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Google's Engineering Practices documentationの真似したいプラクティス 1

Last updated at Posted at 2021-02-18

Google's Engineering Practices documentationはGoogleのコードレビュープロセスとポリシーの標準的な説明のドキュメントです。


いろいろ書いてあるのですが、個人的に刺さる部分を書いていきます。なので、結構端折ってます。意味違うのではみたいなのがあれば修正するので教えて下さい。 :pray:

以下のような構成になっており、今回はコードレビューの方法の コードレビューの見方(Navigating a CL in Review)まで見ていきます。

  • コードレビューの方法
    • :star:コードレビューの基準(The Standard of Code Review)
    • :star:コードレビューで何を探すか(What to Look For In a Code Review)
    • :star:コードレビューの見方(Navigating a CL in Review)
    • Speed of Code Reviews
    • How to Write Code Review Comments
    • Handling Pushback in Code Reviews
  • CL作成者のガイド
    • Writing Good CL Descriptions
    • Small CLs
    • How to Handle Reviewer Comments

頻繁に出てくるCL = Change List = ほぼPull requestと同じもののようです。


In general, reviewers should favor approving a CL once it is in a state where it definitely improves the overall code health of the system being worked on, even if the CL isn’t perfect.
That is the senior principle among all of the code review guidelines.

これはコードレビューの全ガイドラインの上位の原則。 (この理由についてはドキュメントに書いてありますが、端折っています。)

There are limitations to this, of course. For example, if a CL adds a feature that the reviewer doesn’t want in their system, then the reviewer can certainly deny approval even if the code is well-designed.


Instead of seeking perfection, what a reviewer should seek is continuous improvement. A CL that, as a whole, improves the maintainability, readability, and understandability of the system shouldn’t be delayed for days or weeks because it isn’t “perfect.”


Reviewers should always feel free to leave comments expressing that something could be better, but if it’s not very important, prefix it with something like “Nit: “ to let the author know that it’s just a point of polish that they could choose to ignore.

レビュワー良くなるポイントについてコメントを残すべきだが、それがそこまで重要ではないときは"Nit: "のようなプレフィックスをつけて、それがただ改善するポイントであることを知らせ、無視することを選べるようにする。


Sharing knowledge is part of improving the code health of a system over time.


Just keep in mind that if your comment is purely educational, but not critical to meeting the standards described in this document, prefix it with “Nit: “ or otherwise indicate that it’s not mandatory for the author to resolve it in this CL.



Technical facts and data overrule opinions and personal preferences.


On matters of style, the style guide is the absolute authority. Any purely style point (whitespace, etc.) that is not in the style guide is a matter of personal preference. The style should be consistent with what is there. If there is no previous style, accept the author’s.


Aspects of software design are almost never a pure style issue or just a personal preference. They are based on underlying principles and should be weighed on those principles, not simply by personal opinion. Sometimes there are a few valid options. If the author can demonstrate (either through data or based on solid engineering principles) that several approaches are equally valid, then the reviewer should accept the preference of the author. Otherwise the choice is dictated by standard principles of software design.


If no other rule applies, then the reviewer may ask the author to be consistent with what is in the current codebase, as long as that doesn’t worsen the overall code health of the system.



In any conflict on a code review, the first step should always be for the developer and reviewer to try to come to consensus, based on the contents of this document and the other documents in The CL Author’s Guide and this Reviewer Guide.


When coming to consensus becomes especially difficult, it can help to have a face-to-face meeting or a video conference between the reviewer and the author, instead of just trying to resolve the conflict through code review comments. (If you do this, though, make sure to record the results of the discussion as a comment on the CL, for future readers.)


If that doesn’t resolve the situation, the most common way to resolve it would be to escalate. Often the escalation path is to a broader team discussion, having a Technical Lead weigh in, asking for a decision from a maintainer of the code, or asking an Eng Manager to help out. Don’t let a CL sit around because the author and the reviewer can’t come to an agreement.

それでも難しい場合はエスカレする。 合意できないからといってCLをそのままにしない。



The most important thing to cover in a review is the overall design of the CL. Do the interactions of various pieces of code in the CL make sense? Does this change belong in your codebase, or in a library? Does it integrate well with the rest of your system? Is now a good time to add this functionality?



