[0].checked == true && my_w_n[1] == ''){
    //fomat (//no[0]/*name[1]/*id[2])(/*x[3]/*y[4]/*|w[5]/*h[6]/*(/*))(script[7])(/*comment[8]*/);10要素
        document.getElementById('in_work').value = '//'+my_now_t+'/*'+my_img_rey+'/*'+my_pop_select;
        document.getElementById('in_work2').value = '/*'+my_to1_w0+'/*'+my_to1_h0+'/*'+my_w+'/*'+my_h+'/*'+yobi+'/*';
        document.getElementById('in_value').value = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+String(my_w)+'" height="'+String(my_h)+'">';
        document.getElementById('in_come').value = '/*'+my_Rnafil+'*/';
        var my_line_wite = '//'+my_p_tim+'/*'+my_img_rey+'/*'+my_pop_select + '/*'+my_to1_w0+'/*'+my_to1_h0+'/*'+my_w+'/*'+my_h+'/*' + '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+String(my_w)+'" height="'+String(my_h)+'">' + '/*'+my_Rnafil+'*/';
        var my_line = document.getElementById('in_work').value + document.getElementById('in_work2').value + document.getElementById('in_value').value + document.getElementById('in_come').value;
// end inner function 2f
/* end document.getElementById("download").addEventListener("click", function() {*/
function down_faile() { //ファイルダウンロード
//    alert('test down');
    let my_w_text = readlin.join('\n');
    let element_tx = document.getElementById('mytextr2');
    element_tx.value = my_w_text;
    document.getElementById("download").addEventListener("click", function() {
        let text = my_w_text;
        let blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
        const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = url;
        a.download = "html_dl_test.txt";

function chk_4(my_Rnafil0){ //ファイル名を取得
    my_Rnafil = my_Rnafil0;
    document.getElementById('errmessage2').innerHTML = 'checkし'+my_Rnafil+'ました。';
    //document.getElementById('my_01').value = '<img src="./imge/man1_1.png" width="200px" height="200px" alt="is not">';
    //ファイルがない時はis not!! にする。拡張子が合わないのに次をするのはどうかと思う。 
    if(my_Rnafil.startsWith("C\:\\fakepath\\")){ //ファイル名の先頭がC:\fakepath\で始まるか
        my_Rnafil = my_Rnafil.replace(/C\:\\fakepath\\/gm, 'imge/');
        my_Rnafil = def_img_png; //違っていたら借り入れしてみゆ。imge/が付いている
    // if (my_Rnafil.startsWith("(\./)?imge/")){ //ファイル名の先頭がimge/で始まるか}
    if(my_Rnafil.match(/.+\.(png|jpg|gif)$/gm)){ //ファイル名の最後がpng,jpg,gifで終わるか 1文字以上の文字列の後に.があり、png,jpg,gifのいずれかで終わる
        document.getElementById('errmessage2').innerHTML = my_Rnafil;
        var get_img_size = new Image();
        get_img_size.src = my_Rnafil;
        get_img_size.onload = function () {
            // プロセスが遅くなるため中で処理を完結させること
            const innersunpou = 170;
            var width_myp = get_img_size.naturalWidth;
            var height_myp = get_img_size.naturalHeight;
            alert('1 width='+width_myp+' height='+height_myp);
            document.getElementById('w1').value = width_myp;
            document.getElementById('h1').value = height_myp;
            if (width_myp >= height_myp){
                if (width_myp > innersunpou){
                    my_w = innersunpou;            
                    my_h =  Math.floor(innersunpou * height_myp / width_myp); //x:y=w:h 150:150=w:h 150h=150w 150=150w/h;                
                    my_w = width_myp;
                    my_h = height_myp;
                if (height_myp > innersunpou){
                    my_w =  Math.floor(innersunpou * width_myp / height_myp); //x:y=w:h 150:150=w:h 150w=
                    my_h = innersunpou;
                    my_w = width_myp;
                    my_h = height_myp;
            alert('width='+String(my_w)+' height='+String(my_h));//小数点以下の変数は文字列に変換しない小数点以下の変数
            document.querySelector("#my_i_01").innerHTML = '<img src="'+my_Rnafil+'" width="'+String(my_w)+'" height="'+String(my_h)+'">';

