
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2014-08-04


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Demo
    public static void Main()
        // basic
        Assert(2, "1 + 1");
        Assert(1, "4-3");
        Assert(6, "2*3");
        Assert(14, "2 + 3 * 4");
        Assert(10, "2 * 3 + 4");
        Assert(10, "(2 * 3) + 4");
        Assert(14, "2 * (3 + 4)");
        Assert(6, "1 + 2 + 3");
        Assert(24, "2 * 3 * 4");
        Assert(2.4, "1.2 + 1.2");
        Assert(1, "7 % 3");
        Assert(8, "2 ^ 3");
        Assert(3, "9 ^ 0.5");

        // variable
        Dictionary<string, double> vars = new Dictionary<string, double>();
        vars["one"] = 1;
        vars["two"] = 2;
        Assert(6, "one + two * two + one", vars);
        Assert(6, "1 + one + two * 2", vars);

        // if
        Assert(1, "IF(1=1, 1, 2)");
        Assert(2, "IF(1=2, 1, 2)");
        Assert(2, "IF(2>2, 1, 2)");
        Assert(2, "IF(2<2, 1, 2)");
        Assert(1, "IF(2>=2, 1, 2)");
        Assert(1, "IF(2<=2, 1, 2)");

        // if + variable
        Assert(1, "IF(one=1, 1, 2)", vars);
        Assert(2, "IF(one=2, 1, 2)", vars);
        Assert(3, "IF(one=3, 1, IF(one=2, 1, 3))", vars);
        Assert(4, "IF(one=3, 1, IF(one=1, 4, 3))", vars);

        // invalid expression
        AssertEx(typeof(KeyNotFoundException), "1 ++");
        AssertEx(typeof(FormatException), "1.2.2 + 1.2");

        // left associative
        Assert(0, "3 - 2 - 1");
        Assert(1, "4 / 2 / 2");

        // bugfix
        Assert(1, "IF(2<=3, 1, 2)");


    static void Assert(double expect, string exp, Dictionary<string, double> vars = null)
        Calc c = new Calc(exp);
        string tree = c.Show();
        double ret = c.Eval(vars);
        string mark = expect == ret ? "o" : "x";
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1,3} = {2,-32} | {3}",

    static void AssertEx(Type expect, string exp, Dictionary<string, double> vars = null)
            Calc c = new Calc(exp);
        catch (Exception e)
            string mark = e.GetType() == expect ? "o" : "x";
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1,-38} | {2}", mark, e.GetType().Name + " = " + exp, e.Message);

        throw new Exception("Not throw exception " + expect.Name + " : " + exp);