Does this CL do what the developer intended? Is what the developer intended good for the users of this code? The “users” are usually both end-users (when they are affected by the change) and developers (who will have to “use” this code in the future).


Mostly, we expect developers to test CLs well-enough that they work correctly by the time they get to code review. However, as the reviewer you should still be thinking about edge cases, looking for concurrency problems, trying to think like a user, and making sure that there are no bugs that you see just by reading the code.


You can validate the CL if you want—the time when it’s most important for a reviewer to check a CL’s behavior is when it has a user-facing impact, such as a UI change. It’s hard to understand how some changes will impact a user when you’re just reading the code. For changes like that, you can have the developer give you a demo of the functionality if it’s too inconvenient to patch in the CL and try it yourself.


Another time when it’s particularly important to think about functionality during a code review is if there is some sort of parallel programming going on in the CL that could theoretically cause deadlocks or race conditions. These sorts of issues are very hard to detect by just running the code and usually need somebody (both the developer and the reviewer) to think through them carefully to be sure that problems aren’t being introduced. (Note that this is also a good reason not to use concurrency models where race conditions or deadlocks are possible—it can make it very complex to do code reviews or understand the code.)



Is the CL more complex than it should be? Check this at every level of the CL—are individual lines too complex? Are functions too complex? Are classes too complex? “Too complex” usually means “can’t be understood quickly by code readers.” It can also mean “developers are likely to introduce bugs when they try to call or modify this code.”


A particular type of complexity is over-engineering, where developers have made the code more generic than it needs to be, or added functionality that isn’t presently needed by the system. Reviewers should be especially vigilant about over-engineering. Encourage developers to solve the problem they know needs to be solved now, not the problem that the developer speculates might need to be solved in the future. The future problem should be solved once it arrives and you can see its actual shape and requirements in the physical universe.



Ask for unit, integration, or end-to-end tests as appropriate for the change. In general, tests should be added in the same CL as the production code unless the CL is handling an emergency.


Tests do not test themselves, and we rarely write tests for our tests—a human must ensure that tests are valid.


Will the tests actually fail when the code is broken? If the code changes beneath them, will they start producing false positives? Does each test make simple and useful assertions? Are the tests separated appropriately between different test methods?


Remember that tests are also code that has to be maintained. Don’t accept complexity in tests just because they aren’t part of the main binary.



Did the developer pick good names for everything? A good name is long enough to fully communicate what the item is or does, without being so long that it becomes hard to read.



Usually comments are useful when they explain why some code exists, and should not be explaining what some code is doing. If the code isn’t clear enough to explain itself, then the code should be made simpler. There are some exceptions (regular expressions and complex algorithms often benefit greatly from comments that explain what they’re doing, for example) but mostly comments are for information that the code itself can’t possibly contain, like the reasoning behind a decision.


Note that comments are different from documentation of classes, modules, or functions, which should instead express the purpose of a piece of code, how it should be used, and how it behaves when used.



We have style guides at Google for all of our major languages, and even for most of the minor languages. Make sure the CL follows the appropriate style guides.


If you want to improve some style point that isn’t in the style guide, prefix your comment with “Nit:” to let the developer know that it’s a nitpick that you think would improve the code but isn’t mandatory. Don’t block CLs from being submitted based only on personal style preferences.


The author of the CL should not include major style changes combined with other changes. It makes it hard to see what is being changed in the CL, makes merges and rollbacks more complex, and causes other problems. For example, if the author wants to reformat the whole file, have them send you just the reformatting as one CL, and then send another CL with their functional changes after that.



What if the existing code is inconsistent with the style guide? Per our code review principles, the style guide is the absolute authority: if something is required by the style guide, the CL should follow the guidelines.



If a CL changes how users build, test, interact with, or release code, check to see that it also updates associated documentation, including READMEs, g3doc pages, and any generated reference docs. If the CL deletes or deprecates code, consider whether the documentation should also be deleted. If documentation is missing, ask for it.



you should at least be sure that you understand what all the code is doing.


