I'm t9md
- Was normal Vim user
- Was advanced Emacs user.
- Was advanced Vim user
- vim-chef, vim-xmpfilter, textmanip, choosewin, quickhl, smalls...
- Am Atom with vim-mode-plus user
- vim-mode-plus, cursor-history, open-this, quick-highlight, project-folder...
What makes me editor addict is difficulties and limitless enhanceability of Emacs.
What is the vim-mode-plus?
Started by forking vim-mode maintained by GitHub
- Forked at 2015.08
- Public release at 2015.09.28
- Now 104 releases(!!) from initial release at 2016.11.04(about 1 release/4 days)
- Now de facto vim keybinding in Atom?
vim-mode's README was updated yesterday(2016.11.04)
Current Status - DEPRECATED in favor of vim-mode-plus
- It's honor to be used by really talented programmers(jordwalke, chenglou, rtfeldman).
- Happy to be mentioned in JavaScriptAir 034
What I did from when I forked
- Rewrote every lines of codes. Greatly reduced complexity.
Add lot's of new features:
- incremental-search
- visual-block-mode
- surround
- any-pair text-object
- occurrence operator-modifier
- persistent-selection
Off course, thanks to great vim-mode
- Sincerely, I feel I couldn't do anything without original vim-mode.
- Gifs
History of commit graphs

High speed tutorial from beginner to expert in 7 steps
High speed tour from beginner to expert in 7 steps
[Vim/vim-mode-plus for Atom] 秒速で初心者からエキスパートになる。 たった7ステップで。
Editing in the vim-world
The editing is transforming state of text by mutation.
initial-text -> mutate -> final-text
Mutating text with operator and target by telling vim to "do what on which target".
Subjects, Verbs and Objects basic operation unit
- Subject is You.
- Verb: is Operator
- Specify what to do. The verb requires an object(=target).
- Do mutation(Delete
, Yank
, CamelCase
- Objects: is Target(Motion or TextObject)
- Specify where, which to apply an operators on.
i w
How operation-stack of vim-mode-plus is working.
Motion is complete?

Operator is complete?

class DeleteToLastCharacterOfLine extends Delete
target: 'MoveToLastCharacterOfLine'
execute: ->
if @isMode('visual', 'blockwise')
swrap.setReversedState(@editor, false)
Operation life in operation-stack
execute operation when it's complete!

OperationStack code
top = @peekTop()
if top.isComplete()
if @mode is 'normal' and top.isOperator()
# Temporary set while command is running
if commandName = top.constructor.getCommandNameWithoutPrefix?()
@addToClassList(commandName + "-pending")
vim-mode-plus original features
- Maximize current pane
- Incremental search
- StayOn family(
) - Motions:
- TextObject:
- Operator: Lots of string transformer(
etc..) - Operator: Meta string transformer (
). - Narrowed selection.
). - Super granular keymap scopes(e.g. mapping only effective when
) - Persistent-selection: works as like normal visual-selection but you can make selection persist.
Keep cursor position by operator.
- Side-effect-less operator by
- In pure-Vim,
y i p
move cursor to start of yanked area. - I want cursor move only when I said so. Don't move unless I said so
- But cursor movement convinces user the success of an operator.
- Just dont-move-cursor is not enough,
compliment user's confidence.
Occurrence modifier, preset-occurrence, persistence-selection
- As like you can force-wise of operator by
d v j
modifies operator's behavior to works on occurrences within target. - A preset-occurrence allows you to set occurrence preliminarily.
allows you to set preset-occurrence by regex pattern- e.g.
/ ^ # * $ ctrl-o g U i e
uppercases all lines starts with#
- e.g.
- Also a persistent-selection allows you to pre-specify a target of operator.
Sometimes, replacing single-char in bulk is faster than repeating operator.
) delete-surround
delete-surround with multiple cursor
preset-occurrence for single quote '
then apply delete operator.
So what am I doing in vim-mode-plus?
vim-mode-plus is not trying to be complete-Vim
- Impossible and no motivation for that.
- Atom is NOT Vim.
vim-mode-plus is aggressively evaluating how effective-editing-would-be.
- How is it like when xxx is yyy.
- Is zzz feature is really practically(not conceptually) useful?
Thinking about Vim deeply further than I was pure-Vim user.
- And always found pure-Vim's really careful and maniac decision for developer's intuitiveness/productivities.