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Emmet CSS主要プロパティ省略パターンまとめ

Last updated at Posted at 2018-11-28


省略文字 展開後
d display: block;
w width: ;
h height: ;
m margin: ;
p padding: ;
c color: #000;
t top: ;
b bottom: ;
l left: ;
r right: ;
z z-index: ;


省略文字 展開後
ff font-family: ;
ta text-align: ;
lh line-height: ;
ls letter-spacing: ;
mb margin-bottom: ;
td text-decoration: none;


省略文字 展開後
fl float: left;
cl clear: both;
ov overflow: ;
op opacity: ;
pos position: relative;
lis list-style: ;


省略文字 展開後
bd border: ;
bg background: ;
bgc background-color: ;
cnt content: ;
bdrs border-radius: ;
bxz box-sizing: border-box;
trs transition: prop time;

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Delete article

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