Qiita×Findy記事投稿キャンペーン 「自分のエンジニアとしてのキャリアを振り返ろう!」


Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-11


Hyper(上位語) HypoI(劣等下位語) HypoS(優等下位語) 実用例
アスリート ビリヤード選手 サッカー選手
タレント 手タレ Aマッソ
芸能人 芸人 タレント さらば青春の光
役者 AV男優 さらば青春の光
学者 ジェンダー学者 物理学者
ミュージシャン ベーシスト ギタリスト ニューヨーク
バーテンダー ぼったくりバーのバーテンダー (ライス, ファイヤーサンダー)

本記事ではHypoIを(Hyper or HypoS)と対比するタイプのコントを「HypoIS型」と呼ぶ。コントの種類の内、HypoIS型コントはかなり自動化しやすい部類だと考える。

#Tom = a minor billiards pro player
#Matt = a famous soccer pro player
#Professional billiard players are certainly athletes in a narrow sense, but they are not athletes in a broad sense.
#In what situations would Tom find himself in an awkward situation because he is an athlete in an unpopular sport? Add it in the list.
    'Tom is invited to a talk show where athletes gather, but learns that all the guests except him are athletes from popular sports.'
    'Tom is called to the lecture as a substitute for Matt.'
    'In a death game that requires physical ability, Tom is asked by other participants, "You are an athlete, are not you?" and is relied on.'
    'At the party Tom is about to go to, there is a commotion that "an athlete is coming."'
    'Tom tries to use the "athlete discount" at a restaurant.']


    "Tom tries to join a gym's 'athletes only' training program."
    "At a party, Tom's friends make a fuss about him and say, 'He's a famous athlete.'"
    "Tom is on a date and mentions he's a professional athlete. His date is impressed, picturing a muscular football player."
    "Tom is asked to fill out a form that asks for his favorite sport. Billiards isn't listed, and there's no 'other' option."
    "Tom wins a major billiards tournament and posts excitedly on social media. The post gets very few likes and comments compared to his friends' posts about mainstream sports."
    "Tom tries to follow famous athletes on social media, but none of them follow billiards players back."
    "Tom is walking down the street wearing his sponsor's logo (a billiards brand). Someone excitedly approaches him, then looks disappointed upon realizing it's not a popular sport."
    "Tom is at a sporting goods store looking for new equipment. The salesperson keeps trying to direct him to the wrong section, not understanding what billiards is."
    "Tom is explaining his sport to someone at a bar. They interrupt him mid-sentence, assuming it's just a pool game played at parties."
    'Tom receives a gift basket from a well-meaning relative. Inside is a bunch of merchandise for a sport he doesn\'t follow, all because the relative Googled "popular athlete gifts."'
    "Tom is on a business trip and needs to expense his gym membership. He explains it's for maintaining his fitness as a billiards player, but his boss raises an eyebrow, questioning the legitimacy of the expense."
    "Tom is hired to do a promotional event at a sporting goods store. He arrives to find a poorly made billiards table and a confused audience expecting a demonstration of a different sport."
    "Tom is traveling to a billiards tournament overseas. At customs, he struggles to explain his profession to a skeptical border officer who doesn't believe billiards is a real sport."#good situation
    "Tom is watching a children's cartoon. One of the characters mentions wanting to be a professional billiards player when they grow up. Tom is touched by the unexpected recognition, but also a little worried about the character's future career prospects."
    "Low-Budget Billiards: Tom gets sponsored by a local sporting goods store. The ad campaign features him awkwardly posing next to discount exercise equipment."#good situation
    "Documentary Disaster: Tom agrees to participate in a documentary about the 'dying art' of billiards. The filmmakers portray him as a lonely relic of a forgotten sport."
    "Civic Center Challenge: Tom volunteers to teach billiards to a group of senior citizens at the local community center. He quickly realizes they're all much better than him."

HypoIS型コントでは、場にいる主体(A or B)が、HypoIという職業を(Hyper or HypoS)と対比する≒罵る。



George CarlinのスタンダップコメディをAIで生成したエンジニアに対して遺族が不快感を示して大きなニュースになっていた。今日AI generated family guyのYoutubeチャンネルがまあまあのインプレッションを集めている。この前 全米脚本家協会のストで、シンプソンズの脚本家が「AIに脚本を書かせるな!」というプラカードを掲げていて、そこにはフリンク教授のイラストが添えられていた。




orob, ofstringは人力で収集して整形してコーパスにすれば、容易に「お笑いコパイロット」の部品にできる。


たとえば英語圏のコメディにおける'He uses Z as Y'という内容を婉曲表現するタイプのジョークは、まさにオブジェクト指向なコメディの典型だ。
上記ジェネレータに何か入力してみれば、'He uses Z as Y'という内容を婉曲表現するタイプのジョークについては、英語を理解している人々のマンパワーさえあれば、そのかなりの部分が自動化可能である事がわかると思う。
英語圏のコメディをほとんど見ていない日本人が、今まで見てきた'He uses Z as Y'という内容のジョークを記憶から引っ張り出して、それをofstring化しただけでこれだけのバリエーションのものを生成できるのだから。



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