AWS MediaConvertをつかってひとつの出力グループ内で複数の出力をしたときに下記の様なエラーが出た場合、全てのの出力のGOPサイズ/フレームレート
In Apple HLS output group [1], the GOP cadence in output [1] does not align with the GOP cadence in output [0].
Frame rate (framerate), GOP size (gopSize), GOP mode control (gopSizeUnits), Closed GOP cadence (gopClosedCadence), and Min I-Interval (minIInterval) all impact an output's GOP cadence.
Adjust these settings so that the GOP cadences align across all outputs in Apple HLS output group [1], and resubmit your job.
Alternatively, set Segment length control (segmentLengthControl) to EXACT to force a GOP cadence equal to the specified Segment length (segmentLength).
Or, set GOP mode control to Auto (AUTO) and leave GOP size blank for all outputs in Apple HLS output group [1] to set the GOP automatically.
, 15fps
みたいにしているとエラーがでます。また、Follow source
逆に30fps, 15fpsを混在させたいときはGOPのサイズの方をいじればOKです。