/* pop_up 2 eria */
/*               */

/* pop_up 3 eria */
/*  select はマウスイベント https://qiita.com/oizumi-yuta/items/52d97fb96800bc4a0ff1 */
const in_img_div1 = '<select name="mod0_pat" id="mod0_pat">\n<option value="none" selected>none</option>\n<option value="class">class</option>\n<option value="style">style</option></select><div id="my3_pop_ste1" style="display: inline;"></div>';
const in_vdo_div2 = '<select name="mod1_pat" id="mod1_pat">\n<option value="vid_1" selected>vid_1</option>\n<option value="vid_2">vid_2</option>\n<option value="vid_3">vid_3</option>\n</select><div id="my3_pop_ste2" style="display: inline;"></div>\n<select name="mod1_act" id="mod1_act">\n<option value="stop_play" selected>stop_play</option>\n<option value="play">play</option>\n<option value="pause">pause</option>\n<option value="stop">stop</option>\n</select><div id="my3_pop_ste3" style="display: inline;"></div>\n<br><input type="file" id="selfile3_1" accept="imge/.mp4" onchange="mod_fail_1(value);" />\n<div id="errmessage3">ここ</div>';
const in_aud_div3 = '<select name="mod2_pat" id="mod2_pat">\n<option value="aud_1" selected>aud_1</option>\n<option value="aud_2">aud_2</option>\n<option value="aud_3">aud_3</option>\n</select><div id="my3_pop_ste4" style="display: inline;"></div>\n<select name="mod2_act" id="mod2_act">\n<option value="read_in" selected>read_in</option>\n<option value="play">play</option>\n<option value="pause">pause</option>\n<option value="stop">stop</option>\n</select><div id="my3_pop_ste5" style="display: inline;"></div>\n<br><input type="file" id="selfile3_2" accept="voise/.mp3, voise/.wav" onchange="mod_fail_2(value);" />\n<div id="errmessage4">ここ</div>';
const in_iort_div4 = 'tabl patan<select name="tabl1_pat" id="tabl1_pat">\n<option value="tabl1_1" selected>tabl_1</option>\n<option value="tabl1_2">tabl_2</option>\n<option value="tabl1_3">tabl_3</option>\n</select><div id="my3_pop_ste6" style="display: inline;">this</div>';
const in_txt_div5 = 'this text patan<select name="text_pat" id="text_pat">\n<option value="text_1" selected>text_1</option>\n<option value="text_2">text_2</option>\n<option value="text_3">text_3</option>\n</selecct><div id="my3_pop_ste7" style="display: inline;"></div>';
let to_value1 = "none";// pop_main1 imge
let to_value2 = "free";// pop_main2 imge
let to_value3 = "none";// pop div1 imge パーツ
let to_value4 = "vid_1";   // pop div2 video 取り込み
let to_value5 = "stop_play"; // pop div2 video アクション
let to_value6 = "aud_1";   // pop div3 audio 取り込み
let to_value7 = "read_in"; // pop div3 audio アクション
let to_value8 = "tabl1_1";   // pop div4 tabl class style 定型もジールもないの定型もジールこれから作るんやわ
let to_value9 = "text_1";   // pop div5 text class style
let my_trget = 'mod0_pat';//pop_main1
let my_trget1 = 'mod1_pat';//pop div2 video
let my_trget2 = 'mod2_act';//pop div2 video
let my_trget3 = 'mod2_pat';//pop div3 audio
let my_trget4 = 'mod2_act';//pop div3 audio
let my_trget5 = 'tabl1_pat';//pop div4 tabl
let my_trget6 = 'text_pat';//pop div5 text
const def_fop3_mp4 = "una00.mp4"; ; //ファイル名初期値mp4 imge/una00.mp4
const def_fop3_mp3 = "una_321.wav"; //ファイル名初期値mp3  voise/una_321.wav
let my_Rnafi_pop3_1 = def_fop3_mp4; //ファイル名初期値mp4
let my_Rnafi_pop3_2 = def_fop3_mp3; //ファイル名初期値mp3
const selectValue = document.getElementById('selectValue');
const my_ste = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0');
const pop3_delet = document.querySelector("#pop3_d");
let pop3_my_del = pop3_delet.style.value;//this_del表示は変わらないが、値は変わる

