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SQL 第2版 ゼロからはじめるデータベース操作 アウトプット(第5回)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-09-08



  • GROUP BY句で集約した結果に対する条件を指定するための句
    • WHERE句は集約前のデータ(行、レコード)に対する条件を指定する
    • HAVING句は集約後のデータに対する条件を指定する
mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui HAVING COUNT(*) = 2;
| shohin_bunrui   | COUNT(*) |
| Clothing        |        2 |
| Office Supplies |        2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui;
| shohin_bunrui    | COUNT(*) |
| Clothing         |        2 |
| Office Supplies  |        2 |
| Kitchen Supplies |        4 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, AVG(hanbai_tanka) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui HAVING AVG(hanbai_tanka) >= 2500;
| shohin_bunrui    | AVG(hanbai_tanka) |
| Clothing         |         2500.0000 |
| Kitchen Supplies |         2795.0000 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  • 注意点①:HAVING句に書ける要素は以下3つ
    • 定数、集約関数、GROUP BY句に指定した列(集約キー)
    • GROUP BY句で指定した列(集約キー)以外の列はHAVING句に書くことができない!
mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui HAVING shohin_mei = 'Ballpoint Pen';
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'shohin_mei' in 'having clause'
mysql> SELECT shohin_mei, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_mei HAVING shohin_mei = 'Ballpoint Pen';
| shohin_mei    | COUNT(*) |
| Ballpoint Pen |        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 注意点②:HAVING句に書くか、WHERE句に書くか
    • 集約キーに対する条件」はWHERE句に書くべき!
    • WHERE句:単なる「行・レコード」に対する条件を指定する
    • HAVING句:「集約した結果」に対する条件を指定する


  • 検索結果を並べるには、ORDER BY句を使う

    • ORDER BY句は、常にSELECT文の最後に書く:ポイント!!
    • ORDER BY句には、並べる列名を指定する
    • ORDER BY句には、昇順(ASC)・降順(DESC)を指定できる
  • ORDER BY句を指定していない場合は、ランダムな順番で表示される

    • ORDER BY句に書く列名を「ソートキー」と呼ぶ
  • ASCDESCを使って昇順・降順を指定する

    • ASC:昇順(デフォルト) ascendant(昇っていく)
    • DESC:降順 descendant(降っていく)
mysql> SELECT shohin_id, shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY hanbai_tanka;
| shohin_id | shohin_mei      | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka |
| 0008      | Ballpoint Pen   |          100 |         NULL |
| 0002      | Hole Punch      |          500 |          320 |
| 0006      | Fork            |          500 |         NULL |
| 0007      | Grater          |          880 |          790 |
| 0001      | T-shirt         |         1000 |          500 |
| 0004      | Kitchen Knife   |         3000 |         2800 |
| 0003      | Dress Shirt     |         4000 |         2800 |
| 0005      | Pressure Cooker |         6800 |         5000 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT shohin_id, shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY hanbai_tanka DESC;
| shohin_id | shohin_mei      | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka |
| 0005      | Pressure Cooker |         6800 |         5000 |
| 0003      | Dress Shirt     |         4000 |         2800 |
| 0004      | Kitchen Knife   |         3000 |         2800 |
| 0001      | T-shirt         |         1000 |          500 |
| 0007      | Grater          |          880 |          790 |
| 0002      | Hole Punch      |          500 |          320 |
| 0006      | Fork            |          500 |         NULL |
| 0008      | Ballpoint Pen   |          100 |         NULL |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT shohin_id, shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY hanbai_tanka DESC;
| shohin_id | shohin_mei      | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka |
| 0005      | Pressure Cooker |         6800 |         5000 |
| 0003      | Dress Shirt     |         4000 |         2800 |
| 0004      | Kitchen Knife   |         3000 |         2800 |
| 0001      | T-shirt         |         1000 |          500 |
| 0007      | Grater          |          880 |          790 |
| 0002      | Hole Punch      |          500 |          320 |
| 0006      | Fork            |          500 |         NULL |
| 0008      | Ballpoint Pen   |          100 |         NULL |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  • ORDER BY句には、複数のソートキーを指定することができる
  • NULLに比較演算子は使えない
    • NULLと数値の順序付けはできない
    • NULLは「値が存在しない」ため、大小を比較することができない
mysql> SELECT shohin_id, shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY hanbai_tanka, shohin_id;
| shohin_id | shohin_mei      | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka |
| 0008      | Ballpoint Pen   |          100 |         NULL |
| 0002      | Hole Punch      |          500 |          320 |
| 0006      | Fork            |          500 |         NULL |
| 0007      | Grater          |          880 |          790 |
| 0001      | T-shirt         |         1000 |          500 |
| 0004      | Kitchen Knife   |         3000 |         2800 |
| 0003      | Dress Shirt     |         4000 |         2800 |
| 0005      | Pressure Cooker |         6800 |         5000 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  • ORDER BY句では、表示用の別名を使ってソートキーを指定することができる
    • SELECT句でつけた別名をORDER BY句で使うことができる
mysql> SELECT shohin_id AS id, shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka AS ht, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY ht, id;
| id   | shohin_mei      | ht   | shiire_tanka |
| 0008 | Ballpoint Pen   |  100 |         NULL |
| 0002 | Hole Punch      |  500 |          320 |
| 0006 | Fork            |  500 |         NULL |
| 0007 | Grater          |  880 |          790 |
| 0001 | T-shirt         | 1000 |          500 |
| 0004 | Kitchen Knife   | 3000 |         2800 |
| 0003 | Dress Shirt     | 4000 |         2800 |
| 0005 | Pressure Cooker | 6800 |         5000 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • SELECT文の内部的な実行順序
    • SELECT句の位置:GROUP BY句よりも後で、ORDER BY句より前

