OSをupdateしたあとに vagrant up するとエラーが出て焦る
Progress state: NS_ERROR_FAILURE VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter VBoxManage: error: VBoxNetAdpCtl: Error while adding new interface: failed to open /dev/vboxnetctl: No such file or directory VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component HostNetworkInterfaceWrap, interface IHostNetworkInterface VBoxManage: error: Context: "RTEXITCODE handleCreate(HandlerArg *)" at line 95 of file VBoxManageHostonly.cpp
macOS : Monterey 12.6
VirtualBox : 6.1.34
Vagrant : 2.2.19
[手順1] まずはアンインストールする
brew uninstall virtualbox
brew uninstall vagrant
[手順2] 最新版をインストールする
brew install virtualbox
brew install vagrant
[手順3] macのシステム環境設定 / セキュリティとプライバシー で アプリケーションの実行許可を行う
[手順4] macを再起動する
[手順5] Vagrantが正しくインストールできてなかったため再度インストール
brew install vagrant
==> Downloading https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.3.0/vagrant_2.3.0_darwin_amd64.dmg
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Installing Cask vagrant
==> Running installer for vagrant; your password may be necessary.
Package installers may write to any location; options such as `--appdir` are ignored.
installer: Package name is Vagrant
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install was successful.
🍺 vagrant was successfully installed!
nishimura@mbp vm-local % vagrant up
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The plugins failed to initialize correctly. This may be due to manual
modifications made within the Vagrant home directory. Vagrant can
attempt to automatically correct this issue by running:
vagrant plugin repair
If Vagrant was recently updated, this error may be due to incompatible
versions of dependencies. To fix this problem please remove and re-install
all plugins. Vagrant can attempt to do this automatically by running:
vagrant plugin expunge --reinstall
Or you may want to try updating the installed plugins to their latest
vagrant plugin update
Error message given during initialization: Unable to resolve dependency: user requested 'vagrant-vbguest (= 0.30.0)'
[手順6]上記で「プラグインをアップデートしなさい」 と言われるのでアップデートする
vagrant plugin update
vagrant up
[補足] アップデート後のバージョンはこちら
VirtualBox : 6.1.38
Vagrant : 2.3.0