/* test 本番は全表示を消す */
//to_value1 = "all";
let one_syoto = "none";
function pop3_show(){
    //alert(myelement30[0].checked+' test pop3_show');
    if (myelement30[0].checked == true) { //popup3が表示されているか
        if(one_syoto == "none"){
            document.getElementById('my3_pop').value = my_Rnafil;
            document.getElementById('mod_no').value = String(my_n);
            my_pop_select = document.getElementById('ray_selct').value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_raydis').innerHTML = my_pop_select;
            document.getElementById('mod_come').value = "it is test no.4 my_no="+String(my_n);
            if(to_value1 == "none"){
                document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '選択してください。';
            one_syoto = "no_syoto";
    } else {
        if (one_syoto == "no_syoto") {
            one_syoto = "none";
selectValue.innerHTML = to_value1+" "+to_value2;
const select = document.getElementById('model_sel');
select.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
    selectValue.innerHTML = e.target.value + " "+to_value2;
    to_value1 = e.target.value;
    my_ste.innerHTML = to_value1;


function pop3_dis_chnge(to_value1){
    document.getElementById('my3_pop').value = my_Rnafil;
    document.getElementById('mod_no').value = my_arr_no;

    if(to_value1 == "imge"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '画像を選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_img_div1;
        my_trget = 'mod0_pat';
        alert('test imge ok');
    if(to_value1 == "video"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '動画を選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_vdo_div2;
        my_trget1 = 'mod1_pat';
        my_trget2 = 'mod1_act';
        alert('test video ok');

    if(to_value1 == "audio"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '音声を選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_aud_div3;
        my_trget3 = 'mod2_pat';
        my_trget4 = 'mod2_act';
        alert('test audio ok');
    if(to_value1 == "img_tex"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = 'tablを選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_iort_div4;
        my_trget5 = 'tabl1_pat';
        alert('test img_tex ok');
    if(to_value1 == "text_only"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = 'textを選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_txt_div5;
        my_trget6 = 'text_pat';
        alert('test text ok');}
    if(to_value1 == "all"){    
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '全てを選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_img_div1+'<br>'+in_vdo_div2+in_aud_div3+in_iort_div4+'<br>'+in_txt_div5;
        my_trget = 'mod0_pat';
        my_trget1 = 'mod1_pat';
        my_trget2 = 'mod1_act';
        my_trget3 = 'mod2_pat';
        my_trget4 = 'mod2_act';
        my_trget5 = 'tabl1_pat';
        my_trget6 = 'text_pat';
        alert('test all ok');    
    if(to_value1 == "none"){
        document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = '選択してください。';

    pop3_delet.style.value = "this_del";
    pop3_delet.style.border = "3px solid #a00";

const select1 = document.getElementById('mo_size');
select1.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
    selectValue.innerHTML = to_value1+" "+e.target.value;
    to_value2 = e.target.value;
    my_ste.innerHTML = to_value2;



//pop3_dis_chnge(to_value1);patan 0;image
function chege_div_0() {
    let select2 = document.getElementById(my_trget);
    let selectValue2 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste1');
    if (my_trget == 'mod0_pat'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value3;
        selectValue2.innerHTML = to_value3;
        select2.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue2.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value3 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value3;
            my_ste.innerHTML = to_value3;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select2 is null";
    // 処理をする
    if(to_value3 == "none"){
        document.getElementById('mod_t1').value = '';
        document.getElementById('mod_t2').value = '';

