いつの間にか、ibm cloudで動かしてたappが動かなくなってたので、その時やったこと。
A service instance was not found in this resource group and region us-south
ibm cloudは、Web UIがコロコロ変更されるので、正直、よくわからん状態。
Pipeline | Delivery Pipeline
でDeploy Stage
の構成をpipline img(latest:2.3)にする
IMPORTANT: The Continuous Delivery Pipeline is being updated to pull a specific Docker image to run each job, either one of the built-in ones or your own custom image. This job is being run with the oldest image. You should consider moving to a more recent one, to get more recent versions of the included tools.
- memory不足を言われるので、manifest.ymlで指定して
cf push
Error restarting application: Server error, status code: 400, error code: 100005, message: You have exceeded your organization's memory limit: app requested more memory than available