ORDER BY句に使える列

  • SELECT句に含まれていない列や集約関数も使える
mysql> SELECT shohin_mei, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka FROM Shohin ORDER BY shohin_id;
| shohin_mei      | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka |
| T-shirt         |         1000 |          500 |
| Hole Punch      |          500 |          320 |
| Dress Shirt     |         4000 |         2800 |
| Kitchen Knife   |         3000 |         2800 |
| Pressure Cooker |         6800 |         5000 |
| Fork            |          500 |         NULL |
| Grater          |          880 |          790 |
| Ballpoint Pen   |          100 |         NULL |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui ORDER BY COUNT(*);
| shohin_bunrui    | COUNT(*) |
| Clothing         |        2 |
| Office Supplies  |        2 |
| Kitchen Supplies |        4 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, COUNT(*) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
| shohin_bunrui    | COUNT(*) |
| Kitchen Supplies |        4 |
| Clothing         |        2 |
| Office Supplies  |        2 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  • 3.1 - 3.3を解いてみた内容を掲載
-- SUM関数の引数に文字列型の列を指定している
-- GROUP BY句の前にWHERE句を書くべき
-- GROUP BY句で指定していない項目をSELECTに記述している
mysql> SELECT shohin_id, SUM(shohin_mei) FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui WHERE torokubi > '2009-09-01';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE torokubi > '2009-09-01'' at line 1

mysql> SELECT shohin_bunrui, SUM(hanbai_tanka) AS sum, SUM(shiire_tanka) AS sum FROM Shohin GROUP BY shohin_bunrui HAVING SUM(hanbai_tanka) > SUM(shiire_tanka) * 1.5;
| shohin_bunrui   | sum  | sum  |
| Clothing        | 5000 | 3300 |
| Office Supplies |  600 |  320 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT shohin_id, shohin_mei, shohin_bunrui, hanbai_tanka, shiire_tanka, torokubi FROM Shohin ORDER BY torokubi DESC, hanbai_tanka;
| shohin_id | shohin_mei      | shohin_bunrui    | hanbai_tanka | shiire_tanka | torokubi   |
| 0008      | Ballpoint Pen   | Office Supplies  |          100 |         NULL | 2009-11-11 |
| 0006      | Fork            | Kitchen Supplies |          500 |         NULL | 2009-09-20 |
| 0001      | T-shirt         | Clothing         |         1000 |          500 | 2009-09-20 |
| 0004      | Kitchen Knife   | Kitchen Supplies |         3000 |         2800 | 2009-09-20 |
| 0002      | Hole Punch      | Office Supplies  |          500 |          320 | 2009-09-11 |
| 0005      | Pressure Cooker | Kitchen Supplies |         6800 |         5000 | 2009-01-15 |
| 0007      | Grater          | Kitchen Supplies |          880 |          790 | 2008-04-28 |
| 0003      | Dress Shirt     | Clothing         |         4000 |         2800 | NULL       |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  • 本記事では「第3章:集約と並び替え」3-3: 集約した結果に条件を指定する, 3-4: 検索結果を並び替える についてまとめました!



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