}//patan 1;video
function chege_div_1() {
    let select3 = document.getElementById(my_trget1);
    let selectValue3 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste2');
    if (my_trget1 == 'mod1_pat'){        
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value4;
        selectValue3.innerHTML = to_value4;
        select3.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue3.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value4 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value4;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select3 is null";
function chege_div_1_2() {
    let select4 = document.getElementById(my_trget2);
    let selectValue4 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste3');
    if (my_trget2 == 'mod1_act'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value5;
        selectValue4.innerHTML = to_value5;
        select4.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue4.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value5 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value5;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select4 is null";
}//patan 2;audio;

function chege_div_2() {
    let select5 = document.getElementById(my_trget3);
    let selectValue5 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste4');
    if (my_trget3 == 'mod2_pat'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value6;
        selectValue5.innerHTML = to_value6;
        select5.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue5.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value6 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value6;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select5 is null";
function chege_div_2_2() {
    let select6 = document.getElementById(my_trget4);
    let selectValue6 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste5');
    if (my_trget4 == 'mod2_act'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value7;
        selectValue6.innerHTML = to_value7;
        select6.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue6.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value7 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value7;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select6 is null";
}//patan 3;tabl
function chege_div_3() {
    let select7 = document.getElementById('tabl1_pat');
    let selectValue7 = document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste6');
    if(my_trget5 == 'tabl1_pat'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value8;
        selectValue7.innerHTML = to_value8;
        select7.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue7.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value8 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value8;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select7 is null";
}//patan 4;text
var test_flag = 0;
var test_flag2 = "0";
function chege_div_4() {
    test_flag +=1;
    let select8 = document.getElementById('text_pat');
    if(my_trget6 == 'text_pat'){
        my_ste.innerHTML = to_value9;
      //  selectValue8.innerHTML = "text_1";//to_value9;
    if(select8){  //eイベントは起こしたら自動的に発生するので、nullの場合は発発生する。。
        select8.addEventListener('change', (e) => {       
            selectValue8.innerHTML = e.target.value;
            to_value9 = e.target.value;
            document.getElementById('my3_pop_ste0').innerHTML = to_value9;
        my_ste.innerHTML = "select8 is null";
// pop3 faile select1,2
function mod_fail_1(my_Rnafil_0){ //ファイル名を取得
    my_Rnafi_pop3_1 = my_Rnafil_0;
    document.getElementById('errmessage3').innerHTML = 'checkし'+my_Rnafi_pop3_1+'ました。';
    //document.getElementById('my_01').value = '<img src="./imge/man1_1.png" width="200px" height="200px" alt="is not">';
    //ファイルがない時はis not!! にする。拡張子が合わないのに次をするのはどうかと思う。 
    if(my_Rnafi_pop3_1.startsWith("C\:\\fakepath\\")){ //ファイル名の先頭がC:\fakepath\で始まるか
        my_Rnafi_pop3_1 = my_Rnafi_pop3_1.replace(/C\:\\fakepath\\/gm, 'imge/');
       // alert('ファイル名を変更しました');
        my_Rnafi_pop3_1 = 'imge/'+def_fop3_mp4; //違っていたら借り入れしてみゆ。
    // if (my_Rnafi_pop3_1.startsWith("(\./)?imge/")){ //ファイル名の先頭がimge/で始まるか}
    if(my_Rnafi_pop3_1.match(/.+\.(mp4)$/gm)){ //ファイル名の最後がmp4で終わるか 1文字以上の文字列の後に.があり、mp4のいずれかで終わる
      //  alert('ファイル一致しました');
        document.getElementById('errmessage3').innerHTML = my_Rnafi_pop3_1;

