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A6000, RTX 3090 の倍精度性能のメモ

Last updated at Posted at 2021-04-13

mixbench opencl で測定しました.

A6000 は 165W に powerlimit しています.

おおむね 0.55 Tflops でした(ECC off). 3090 も大体同等の値でした.
従って両方とも fp64 性能は fp32 の 1/64 になります.

Ampere 世代で倍精度を求めるのであれば A100(10 TF), A30(5 TF)にしましょう.

------------------------ Device specifications ------------------------
Platform:            NVIDIA CUDA
Device:              RTX A6000/NVIDIA Corporation
Driver version:      460.32.03
Address bits:        64
GPU clock rate:      1800 MHz
Total global mem:    48677 MB
Max allowed buffer:  12169 MB
OpenCL version:      OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
Total CUs:           84
Buffer size:            64MB
Workgroup size:         256
Workitem stride:        NDRange
Buffer allocation:      Device allocated
Timer:                  CL event based
Warning:                Half precision computations are not supported
Loading kernel source file...
Precompilation of kernels... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSV data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Experiment ID, Single Precision ops,,,,              Double precision ops,,,,              Half precision ops,,,,                Integer operations,,,
Compute iters, Flops/byte, ex.time,  GFLOPS, GB/sec, Flops/byte, ex.time,  GFLOPS, GB/sec, Flops/byte, ex.time,  GFLOPS, GB/sec, Iops/byte, ex.time,   GIOPS, GB/sec
            0,      0.000,   10.86,    0.00, 790.86,      0.000,   24.21,    0.00, 709.73,      0.000,    0.00,    -nan,    inf,     0.000,   10.14,    0.00, 847.08
            1,      0.129,    9.25,  116.03, 899.25,      0.065,   23.27,   46.15, 715.36,      0.258,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.129,    8.80,  122.00, 945.49
            2,      0.267,    9.01,  238.34, 893.78,      0.133,   22.21,   96.69, 725.16,      0.533,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.267,    8.86,  242.45, 909.17
            3,      0.414,    7.72,  417.26,1008.38,      0.207,   21.65,  148.79, 719.16,      0.828,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.414,    8.28,  389.03, 940.17
            4,      0.571,    7.87,  545.64, 954.86,      0.286,   20.60,  208.49, 729.70,      1.143,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.571,    7.79,  551.59, 965.29
            5,      0.741,    6.71,  799.59,1079.44,      0.370,   23.47,  228.72, 617.54,      1.481,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.741,    6.71,  800.56,1080.76
            6,      0.923,    8.08,  797.70, 864.17,      0.462,   19.96,  322.75, 699.30,      1.846,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     0.923,    6.90,  933.74,1011.55
            7,      1.120,    5.68, 1323.72,1181.89,      0.560,   18.34,  409.92, 732.00,      2.240,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     1.120,    5.68, 1322.53,1180.83
            8,      1.333,    5.29, 1623.81,1217.86,      0.667,   18.19,  472.20, 708.30,      2.667,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     1.333,    5.43, 1580.97,1185.72
            9,      1.565,    4.72, 2047.56,1308.16,      0.783,   19.13,  505.15, 645.47,      3.130,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     1.565,    4.80, 2011.76,1285.29
           10,      1.818,    4.23, 2535.85,1394.72,      0.909,   20.95,  512.58, 563.83,      3.636,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     1.818,    4.34, 2474.81,1361.14
           11,      2.095,    3.92, 3015.51,1439.22,      1.048,   22.34,  528.66, 504.63,      4.190,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     2.095,    3.80, 3111.50,1485.03
           12,      2.400,    3.73, 3456.84,1440.35,      1.200,   24.44,  527.23, 439.36,      4.800,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     2.400,    3.60, 3583.85,1493.27
           13,      2.737,    3.21, 4344.01,1587.23,      1.368,   25.93,  538.26, 393.35,      5.474,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     2.737,    3.40, 4108.46,1501.17
           14,      3.111,    2.94, 5113.28,1643.55,      1.556,   27.60,  544.70, 350.16,      6.222,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     3.111,    3.18, 4727.88,1519.68
           15,      3.529,    2.65, 6080.02,1722.67,      1.765,   29.12,  553.09, 313.42,      7.059,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     3.529,    3.26, 4941.45,1400.08
           16,      4.000,    5.49, 3127.74, 781.94,      2.000,   30.98,  554.56, 277.28,      8.000,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     4.000,    5.60, 3068.25, 767.06
           17,      4.533,    4.48, 4075.40, 898.98,      2.267,   32.82,  556.20, 245.38,      9.067,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     4.533,    4.62, 3948.15, 870.92
           18,      5.143,    4.45, 4340.93, 844.07,      2.571,   40.83,  473.40, 184.10,     10.286,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     5.143,    4.48, 4313.16, 838.67
           19,      5.846,    4.24, 4815.76, 823.75,      2.923,   36.69,  556.06, 190.23,     11.692,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     5.846,    3.97, 5137.43, 878.77
           20,      6.667,    3.72, 5774.10, 866.11,      3.333,   38.61,  556.24, 166.87,     13.333,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     6.667,    3.87, 5546.55, 831.98
           21,      7.636,    3.12, 7233.93, 947.30,      3.818,   40.52,  556.47, 145.74,     15.273,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     7.636,    3.41, 6610.66, 865.68
           22,      8.800,    3.70, 6377.85, 724.76,      4.400,   45.50,  519.14, 117.99,     17.600,    0.00,     inf,    inf,     8.800,    5.17, 4573.43, 519.71
           23,     10.222,    2.91, 8474.09, 828.99,      5.111,   46.15,  535.17, 104.71,     20.444,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    10.222,    3.10, 7972.64, 779.93
           24,     12.000,    3.08, 8363.52, 696.96,      6.000,   46.24,  557.26,  92.88,     24.000,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    12.000,    3.13, 8226.81, 685.57
           25,     14.286,    2.43,11051.60, 773.61,      7.143,   48.17,  557.23,  78.01,     28.571,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    14.286,    2.48,10841.36, 758.89
           26,     17.333,    2.43,11474.32, 661.98,      8.667,   50.11,  557.11,  64.28,     34.667,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    17.333,    2.45,11397.42, 657.54
           27,     21.600,    1.73,16762.32, 776.03,     10.800,   52.03,  557.16,  51.59,     43.200,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    21.600,    1.73,16782.19, 776.95
           28,     28.000,    1.78,16922.26, 604.37,     14.000,   53.91,  557.69,  39.83,     56.000,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    28.000,    1.76,17129.60, 611.77
           29,     38.667,    1.00,31092.74, 804.12,     19.333,   55.82,  557.86,  28.85,     77.333,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    38.667,    1.80,17297.33, 447.34
           30,     60.000,    1.00,32160.80, 536.01,     30.000,   57.72,  558.09,  18.60,    120.000,    0.00,     inf,    inf,    60.000,    1.85,17418.81, 290.31
           31,    124.000,    1.00,33203.12, 267.77,     62.000,   59.65,  558.04,   9.00,    248.000,    0.00,     inf,    inf,   124.000,    1.89,17656.63, 142.39
           32,        inf,    0.99,34592.20,   0.00,        inf,   61.57,  558.09,   0.00,        inf,    0.00,     inf,   -nan,       inf,    1.93,17800.76,   0.00


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