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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-07











import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import numpy as np

from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

wine_data_set = pd.read_csv("winequality-red.csv",sep=";",header=0)

setsumei = DataFrame(wine_data_set.drop("quality",axis=1))

mokuteki = DataFrame(wine_data_set["quality"])

setsumei_train,setsumei_test,mokuteki_train,mokuteki_test = train_test_split(setsumei,mokuteki,test_size=0.3)
print("-----説明変数 訓練データ--------")
print("-----説明変数 テストデータ--------")
print("-----目的変数 訓練データ--------")
print("-----目的変数 テストデータ--------")
   fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
0            7.4              0.70         0.00             1.9      0.076   
1            7.8              0.88         0.00             2.6      0.098   
2            7.8              0.76         0.04             2.3      0.092   
3           11.2              0.28         0.56             1.9      0.075   
4            7.4              0.70         0.00             1.9      0.076   

   free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
0                 11.0                  34.0   0.9978  3.51       0.56   
1                 25.0                  67.0   0.9968  3.20       0.68   
2                 15.0                  54.0   0.9970  3.26       0.65   
3                 17.0                  60.0   0.9980  3.16       0.58   
4                 11.0                  34.0   0.9978  3.51       0.56   

   alcohol  quality  
0      9.4        5  
1      9.8        5  
2      9.8        5  
3      9.8        6  
4      9.4        5  
0        5
1        5
2        5
3        6
4        5
5        5
6        5
7        7
8        7
9        5
   fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
0            7.4              0.70         0.00             1.9      0.076   
1            7.8              0.88         0.00             2.6      0.098   
2            7.8              0.76         0.04             2.3      0.092   
3           11.2              0.28         0.56             1.9      0.075   
4            7.4              0.70         0.00             1.9      0.076   
5            7.4              0.66         0.00             1.8      0.075   
6            7.9              0.60         0.06             1.6      0.069   
7            7.3              0.65         0.00             1.2      0.065   
8            7.8              0.58         0.02             2.0      0.073   
9            7.5              0.50         0.36             6.1      0.071   

   free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
0                 11.0                  34.0   0.9978  3.51       0.56   
1                 25.0                  67.0   0.9968  3.20       0.68   
2                 15.0                  54.0   0.9970  3.26       0.65   
3                 17.0                  60.0   0.9980  3.16       0.58   
4                 11.0                  34.0   0.9978  3.51       0.56   
5                 13.0                  40.0   0.9978  3.51       0.56   
6                 15.0                  59.0   0.9964  3.30       0.46   
7                 15.0                  21.0   0.9946  3.39       0.47   
8                  9.0                  18.0   0.9968  3.36       0.57   
9                 17.0                 102.0   0.9978  3.35       0.80   

0      9.4  
1      9.8  
2      9.8  
3      9.8  
4      9.4  
5      9.4  
6      9.4  
7     10.0  
8      9.5  
9     10.5  

-----説明変数 訓練データ--------
(1119, 11)
      fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
28              7.1              0.71         0.00             1.9      0.080   
938             7.2              0.38         0.38             2.8      0.068   
1150            8.2              0.33         0.32             2.8      0.067   
1454           11.7              0.45         0.63             2.2      0.073   
582            11.7              0.49         0.49             2.2      0.083   

      free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
28                   14.0                  35.0  0.99720  3.47       0.55   
938                  23.0                  42.0  0.99356  3.34       0.72   
1150                  4.0                  12.0  0.99473  3.30       0.76   
1454                  7.0                  23.0  0.99974  3.21       0.69   
582                   5.0                  15.0  1.00000  3.19       0.43   

28        9.4  
938      12.9  
1150     12.8  
1454     10.9  
582       9.2 
-----説明変数 テストデータ--------
(480, 11)
      fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
1173            7.6              0.36         0.31             1.7      0.079   
398            11.5              0.59         0.59             2.6      0.087   
805             8.2              0.28         0.40             2.4      0.052   
1416           10.0              0.32         0.59             2.2      0.077   
14              8.9              0.62         0.18             3.8      0.176   

      free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
1173                 26.0                  65.0  0.99716  3.46       0.62   
398                  13.0                  49.0  0.99880  3.18       0.65   
805                   4.0                  10.0  0.99356  3.33       0.70   
1416                  3.0                  15.0  0.99940  3.20       0.78   
14                   52.0                 145.0  0.99860  3.16       0.88   

1173      9.5  
398      11.0  
805      12.8  
1416      9.6  
14        9.2
-----目的変数 訓練データ--------
(480, 1)
      fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
1173            7.6              0.36         0.31             1.7      0.079   
398            11.5              0.59         0.59             2.6      0.087   
805             8.2              0.28         0.40             2.4      0.052   
1416           10.0              0.32         0.59             2.2      0.077   
14              8.9              0.62         0.18             3.8      0.176   

      free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
1173                 26.0                  65.0  0.99716  3.46       0.62   
398                  13.0                  49.0  0.99880  3.18       0.65   
805                   4.0                  10.0  0.99356  3.33       0.70   
1416                  3.0                  15.0  0.99940  3.20       0.78   
14                   52.0                 145.0  0.99860  3.16       0.88   

1173      9.5  
398      11.0  
805      12.8  
1416      9.6  
14        9.2  

-----目的変数 テストデータ--------
(1119, 1)
28          5
938         7
1150        7
1454        6
582         5


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