function mod_fail_2(my_Rnafil_1){ //ファイル名を取得
    my_Rnafi_pop3_2 = my_Rnafil_1;
    document.getElementById('errmessage4').innerHTML = 'checkし'+my_Rnafi_pop3_2+'ました。';
    //document.getElementById('my_01').value = '<img src="./imge/man1_1.png" width="200px" height="200px" alt="is not">';
    //ファイルがない時はis not!! にする。拡張子が合わないのに次をするのはどうかと思う。 
    if(my_Rnafi_pop3_2.startsWith("C\:\\fakepath\\")){ //ファイル名の先頭がC:\fakepath\で始まるか
        my_Rnafi_pop3_2 = my_Rnafi_pop3_2.replace(/C\:\\fakepath\\/gm, 'voise/');
        my_Rnafi_pop3_2 = 'voise'+def_fop3_mp3; //違っていたら借り入れしてみゆ。
    // if (my_Rnafi_pop3_2.startsWith("(\./)?voise/")){ //ファイル名の先頭がvoise/で始まるか}
    if(my_Rnafi_pop3_2.match(/.+\.(mp3|wav)$/gm)){ //ファイル名の最後がmp3,wavで終わるか 1文字以上の文字列の後に.があり、mp3,wavのいずれかで終わる
        document.getElementById('errmessage4').innerHTML = my_Rnafi_pop3_2;
/// pop3 end 処理 work
/*               */
function pop3_work() {
    alert('test pop3_w');
    if(to_value1 == "all" || to_value1 == "none"){
        alert('it 1 selct please.');
    //    return;
    document.getElementById('mod_s').innerHTML = 'textを選択しました。'+to_value2+'<br>'+in_txt_div5;
    my_trget6 = 'text_pat';
function pop3_del() {
    pop3_my_del = pop3_delet.style.value;//なんか動いていたぞ
    if(pop3_my_del == "del_ok"){
        pop3_delet.style.value = "this_del";
        pop3_delet.style.border = "3px solid #a00";
        // ここで消す

        pop3_delet.style.value = "del_ok";
        pop3_delet.style.border = "6px solid #f00";


/*  // 再生
/*  // 一時停止
function stp0() { // クリヤー0
function stp1() { //セットカウンター
    my_n = document.getElementById('step').value;
    if(my_n < 0 || my_n > readlin.length-1){
function stp2() { // プロセスタイマーセット
    var my_tim = document.getElementById('my_you_dis').value;
    if(readlin.length == 0){
    var l_end = readlin.length-1;
    var linein_arr_e = readlin[l_end].split("/*");
    var nambring_e = linein_arr_e[0].replace(/\/\//g, "");
    alert('my_tim='+my_tim+' nambring_e='+nambring_e);
    if(my_tim =="00"){my_tim = -2;}
    if(my_tim < -2 || my_tim > nambring_e){ //-2のセット以下は無い
    my_n = 0;
        my_n +=1;    
        if(my_n > readlin.length-1){
function stp3() { // Play

let cont_pous = false;
function stp4() { // pause
    cont_pous = true;

