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Support Libraryを27.1.0に更新メモ

Last updated at Posted at 2018-03-08


Support Library 27.1.0 がリリースされました。
Support Libraryを27.1.0に更新したときに行ったことをメモします。

RecyclerView.Adapter でのエラー


Error: Class '***RecyclerViewAdapter' is not abstract and does not implement abstract base class member @NonNull public abstract fun onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull p0: ViewGroup, p1: Int): ***RecyclerViewAdapter.ViewHolder defined in android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter


  • RecyclerView.Adapter#onCreateViewHolder() の ViewGroup
  • RecyclerView.Adapter#onBindViewHolder() の RecyclerView.ViewHolder

//---------------------- Before ----------------------

override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup?, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
    // do something

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder?, position: Int) {
    // do something

//---------------------- After ----------------------

override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
    // do something

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
    // do something

ViewModel を FragmentActivity / Fragment で渡す際

FragmentActivity and Fragment now implement ViewModelStoreOwner and can now be used with the ViewModelProvider constructors as an alternative to using ViewModelProviders.of()

FragmentActivity / Fragment に ViewModelStoreOwner が実装されていたそうなので、以下のように変えました。


//---------------------- Before ----------------------

ViewModelProviders.of(this, factory).get(***ViewModel::class.java)

//---------------------- After ----------------------

ViewModelProvider(this, factory).get(***ViewModel::class.java)

RecyclerView の差分更新(今後)

ListAdapter for RecyclerView (along with AsyncListDiffer) make it easier to compute list diffs on a background thread. These can help your RecyclerView animate content changes automatically, with minimal work on the UI thread. They use DiffUtil under the hood.

ListAdapter を使って、RecyclerView の差分更新も行う予定です。


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