仕事で digdag を使う機会があった。
その当時はデフォルトで fish サポートしてくれておらず悲しい気持ちになった。
digdag インストール
※環境変数を設定する3つめのコマンドは fish 仕様に修正してある
$ curl -o ~/bin/digdag --create-dirs -L "https://dl.digdag.io/digdag-latest"
$ chmod +x ~/bin/digdag
$ echo 'set -gx PATH $HOME/bin $PATH' >> ~/.config/fish/config.fish
$ digdag -v
Failed to execute process '/Users/xyxyxy/bin/digdag'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file '/Users/xyxyxy/bin/digdag' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.
fish を退出して実行
$ digdag -v
2017-10-18 18:58:34 +0900: Digdag v0.9.20
Usage: digdag <command> [options...]
Local-mode commands:
init <dir> create a new workflow project
r[un] <workflow.dig> run a workflow
c[heck] show workflow definitions
sched[uler] run a scheduler server
selfupdate update cli to the latest version
Server-mode commands:
server start server
Client-mode commands:
push <project-name> create and upload a new revision
download <project-name> pull an uploaded revision
start <project-name> <name> start a new session attempt of a workflow
retry <attempt-id> retry a session
kill <attempt-id> kill a running session attempt
backfill <project-name> <name> start sessions of a schedule for past times
reschedule skip sessions of a schedule to a future time
log <attempt-id> show logs of a session attempt
workflows [project-name] [name] show registered workflow definitions
schedules show registered schedules
disable <schedule-id> disable a workflow schedule
disable <project-name> disable all workflow schedules in a project
disable <project-name> <name> disable a workflow schedule
enable <schedule-id> enable a workflow schedule
enable <project-name> enable all workflow schedules in a project
enable <project-name> <name> enable a workflow schedule
sessions show sessions for all workflows
sessions <project-name> show sessions for all workflows in a project
sessions <project-name> <name> show sessions for a workflow
session <session-id> show a single session
attempts show attempts for all sessions
attempts <session-id> show attempts for a session
attempt <attempt-id> show a single attempt
tasks <attempt-id> show tasks of a session attempt
delete <project-name> delete a project
secrets --project <project-name> manage secrets
version show client and server version
-L, --log PATH output log messages to a file (default: -)
-l, --log-level LEVEL log level (error, warn, info, debug or trace)
-X KEY=VALUE add a performance system config
-c, --config PATH.properties Configuration file (default: /Users/xyxyxy/.config/digdag/config)
Use `<command> --help` to see detailed usage of a command.
bash からコマンドを叩ければ問題ないらしい
$ echo "alias digdag '/bin/bash ~/bin/digdag'" >> ~/.config/fish/config.fish