function step_up() {
    // alert('test up');
    if(my_n == readlin.length-1){
        my_n +=1;
function step_down() {
    // alert('test down');
    if(my_n == 0){
        my_n -=1;
function step_end() {
    // alert('test end');
    my_n = readlin.length-1;
// mster ruutin
function step_to() {
    document.getElementById('step').value = my_n;    
    // fomat (//no[0]/*name[1]/*id[2])(/*x[3]/*y[4]/*|w[5]/*h[6]/*)(script[7])(/*comment[8]*/);9要素
    linein_arr_n = readlin[my_n].split("/*");
    var nambring = linein_arr_n[0].replace(/\/\//g, "");
   // console.log(nambring); // "This is a  comment."
    document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value = nambring;
    if(linein_arr_n.length == 10 || linein_arr_n == 9 || linein_arr_n.length == 7){
        document.getElementById('my_you_dis').innerHTML ='要素数 '+ linein_arr_n.length;
        document.getElementById('my_you_dis').innerHTML = '<font color="red"><b>'+'要素数 '+linein_arr_n.length+'</b></font>';
    document.getElementById('in_work').value = '//'+nambring+'/*'+linein_arr_n[1]+'/*'+linein_arr_n[2];
    document.getElementById('in_work2').value = '/*'+linein_arr_n[3]+'/*'+linein_arr_n[4]+'/*';
    if(linein_arr_n.length >= 9){
        if(linein_arr_n.length == 9){
            document.getElementById('in_work2').value += linein_arr_n[5]+linein_arr_n[6];
            if(linein_arr_n.length == 10){
                document.getElementById('in_work2').value += linein_arr_n[5]+'/*'+linein_arr_n[6]+'/*'+linein_arr_n[7]+'/*';
                yobi_arr = linein_arr_n[7].split("*");
        } //後ろから二つ見ている       
    document.getElementById('in_value').value = linein_arr_n[linein_arr_n.length-2];
    var comring = linein_arr_n[linein_arr_n.length-1].replace(/\*\//g, "");
    document.getElementById('in_come').value = '/*'+comring+'*/';
    // in_work + in_value + in_come = readlin[my_n]
function step_ok() {  //セット上書き
    alert('test ok');
    let my_no_in = document.getElementById('step').value;
    let in_wor1 = document.getElementById('in_work').value;
    let in_wor2 = document.getElementById('in_work2').value;
    let in_valu = document.getElementById('in_value').value;
    let in_come = document.getElementById('in_come').value;
    in_come = in_come.replace(/\/\*/g, "");
    in_come = in_come.replace(/\*\//g, "");
    in_come = "/*"+in_come+"*/";
    readlin[my_no_in] = in_wor1 + in_wor2 + in_valu + in_come; 
function step_del() {  //削除
    alert('test del');
    let in_wor1 = document.getElementById('in_work').value;
    let in_wor2 = document.getElementById('in_work2').value;
    let in_valu = document.getElementById('in_value').value;
    let in_come = document.getElementById('in_come').value;
    let my_tim = document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value;
    if(in_wor1 =='//'+my_tim+'/*/*' && in_wor2 == '/*/*/*/*/*/*' && in_valu == '' && in_come == '/**/'){
        my_n = document.getElementById('step').value;
        if(my_n == readlin.length-1){
            if(my_n == 0){
          //  alert('最後の行ではありません。');
            var ii = 0;            
            for(var i = 0; i < readlin.length; i++){
                if(ii >= my_n) {
                    var iii =ii+1;
                    readlin[ii] = readlin[iii];
                ii +=1;               
        document.getElementById('in_work').value = '//'+my_tim+'/*/*';
        document.getElementById('in_work2').value = '/*/*/*/*/*/*';
        document.getElementById('in_value').value = '';
        document.getElementById('in_come').value = '/**/';
let no_step = 0; //数字にしておく
function step_ins() {  //挿入
    alert('test ins');
    no_step = document.getElementById('step').value;
    my_tim = document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value;
    alert('1st '+readlin.length+' '+readlin[readlin.length-1]+' '+my_tim);
    let tmp_my_n = readlin.length[readlin.length-1];
    alert('2nd '+readlin.length+' '+readlin[readlin.length-1]+' '+my_tim);
    for(var i = readlin.length-1; i > no_step; i--){
        readlin[i] = readlin[i-1];
    readlin[no_step] = '//'+my_tim+'/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/**/'; 
    my_n = no_step;
function step_add() {  //追加
    alert('test add');
    var my_tim = document.getElementById('my_tim_dis').value;
    var my_tim1 = 0;
    if(my_tim != '00' && my_tim > -4 && isNaN(my_tim)==false){
        my_tim1 = parseInt(my_tim);
        my_tim1 +=1;
        my_tim = String(my_tim1);    
        my_tim = '00';
    my_n = readlin.length-1;
let rook_bol = false;
function rook_c() {
    if(rook_bol == false){
        rook_bol = true;
        rook_bol = false;
function rook_c_go(rook_bol) {
    let box_1 = document.querySelector("#box01");
    let box_1_2 = document.querySelector("#box01_2");
    let box_2 = document.querySelector("#box02");
    let box_2_2 = document.querySelector("#box02_2");
    let box_3 = document.querySelector("#box03");
    let box_3_2 = document.querySelector("#box03_2");
    let box_4 = document.querySelector("#box04");
    let box_4_1 = document.querySelector("#box04_01");
    let box_5 = document.querySelector("#box05");
    if (rook_bol == true){ 
        box_1.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_1_2.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_2.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_2_2.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_3.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_3_2.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_4.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_4_1.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_5.style.position = 'absolute';
        box_1.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_1_2.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_2.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_2_2.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_3.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_3_2.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_4.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_4_1.style.position = 'fixed';
        box_5.style.position = 'fixed';  


