

Last updated at Posted at 2024-06-02


WEBページ作る時 head に何書くのかなんて知らんし

というわけで、meta tag に記述するモノを雑にまとめてみました



   <meta property="og:title" content="ページのタイトル"/>
   <meta property="og:type" content="ページの種類"/>
   <meta property="og:url" content="ページのURL"/>
   <meta property="og:image" content="サムネイルのURL"/>
   <meta property="og:site_name" content="サイト名"/>
   <meta property="og:description" content="ページの説明文"/>


  • music.song
    • music:duration - integer >=1 - The song's length in seconds.
    • music:album - music.album array - The album this song is from.
    • music:album:disc - integer >=1 - Which disc of the album this song is on.
    • music:album:track - integer >=1 - Which track this song is.
    • music:musician - profile array - The musician that made this song.
  • music.album
    • music:song - music.song - The song on this album.
    • music:song:disc - integer >=1 - The same as music:album:disc but in reverse.
    • music:song:track - integer >=1 - The same as music:album:track but in reverse.
    • music:musician - profile - The musician that made this song.
    • music:release_date - datetime - The date the album was released.
  • music.playlist
    • music:song - Identical to the ones on music.album
    • music:song:disc
    • music:song:track
    • music:creator - profile - The creator of this playlist.
  • music.radio_station
    • music:creator - profile - The creator of this stat
  • video.movie
    • video:actor - profile array - Actors in the movie.
    • video:actor:role - string - The role they played.
    • video:director - profile array - Directors of the movie.
    • video:writer - profile array - Writers of the movie.
    • video:duration - integer >=1 - The movie's length in seconds.
    • video:release_date - datetime - The date the movie was released.
    • video:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this movie.
  • video.episode
    • video:actor - Identical to video.movie
    • video:actor:role
    • video:director
    • video:writer
    • video:duration
    • video:release_date
    • video:tag
    • video:series
  • article - Namespace URI: https://ogp.me/ns/article#
    • article:published_time - datetime - When the article was first published.
    • article:modified_time - datetime - When the article was last changed.
    • article:expiration_time - datetime - When the article is out of date after.
    • article:author - profile array - Writers of the article.
    • article:section - string - A high-level section name. E.g. Technology
    • article:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this article.
  • book - Namespace URI: https://ogp.me/ns/book#
    • book:author - profile array - Who wrote this book.
    • book:isbn - string - The ISBN
    • book:release_date - datetime - The date the book was released.
    • book:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this book.
  • profile - Namespace URI: https://ogp.me/ns/profile#
    • profile:first_name - string - A name normally given to an individual by a parent or self-chosen.
    • profile:last_name - string - A name inherited from a family or marriage and by which the individual is commonly known.
    • profile:username - string - A short unique string to identify them.
    • profile:gender - enum(male, female) - Their gender.
  • website - Namespace URI: https://ogp.me/ns/website#


   <meta name="twitter:card" content="カード種類" />
   <meta name="twitter:site" content="@ツイッターユーザー名" />


summary - タイトル、説明、およびサムネイル。最も一般的な形です。
summary_large_image - summary cardと同じ形で、画像の大きさがそれより大きいもの。Facebookのカードに近い形です。
app - アプリ配布用の表示カード。アプリの名前や紹介文、アプリアイコンに加えて、評価や価格などの表示もされます。
player - ビデオやオーディオなどのメディアを表示できるカード




@media screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 320px) {

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