New words in this year (Since 2022/6/13)
I changed jobs this year when Jun 13 2022.
This year will finish in a few days.
So,summarized below in bullet points.
Tools (A lot of new tools for me in Windows or web Application)
- BackLog(task management)
- Slack(chat tool between engineer)
- API(notification error,notification deploy to prod server etc...)
- WinSCP(Sync stg server, prod server)
- RLogin(Connect stg server, prod server)
- SSH config file
- OpenSSH error
- VS Code RemoteSSH WSL
- Doc Base(markdown article in only self company)
- A5SQL(watch Database)
- show processlist
- query parameter
- Google
- Calendar
- Spread Sheet
- Document (management task)
- Chat (chat with colleague)
- Analytics
- Send Grid (mail delivery service)
STG/PRD environment concept
- Read/Write(Master or Readonly database)
nginx/apach (web server)
Linux (aws ec2 instance)
- top (monitoring server)
- rsync (sync server)
- crontab (run regularly)
- vim (edit in server)
Docker Compose V2
Basic Authentication
- Selenium