// ここまでで、配列に入れることができる。テキスターに入れることができる。後は他の書き込みの処理をするだけ。pythonでの処理をするだけ。
// 2021/04/16
/* end pop_up 2 */
function Pause() {
    alert('test Pause');
    var video1 = document.getElementById('my1_1');//video1再生areaにおいてないplayしていない。
    var audio1 = document.getElementById('audio1');
    var audio2 = document.getElementById('audio2');
    var audio3 = document.getElementById('audio3');

let t_2_up = false;
function t_2_up_time() {
    t_2_up = true;

function my_demo_play() {
    alert('test play');
    t_2_up = false;
    timerId_1 = setInterval('my_play_on()', intrtim_1);
function step_editer() {
    myelement10[0].checked = true;//pop_up1
    myelement30[0].checked = true;//pop_up3

// 2024/04/23

function my_play_on() {
    alert('test play');
    if(t_2_up == false){
        alert('test play 2');
        timerId_2 = setInterval('t_2_up_time()', intrtim_2);
        my_n = 0;
        if (element_check() == true){return;}
        if ( play_00() == true){return;}
        my_n +=1; // time -2が最低StartTime
        // これで//00が終わっている
    if (my_n > readlin.length-1){
    if(element_check() == true){return;}

alert('まだできていないわ my_play_on()');
my_n +=1;
if(element_check() == true){

    if (my_n == no_in && mycount == no_in && cont_pous == false) {
    	while(my_n == no_in){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("imge")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("oudi")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("vido")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("text")){
// 未使用設定になる
            my_n +=1;
            if(element_check() == true){

function element_check() {
    var line_in_arr = readlin[my_n].split("/*");
    var no_in = line_in_arr[0].replace(/\/\//g, "");
    if(!(line_in_arr.length == 10 || line_in_arr == 9 || line_in_arr.length == 7)){
        return true;


function play_00() {
    alert('まだできていないわ play_00()');
    my_n +=1;
    if(element_check() == true){
        return true;
    if (my_n == no_in) {
    	while(my_n == no_in){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("imge")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("oudi")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("vido")){
            if (line_in_arr[1].startsWith("text")){
// 未使用設定になる
            my_n +=1;
            if(element_check() == true){
                return true;

function Stato1() {
    alert('test Stato1');
    if (demo_on == true) {
        alert('test Stato1_1');

    if(v_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="'+v_url+'" stop-play width="640"></video>';// muted
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = '1<br><audio src="'+a1_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio2').innerHTML = '2<br><audio src="'+a2_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio3').innerHTML = '3<br><audio src="'+a3_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';

    mycount = -3;
    tim_end = false;
    if (video_voise_on) {
        document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video src="imge/una00.mp4" width="640" autoplay></video>'; 
    }else {
        document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video src="imge/una00.mp4" width="640" muted autoplay></video>';
    if (audio_voise_on) {
        document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = 'una_kiruna<br><audio controls src="voise/una_321.wav" autoplay></audio>';
    } else {
        document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = 'una_kiruna<br><audio controls src="voise/una_321.wav" muted autoplay></audio>';
    timerId = setInterval('mytfunc()', intrtim);

let bol_mymy = "false";
function mytfunc() {

    // 訳の分らん割り込みが発生している
        mycount += 1;
 //   alert('リード'+String(mycount));
    if (mycount == 0) {
     //   document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="imge/una00.mp4" width="640" autoplay muted></video>';// muted
        // document.querySelector('#audio0').innerHTML = `${puleymiu} ${mykyoku}<br><audio controls src="voise/myout2_0.wav" type="audio/wev" autoplay></audio>`;//myout2_0 // una_kiruna
        a2_url = "voise/myout2_0.wav";
        document.querySelector('#audio2').innerHTML = puleymiu+" "+mykyoku+'<br><audio controls src="voise/myout2_0.wav" '+a_muted+'autoplay></audio>';

		document.querySelector('#img_viw1').innerHTML = '<img src="imge/man2_1.png" width="100" height="128">';
		document.querySelector('#my3_1').innerHTML = '<img src="imge/man2_1.png" width="100" height="128">';

