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Core Dataを JSON形式で取り出す

Last updated at Posted at 2014-06-27


Core DataをJSON形式でエクスポートしたかったんですが、いい情報がなかったので実装してみました。とりあえずの実装なので、もっと短くスマートにかけるのでどんどんいじって使ってください。


    NSMutableArray *mutableFetchResults = [[context executeFetchRequest:request error:nil] mutableCopy];

    if (mutableFetchResults == nil) {
        NSLog(@"no results");
    NSMutableArray *marray = [NSMutableArray array];

    for(id tmpEntity in mutableFetchResults){
        NSMutableDictionary *tmpDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        unsigned int count;
        objc_property_t* props = class_copyPropertyList([tmpEntity class], &count);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            objc_property_t property = props[i];
            const char * name = property_getName(property);
            NSString *propertyName = [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
            const char * type = property_getAttributes(property);
            NSString *attr = [NSString stringWithCString:type encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
            NSString * typeString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:type];
            NSArray * attributes = [typeString componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
            NSString * typeAttribute = [attributes objectAtIndex:0];
            NSString * propertyType = [typeAttribute substringFromIndex:1];
            const char * rawPropertyType = [propertyType UTF8String];

            if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, @encode(float)) == 0) {
                //it's a float
                float tmpValue = [[tmpEntity valueForKey:propertyName] floatValue];
                NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",tmpValue];
                [tmpDict setObject:value forKey:propertyName];
            } else if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, @encode(int)) == 0) {
                //it's an int
                int tmpValue = [[tmpEntity valueForKey:propertyName] intValue];
                NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",tmpValue];
                [tmpDict setObject:value forKey:propertyName];
            } else if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, @encode(id)) == 0) {
                //it's some sort of object
            } else {
                // According to Apples Documentation you can determine the corresponding encoding values

            if ([typeAttribute hasPrefix:@"T@"]) {
                NSString * typeClassName = [typeAttribute substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, [typeAttribute length]-4)];  //turns @"NSDate" into NSDate
                Class typeClass = NSClassFromString(typeClassName);
                if (typeClass != nil) {
                    // Here is the corresponding class even for nil values
                    if(typeClass == [NSString class]){
                        NSString *string = [tmpEntity valueForKey:propertyName];
                        if(string == nil)continue;
                            [tmpDict setObject:string forKey:propertyName];

                    }else if(typeClass ==[NSDate class]){
                        NSDate *date = [tmpEntity valueForKey:propertyName];
                        if(date == nil)continue;
                        NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
                        [formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"];
                        [formatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"Asia/Tokyo"]];
                        NSString *stringFromDate = [formatter stringFromDate:date];
                        [tmpDict setObject:stringFromDate forKey:propertyName];
                    }else if(typeClass == [NSNumber class]){
                        NSNumber *number = [tmpEntity valueForKey:propertyName];
                        if(number == nil)continue;
                        NSString *stringFromNum = [number stringValue];
                        [tmpDict setObject:stringFromNum forKey:propertyName];

        [marray addObject:tmpDict];

    NSError *error;
    NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:marray
                                                       options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted // Pass 0 if you don't care about the readability of the generated string

    if (! jsonData) {
        NSLog(@"Got an error: %@", error);
    } else {
        NSString *jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

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