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Last updated at Posted at 2023-01-06


11ビット右シフトというのは2048で割るのと同じです。従って、205で乗算して11ビット右シフトすることは 205÷2048 で約 0.10009766 で乗算、言い換えると約 9.9902439 で除算するのと同じです。8ビット整数の範囲 0 から 255 まで試したところ、10で除算するのと完全に一致しました。


fn main() {
  use std::cmp;
  for bit_count in [4, 8, 16] {
    const MAX_DIVISOR: i32 = 20;
    for divisor in 1 .. cmp::min(1 << bit_count, MAX_DIVISOR + 1) {
      match search_magic_number(bit_count, divisor) {
        Some((a, s)) => println!("bit_count={}: x / {} ≒ (x * {}) >> {}", bit_count, divisor, a, s),
        None => panic!("bit_count={}: x / {}", bit_count, divisor),
    if (1 << bit_count) > MAX_DIVISOR + 1 {

fn search_magic_number(bit_count: i32, divisor: i32) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
  for s in 0 .. (bit_count * 2 + 1) {
    let a = ((1 << s) - 1) / divisor + 1;
    let mut flag = true;
    for dividend in 1 .. (1 << bit_count) {
      let answer1 = dividend / divisor;
      let answer2 = (((dividend as i64) * (a as i64)) >> s) as i32;
      if answer1 != answer2 {
        flag = false;
    if flag {
      return Some((a, s));
  return None;


bit_count=4: x / 1 ≒ (x * 1) >> 0
bit_count=4: x / 2 ≒ (x * 1) >> 1
bit_count=4: x / 3 ≒ (x * 11) >> 5
bit_count=4: x / 4 ≒ (x * 1) >> 2
bit_count=4: x / 5 ≒ (x * 13) >> 6
bit_count=4: x / 6 ≒ (x * 11) >> 6
bit_count=4: x / 7 ≒ (x * 19) >> 7
bit_count=4: x / 8 ≒ (x * 1) >> 3
bit_count=4: x / 9 ≒ (x * 15) >> 7
bit_count=4: x / 10 ≒ (x * 7) >> 6
bit_count=4: x / 11 ≒ (x * 3) >> 5
bit_count=4: x / 12 ≒ (x * 11) >> 7
bit_count=4: x / 13 ≒ (x * 5) >> 6
bit_count=4: x / 14 ≒ (x * 19) >> 8
bit_count=4: x / 15 ≒ (x * 9) >> 7

bit_count=8: x / 1 ≒ (x * 1) >> 0
bit_count=8: x / 2 ≒ (x * 1) >> 1
bit_count=8: x / 3 ≒ (x * 171) >> 9
bit_count=8: x / 4 ≒ (x * 1) >> 2
bit_count=8: x / 5 ≒ (x * 205) >> 10
bit_count=8: x / 6 ≒ (x * 171) >> 10
bit_count=8: x / 7 ≒ (x * 293) >> 11
bit_count=8: x / 8 ≒ (x * 1) >> 3
bit_count=8: x / 9 ≒ (x * 57) >> 9
bit_count=8: x / 10 ≒ (x * 205) >> 11
bit_count=8: x / 11 ≒ (x * 373) >> 12
bit_count=8: x / 12 ≒ (x * 171) >> 11
bit_count=8: x / 13 ≒ (x * 79) >> 10
bit_count=8: x / 14 ≒ (x * 293) >> 12
bit_count=8: x / 15 ≒ (x * 137) >> 11
bit_count=8: x / 16 ≒ (x * 1) >> 4
bit_count=8: x / 17 ≒ (x * 241) >> 12
bit_count=8: x / 18 ≒ (x * 57) >> 10
bit_count=8: x / 19 ≒ (x * 27) >> 9
bit_count=8: x / 20 ≒ (x * 205) >> 12

bit_count=16: x / 1 ≒ (x * 1) >> 0
bit_count=16: x / 2 ≒ (x * 1) >> 1
bit_count=16: x / 3 ≒ (x * 43691) >> 17
bit_count=16: x / 4 ≒ (x * 1) >> 2
bit_count=16: x / 5 ≒ (x * 52429) >> 18
bit_count=16: x / 6 ≒ (x * 43691) >> 18
bit_count=16: x / 7 ≒ (x * 74899) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 8 ≒ (x * 1) >> 3
bit_count=16: x / 9 ≒ (x * 58255) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 10 ≒ (x * 52429) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 11 ≒ (x * 47663) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 12 ≒ (x * 43691) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 13 ≒ (x * 20165) >> 18
bit_count=16: x / 14 ≒ (x * 74899) >> 20
bit_count=16: x / 15 ≒ (x * 34953) >> 19
bit_count=16: x / 16 ≒ (x * 1) >> 4
bit_count=16: x / 17 ≒ (x * 61681) >> 20
bit_count=16: x / 18 ≒ (x * 58255) >> 20
bit_count=16: x / 19 ≒ (x * 55189) >> 20
bit_count=16: x / 20 ≒ (x * 52429) >> 20

16ビット整数を10で除算するには52429を掛けて19ビット右シフトすればよいようです。約 9.99996185 で割るのと同じで、これが16ビット整数の範囲では10で割るのと完全に一致します。





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