    if (mycount == 8) {
       // alert('5==5');終わった後なんで出てくるんや。
        document.querySelector('#my4_1').innerHTML = ' <font size="7" color="#f0f">あ</font><font size="1">っ</font><mark class="mk2"><font size="3">かわった</font></mark> ';
	if(mycount == 9){
		document.querySelector('#video2').innerHTML = '<video controls src="imge/rec_2023_07_30_1.mp4" width="256"></video>';// muted
    if (mycount == 12) { //プリロード\\\\ stop-play v_url = "imge/una00.mp4";
         document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="'+v_url+'" stop-play width="640"></video>';// muted
         v_url = "imge/rec_2023_07_30_1.mp4";
        document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="imge/rec_2023_07_30_1.mp4" width="640"' + v_muted + 'autoplay></video>';// muted
    if (mycount == 20) {

        document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = puleymiu + " " + mykyoku +'<br><audio controls src="voise/una_kiruna.wav" '+a_muted+'autoplay></audio>';
   if (mycount == 25) {
        document.querySelector('#my4_1').innerHTML = ' 男を、<br>いつ変えた? ';    
   if (mycount == 26) {
        document.querySelector('#my4_2').innerHTML = ' 鈴木と申します。 ';    

    if (mycount == 610) { //タイムアウト
        tim_end = true;

	if(mycount >= 0){
		let sec = mycount;
		let hour = Math.floor(sec / 3600);
		let min = Math.floor(sec % 3600 / 60);
		let rem = sec % 60;
		document.querySelector('#my5d6').innerHTML = " " + mycount.toString().padStart(4, '0')+'<font size="2"><br> '+`${hour}:${min}:${rem}`+'</font>';//("00000" + num1).slice(-5);`${hour}時間${min}分${rem}秒`
		document.querySelector('#my5d6').innerHTML = " " + mycount.toString().padStart(4, '0')+'<font size="2"><br> 0:0:0</font>';
    if (mycount > maxtime) {
         tim_end = true;

    if (tim_end==true) {
        bol_mymy = "true";
    } else {
        bol_mymy = "false";

 //   alert(bol_mymy); 
    if (tim_end==true) {
        mycount = 0;
      //  alert('終わり' + String(mycount));

  //  clearInterval(timerId);


function it_test2(test) {
 //   document.querySelector('#my6_1').innerHTML = 'あいうえお';
    document.querySelector('#my_in_a_text').innerHTML = test + 'あいうえお';

function Relode() {

function Re_Stato() {
    //  alert('fast');
    if (demo_on == true) {
        alert('test Stato1_1');
        // 仮入れ

    if(v_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#my1_1').innerHTML = '<video controls src="'+v_url+'" stop-play width="640"></video>';// muted
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio1').innerHTML = '1<br><audio src="'+a1_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio2').innerHTML = '2<br><audio src="'+a2_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';
    if(a1_url !=""){
        document.querySelector('#audio3').innerHTML = '3<br><audio src="'+a3_url+'" controls stop-play></audio>';

    mystrto();   //これで何で動くのかが理解出来ていない。



// text_read();  //一回だけ実行してやれば常駐して消すまで有効に成る 毎回実行すると得られない。
//let this_file = "";
function text_read() {
    var obj1 = document.getElementById("selfile");

    obj1.addEventListener("change", function(evt) { //"change"
        var file = evt.target.files;
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function(ev) {
            document.myfile.texta.value = reader.result;

        reader.onerror = function(e) {
            var errmes = new Array(
            var obj2 = document.getElementById("errmessage");
            obj2.innerHTML = errmes[reader.error];// obj2.innerHTML = errmes[reader.error.code];

    }, false);

//              form end
function read() {
    let redotext = document.querySelector('#mytextr').value;
    if (redotext == "") { return; }
    // document.querySelector('#mfl').innerHTML = redotext.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
    //   let readlin = [];  let readlin  先頭へ持って行った
    readlin[0] = '';
    let ii = 0;	
    for (let i = 0; i < redotext.length; i++) {
        if (!redotext[i].includes('\n')) {
            readlin[ii] += redotext[i];
        } else {
            readlin[ii] = '';
  //  redotext = redotext.replace(/<br>|&lt;br&gt;/g, "\n"); text<br>使うtextr内は<br>は"<br>"として出る改行は"\n"とし改行は\nである。
    readlin = redotext.split('\n');
    //document.querySelector('#mfl').innerHTML = readlin;
    let element_txt = document.getElementById('mytextr2');
    element_txt.value = readlin.join('<br>');




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