If it’s too hard for you to read the code and this is slowing down the review, then you should let the developer know that and wait for them to clarify it before you try to review it. At Google, we hire great software engineers, and you are one of them. If you can’t understand the code, it’s very likely that other developers won’t either. So you’re also helping future developers understand this code, when you ask the developer to clarify it.


If you understand the code but you don’t feel qualified to do some part of the review, make sure there is a reviewer on the CL who is qualified, particularly for complex issues such as security, concurrency, accessibility, internationalization, etc.



It is often helpful to look at the CL in a broad context. Usually the code review tool will only show you a few lines of code around the parts that are being changed. Sometimes you have to look at the whole file to be sure that the change actually makes sense. For example, you might see only four new lines being added, but when you look at the whole file, you see those four lines are in a 50-line method that now really needs to be broken up into smaller methods.


It’s also useful to think about the CL in the context of the system as a whole. Is this CL improving the code health of the system or is it making the whole system more complex, less tested, etc.? Don’t accept CLs that degrade the code health of the system. Most systems become complex through many small changes that add up, so it’s important to prevent even small complexities in new changes.



If you see something nice in the CL, tell the developer, especially when they addressed one of your comments in a great way. Code reviews often just focus on mistakes, but they should offer encouragement and appreciation for good practices, as well. It’s sometimes even more valuable, in terms of mentoring, to tell a developer what they did right than to tell them what they did wrong.

CL内で良いポイントを見つけたら開発者に教える。指摘に焦点が当たるが、Good Placticeに対する励ましと感謝も必要。メンタリングの観点から開発者に何が間違っているかを伝えるよりも何が正しいのかを伝えるほうが価値がある場合がある。





Now that you know what to look for, what’s the most efficient way to manage a review that’s spread across multiple files?
Does the change make sense? Does it have a good description?
Look at the most important part of the change first. Is it well-designed overall?
Look at the rest of the CL in an appropriate sequence.


  • ステップ1: 変更に意味があるか、良いdescriptionがあるか。
  • ステップ2: 最も重要な部分を見る。全体的な設計がよくされているか?
  • ステップ3: 残りの変更を見る。

ステップ1 変更の全体像を把握する

When you reject a change like this, it’s also a good idea to suggest to the developer what they should have done instead.
For example, you might say “Looks like you put some good work into this, thanks! However, we’re actually going in the direction of removing the FooWidget system that you’re modifying here, and so we don’t want to make any new modifications to it right now. How about instead you refactor our new BarWidget class?”


Note that not only did the reviewer reject the current CL and provide an alternative suggestion, but they did it courteously. This kind of courtesy is important because we want to show that we respect each other as developers even when we disagree.


ステップ2 主要部分を調べる

Look at these major parts first. This helps give context to all of the smaller parts of the CL, and generally accelerates doing the code review. If the CL is too large for you to figure out which parts are the major parts, ask the developer what you should look at first, or ask them to split up the CL into multiple CLs.

はじめに主要部分を見る。それによって細かい部分の文脈が分かり、コードレビューを加速させる。 大きすぎる場合ははじめに見る場所を聞くか、CLを分割するように言ってください。

If you see some major design problems with this part of the CL, you should send those comments immediately, even if you don’t have time to review the rest of the CL right now. In fact, reviewing the rest of the CL might be a waste of time, because if the design problems are significant enough, a lot of the other code under review is going to disappear and not matter anyway.
There are two major reasons it’s so important to send these major design comments out immediately:
Developers often mail a CL and then immediately start new work based on that CL while they wait for review. If there are major design problems in the CL you’re reviewing, they’re also going to have to re-work their later CL. You want to catch them before they’ve done too much extra work on top of the problematic design.
Major design changes take longer to do than small changes. Developers nearly all have deadlines; in order to make those deadlines and still have quality code in the codebase, the developer needs to start on any major re-work of the CL as soon as possible.



Once you’ve confirmed there are no major design problems with the CL as a whole, try to figure out a logical sequence to look through the files while also making sure you don’t miss reviewing any file. Usually after you’ve looked through the major files, it’s simplest to just go through each file in the order that the code review tool presents them to you. Sometimes it’s also helpful to read the tests first before you read the main code, because then you have an idea of what the change is supposed to be doing.



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