o:   2 = 1 + 1                            | Tree(+, Node(1), Node(1)) <tokens='1 + 1' pos=3 text=1+1>
o:   1 = 4-3                              | Tree(-, Node(4), Node(3)) <tokens='4 - 3' pos=3 text=4-3>
o:   6 = 2*3                              | Tree(*, Node(2), Node(3)) <tokens='2 * 3' pos=3 text=2*3>
o:  14 = 2 + 3 * 4                        | Tree(+, Node(2), Tree(*, Node(3), Node(4))) <tokens='2 + 3 * 4' pos=5 text=2+3*4>
o:  10 = 2 * 3 + 4                        | Tree(+, Tree(*, Node(2), Node(3)), Node(4)) <tokens='2 * 3 + 4' pos=5 text=2*3+4>
o:  10 = (2 * 3) + 4                      | Tree(+, Tree(*, Node(2), Node(3)), Node(4)) <tokens='( 2 * 3 ) + 4' pos=7 text=(2*3)+4>
o:  14 = 2 * (3 + 4)                      | Tree(*, Node(2), Tree(+, Node(3), Node(4))) <tokens='2 * ( 3 + 4 )' pos=7 text=2*(3+4)>
o:   6 = 1 + 2 + 3                        | Tree(+, Tree(+, Node(1), Node(2)), Node(3)) <tokens='1 + 2 + 3' pos=5 text=1+2+3>
o:  24 = 2 * 3 * 4                        | Tree(*, Tree(*, Node(2), Node(3)), Node(4)) <tokens='2 * 3 * 4' pos=5 text=2*3*4>
o: 2.4 = 1.2 + 1.2                        | Tree(+, Node(1.2), Node(1.2)) <tokens='1.2 + 1.2' pos=3 text=1.2+1.2>
o:   1 = 7 % 3                            | Tree(%, Node(7), Node(3)) <tokens='7 % 3' pos=3 text=7%3>
o:   8 = 2 ^ 3                            | Tree(^, Node(2), Node(3)) <tokens='2 ^ 3' pos=3 text=2^3>
o:   3 = 9 ^ 0.5                          | Tree(^, Node(9), Node(0.5)) <tokens='9 ^ 0.5' pos=3 text=9^0.5>
o:   6 = one + two * two + one            | Tree(+, Tree(+, Node(one), Tree(*, Node(two), Node(two))), Node(one)) <tokens='one + two * two + one' pos=7 text=one+two*two+one>
o:   6 = 1 + one + two * 2                | Tree(+, Tree(+, Node(1), Node(one)), Tree(*, Node(two), Node(2))) <tokens='1 + one + two * 2' pos=7 text=1+one+two*2>
o:   1 = IF(1=1, 1, 2)                    | If(Node(1) = Node(1), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 1 = 1 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(1=1,1,2)>
o:   2 = IF(1=2, 1, 2)                    | If(Node(1) = Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 1 = 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(1=2,1,2)>
o:   2 = IF(2>2, 1, 2)                    | If(Node(2) > Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 2 > 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(2>2,1,2)>
o:   2 = IF(2<2, 1, 2)                    | If(Node(2) < Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 2 < 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(2<2,1,2)>
o:   1 = IF(2>=2, 1, 2)                   | If(Node(2) >= Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 2 >= 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(2>=2,1,2)>
o:   1 = IF(2<=2, 1, 2)                   | If(Node(2) <= Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 2 <= 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(2<=2,1,2)>
o:   1 = IF(one=1, 1, 2)                  | If(Node(one) = Node(1), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( one = 1 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(one=1,1,2)>
o:   2 = IF(one=2, 1, 2)                  | If(Node(one) = Node(2), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( one = 2 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(one=2,1,2)>
o:   3 = IF(one=3, 1, IF(one=2, 1, 3))    | If(Node(one) = Node(3), Node(1), If(Node(one) = Node(2), Node(1), Node(3))) <tokens='IF ( one = 3 , 1 , IF ( one = 2 , 1 , 3 ) )' pos=19 text=IF(one=3,1,IF(one=2,1,3))>
o:   4 = IF(one=3, 1, IF(one=1, 4, 3))    | If(Node(one) = Node(3), Node(1), If(Node(one) = Node(1), Node(4), Node(3))) <tokens='IF ( one = 3 , 1 , IF ( one = 1 , 4 , 3 ) )' pos=19 text=IF(one=3,1,IF(one=1,4,3))>
o: KeyNotFoundException = 1 ++            | Not in scope '+' : Tree(+, Node(1), Node(+)) <tokens='1 + +' pos=3 text=1++>
o: FormatException = 1.2.2 + 1.2          | parse error token=. tokens='1.2 . 2 + 1.2' pos=1 text=1.2.2+1.2
o:   0 = 3 - 2 - 1                        | Tree(-, Tree(-, Node(3), Node(2)), Node(1)) <tokens='3 - 2 - 1' pos=5 text=3-2-1>
o:   1 = 4 / 2 / 2                        | Tree(/, Tree(/, Node(4), Node(2)), Node(2)) <tokens='4 / 2 / 2' pos=5 text=4/2/2>
o:   1 = IF(2<=3, 1, 2)                   | If(Node(2) <= Node(3), Node(1), Node(2)) <tokens='IF ( 2 <= 3 , 1 , 2 )' pos=10 text=IF(2<=3,1,2)>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public interface INode
    double Eval(Func<string, double> convert);

public class Node : INode
    public readonly string Text;

    public Node(string text)
        Text = text;

    public double Eval(Func<string, double> convert)
        return convert(Text);

public class Tree : INode
    public readonly string Operand;
    public readonly INode Left;
    public readonly INode Right;

    public Tree(string operand, INode left, INode right)
        Operand = operand;
        Left = left;
        Right = right;

    public double Eval(Func<string, double> convert)
        double l = Left.Eval(convert);
        double r = Right.Eval(convert);
        switch (Operand)
            case "+": return l + r;
            case "-": return l - r;
            case "*": return l * r;
            case "/": return l / r;
            case "%": return l % r;
            case "^": return Math.Pow(l, r);
            default: throw new FormatException(Operand);

public class Cond
    public readonly string Operand;
    public readonly INode Left;
    public readonly INode Right;

    public Cond(string operand, INode left, INode right)
        Operand = operand;
        Left = left;
        Right = right;

