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Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-25
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(height/2)+8, (height/2)] = True


int(height/2)+8, int(height/2)] = True


print "%1.1f" % (100/(endTime-startTime)), 'frames per second'


print ("%1.1f" % (100/(endTime-startTime)), 'frames per second')


python Lattice_Boltzman.py


import numpy
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.animation

# Define constants:
height = 80							# lattice dimensions
width = 200
viscosity = 0.02					# fluid viscosity
omega = 1 / (3*viscosity + 0.5)		# "relaxation" parameter
u0 = 0.1							# initial and in-flow speed
four9ths = 4.0/9.0					# abbreviations for lattice-Boltzmann weight factors
one9th   = 1.0/9.0
one36th  = 1.0/36.0
performanceData = False				# set to True if performance data is desired

# Initialize all the arrays to steady rightward flow:
n0 = four9ths * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 1.5*u0**2)	# particle densities along 9 directions
nN = one9th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 1.5*u0**2)
nS = one9th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 1.5*u0**2)
nE = one9th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
nW = one9th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
nNE = one36th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
nSE = one36th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
nNW = one36th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
nSW = one36th * (numpy.ones((height,width)) - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
rho = n0 + nN + nS + nE + nW + nNE + nSE + nNW + nSW		# macroscopic density
ux = (nE + nNE + nSE - nW - nNW - nSW) / rho				# macroscopic x velocity
uy = (nN + nNE + nNW - nS - nSE - nSW) / rho				# macroscopic y velocity

# Initialize barriers:
barrier = numpy.zeros((height,width), bool)					# True wherever there's a barrier
barrier[int(height/2)-8:int(height/2)+8, int(height/2)] = True			# simple linear barrier
barrierN = numpy.roll(barrier,  1, axis=0)					# sites just north of barriers
barrierS = numpy.roll(barrier, -1, axis=0)					# sites just south of barriers
barrierE = numpy.roll(barrier,  1, axis=1)					# etc.
barrierW = numpy.roll(barrier, -1, axis=1)
barrierNE = numpy.roll(barrierN,  1, axis=1)
barrierNW = numpy.roll(barrierN, -1, axis=1)
barrierSE = numpy.roll(barrierS,  1, axis=1)
barrierSW = numpy.roll(barrierS, -1, axis=1)

# Move all particles by one step along their directions of motion (pbc):
def stream():
	global nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW
	nN  = numpy.roll(nN,   1, axis=0)	# axis 0 is north-south; + direction is north
	nNE = numpy.roll(nNE,  1, axis=0)
	nNW = numpy.roll(nNW,  1, axis=0)
	nS  = numpy.roll(nS,  -1, axis=0)
	nSE = numpy.roll(nSE, -1, axis=0)
	nSW = numpy.roll(nSW, -1, axis=0)
	nE  = numpy.roll(nE,   1, axis=1)	# axis 1 is east-west; + direction is east
	nNE = numpy.roll(nNE,  1, axis=1)
	nSE = numpy.roll(nSE,  1, axis=1)
	nW  = numpy.roll(nW,  -1, axis=1)
	nNW = numpy.roll(nNW, -1, axis=1)
	nSW = numpy.roll(nSW, -1, axis=1)
	# Use tricky boolean arrays to handle barrier collisions (bounce-back):
	nN[barrierN] = nS[barrier]
	nS[barrierS] = nN[barrier]
	nE[barrierE] = nW[barrier]
	nW[barrierW] = nE[barrier]
	nNE[barrierNE] = nSW[barrier]
	nNW[barrierNW] = nSE[barrier]
	nSE[barrierSE] = nNW[barrier]
	nSW[barrierSW] = nNE[barrier]
# Collide particles within each cell to redistribute velocities (could be optimized a little more):
def collide():
	global rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW
	rho = n0 + nN + nS + nE + nW + nNE + nSE + nNW + nSW
	ux = (nE + nNE + nSE - nW - nNW - nSW) / rho
	uy = (nN + nNE + nNW - nS - nSE - nSW) / rho
	ux2 = ux * ux				# pre-compute terms used repeatedly...
	uy2 = uy * uy
	u2 = ux2 + uy2
	omu215 = 1 - 1.5*u2			# "one minus u2 times 1.5"
	uxuy = ux * uy
	n0 = (1-omega)*n0 + omega * four9ths * rho * omu215
	nN = (1-omega)*nN + omega * one9th * rho * (omu215 + 3*uy + 4.5*uy2)
	nS = (1-omega)*nS + omega * one9th * rho * (omu215 - 3*uy + 4.5*uy2)
	nE = (1-omega)*nE + omega * one9th * rho * (omu215 + 3*ux + 4.5*ux2)
	nW = (1-omega)*nW + omega * one9th * rho * (omu215 - 3*ux + 4.5*ux2)
	nNE = (1-omega)*nNE + omega * one36th * rho * (omu215 + 3*(ux+uy) + 4.5*(u2+2*uxuy))
	nNW = (1-omega)*nNW + omega * one36th * rho * (omu215 + 3*(-ux+uy) + 4.5*(u2-2*uxuy))
	nSE = (1-omega)*nSE + omega * one36th * rho * (omu215 + 3*(ux-uy) + 4.5*(u2-2*uxuy))
	nSW = (1-omega)*nSW + omega * one36th * rho * (omu215 + 3*(-ux-uy) + 4.5*(u2+2*uxuy))
	# Force steady rightward flow at ends (no need to set 0, N, and S components):
	nE[:,0] = one9th * (1 + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
	nW[:,0] = one9th * (1 - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
	nNE[:,0] = one36th * (1 + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
	nSE[:,0] = one36th * (1 + 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
	nNW[:,0] = one36th * (1 - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)
	nSW[:,0] = one36th * (1 - 3*u0 + 4.5*u0**2 - 1.5*u0**2)

# Compute curl of the macroscopic velocity field:
def curl(ux, uy):
	return numpy.roll(uy,-1,axis=1) - numpy.roll(uy,1,axis=1) - numpy.roll(ux,-1,axis=0) + numpy.roll(ux,1,axis=0)

# Here comes the graphics and animation...
theFig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8,3))
fluidImage = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(curl(ux, uy), origin='lower', norm=matplotlib.pyplot.Normalize(-.1,.1), 
									cmap=matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none')
		# See http://www.loria.fr/~rougier/teaching/matplotlib/#colormaps for other cmap options
bImageArray = numpy.zeros((height, width, 4), numpy.uint8)	# an RGBA image
bImageArray[barrier,3] = 255								# set alpha=255 only at barrier sites
barrierImage = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(bImageArray, origin='lower', interpolation='none')

# Function called for each successive animation frame:
startTime = time.clock()
#frameList = open('frameList.txt','w')		# file containing list of images (to make movie)
def nextFrame(arg):							# (arg is the frame number, which we don't need)
	global startTime
	if performanceData and (arg%100 == 0) and (arg > 0):
		endTime = time.clock()
		print ("%1.1f" % (100/(endTime-startTime)), 'frames per second')
		startTime = endTime
	#frameName = "frame%04d.png" % arg
	#frameList.write(frameName + '\n')
	for step in range(20):					# adjust number of steps for smooth animation
	fluidImage.set_array(curl(ux, uy))
	return (fluidImage, barrierImage)		# return the figure elements to redraw

animate = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(theFig, nextFrame, interval=1, blit=True)




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