#Wagtailチュートリアル 12
<=11 トップページに表示させよう
=>13 Orderableなページを作ろう
DB Browserを使おう
"type": "title_and_text",
"value": {
"title": "Welcome to Pokeapi",
"text": "This website provides a RESTful API interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Pok\u00e9mon. We specifically cover the video game franchise. Using this website, you can consume information on Pok\u00e9mon, their moves, abilities, types, egg groups and much, much more."
"id": "7573ea75-54b1-40a1-af32-dd1c9546b96e"
"type": "simple_richtext",
"value": "<p>This website provides <b>a RESTful API</b> interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Pok\u00e9mon.</p><p><i>We specifically cover the video game franchise.</i></p><p>Using this website, you can consume information on <a id=\"3\" linktype=\"page\">Pok\u00e9mon</a>, their moves, abilities, types, egg groups and much, much more.</p>",
"id": "48748d3a-0c33-4627-8ee2-4495a5aef987"
"type": "cards",
"value": {
"title": "Poke Cards",
"cards": [
"image": 2,
"title": "Pikachu",
"text": "025",
"button_page": 3,
"button_url": ""
"image": 3,
"title": "Eevee",
"text": "133",
"button_page": null,
"button_url": "https://www.pokemon.jp/zukan/detail/133.html"
"image": 4,
"title": "Snorlax",
"text": "143",
"button_page": 4,
"button_url": ""
"id": "ef216d7b-a67a-45a2-a3bd-a1c562b607a3"
"type": "cta",
"value": {
"title": "Call to Action Title",
"text": "<p>PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi <b>PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi</b> PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi <i>PokeApi PokeApi PokeApi</i></p>",
"button_page": 3,
"button_url": "https://qiita.com/tagawahirotaka",
"button_text": "Learn More"
"id": "5facccbe-05e1-4279-b42e-3d54d2efff79"