    public bool Eval(Func<string, double> convert)
        double l = Left.Eval(convert);
        double r = Right.Eval(convert);
        switch (Operand)
            case "=": return l == r;
            case ">": return l > r;
            case "<": return l < r;
            case "==": return l == r;
            case ">=": return l >= r;
            case "<=": return l <= r;
            case "!=": return l != r;
            case "<>": return l != r;
            default: throw new FormatException(Operand);

public class If : INode
    public readonly Cond Condition;
    public readonly INode Left;
    public readonly INode Right;

    public If(Cond condition, INode left, INode right)
        Condition = condition;
        Left = left;
        Right = right;

    public double Eval(Func<string, double> convert)
        return Condition.Eval(convert) ? Left.Eval(convert) : Right.Eval(convert);

public class Lex<T> where T : class
    static readonly Regex tokenPattern = new Regex(@"\d+(\.\d+)?|[+-/*%^\(\)]|\w+|IF|,|(==|<=|>=|>|<|=)");
    public readonly string Text;
    readonly string[] tokens;
    int pos;

    public Lex(string text)
        Text = text.Replace(" ", "");
        tokens = tokenPattern.Matches(Text).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
        pos = 0;

    public void Next()

    public void Skip(string expect)
        if (expect != Token())
            throw new FormatException("expect=" + expect + " but token=" + Token() + " : " + Show());

    public string Token()
        if (Eof())
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("EOF " + Show());
        return tokens[pos];

    public string TokenAndNext()
        string token = Token();
        return token;

    public T Try(string expect, Func<T> callback)
        if (!Eof() && Token() == expect)
            return callback();
        return null;

    public T Try(string expect1, string expect2, Func<T> callback)
        return Try(expect1, () => {
            T ret = callback();
            return ret;

    public bool Eof()
        return pos >= tokens.Length;

    public string Show()
        return string.Format(
            "tokens='{0}' pos={1} text={2}",
            string.Join(" ", tokens),

public class Parser
    public readonly INode Root;
    readonly Lex<INode> lex;

    public Parser(string text)
        lex = new Lex<INode>(text);
        Root = exp();

        if (!lex.Eof())
            throw new FormatException("parse error token=" + lex.Token() + " " + lex.Show());

    public string Show()
        return show(Root) + " <" + lex.Show() + ">";

    string show(INode obj)
        Node node = obj as Node;
        if (node != null)
            return "Node(" + node.Text + ")";

        Tree tree = obj as Tree;
        if (tree != null)
            return string.Format(
                    "Tree({0}, {1}, {2})",

        If if_ = obj as If;
        if (if_ != null)
            Cond c = if_.Condition;
            return string.Format(
                    "If({0} {1} {2}, {3}, {4})",

        return "BUG";

    INode exp(INode left=null)
        left = left ?? term();
            lex.Try("+", () => exp(new Tree("+", left, term()))) ??
            lex.Try("-", () => exp(new Tree("-", left, term()))) ??

    INode term(INode left = null)
        left = left ?? factor();
            lex.Try("*", () => term(new Tree("*", left, factor()))) ??
            lex.Try("/", () => term(new Tree("/", left, factor()))) ??
            lex.Try("%", () => term(new Tree("%", left, factor()))) ??
            lex.Try("^", () => term(new Tree("^", left, factor()))) ??

    INode factor()
            lex.Try("IF", ")", () => cond()) ??
            lex.Try("(", ")", () => exp()) ??
            new Node(lex.TokenAndNext());

    INode cond()
        INode left = exp();
        string operand = lex.TokenAndNext();
        INode right = exp();
        INode then_true = exp();
        INode then_false = exp();

        Cond cond = new Cond(operand, left, right);
        return new If(cond, then_true, then_false);

public class Calc
    readonly Parser parser;
    readonly INode root;
    Dictionary<string, double> vars;

    public Calc(string text)
        parser = new Parser(text);
        root = parser.Root;

    public string Show()
        return parser.Show();

    public double Eval()
        return root.Eval(double.Parse);

    public double Eval(Func<string, double> convert)
        return root.Eval(convert);

    public double Eval(Dictionary<string, double> vars_)
        vars = vars_ ?? new Dictionary<string, double>();
        return root.Eval(dictConvert);

    double dictConvert(string name)
        double v;
        if (double.TryParse(name, out v))
            return v;
        else if (vars.TryGetValue(name, out v))
            return v;
            throw new KeyNotFoundException("Not in scope '" + name + "' : " + parser.Show());




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