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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2019-07-24





  1. SVG to JSX
  2. SVG to React Native
  3. HTML to JSX
  4. JSON to React PropTypes
  5. JSON to Flow
  6. JSON to GraphQL
  7. JSON to TypeScript
  8. JSON to MobX-State-Tree Model
  9. JSON to Sarcastic
  10. JSON to io-ts
  11. JSON to Rust Serde
  12. JSON to Mongoose Schema
  13. JSON to Big Query Schema
  14. JSON to MySQL
  15. JSON to Scala Case Class
  16. JSON to Go Struct
  17. JSON to YAML
  18. JSON to JSDoc
  19. JSON Schema to TypeScript
  20. JSON Schema to OpenAPI Schema
  21. CSS to JS Objects
  22. CSS to template literal
  23. JavaScript to JSON
  24. GraphQL to TypeScript
  25. GraphQL to Flow
  26. GraphQL to JAVA
  27. GraphQL to Resolvers Signature
  28. GraphQL to Introspection JSON
  29. GraphQL to Schema AST
  30. GraphQL to Fragment Matcher
  31. GraphQL to Components
  32. GraphQL to TypeScript MongoDB
  33. JSON-LD to N-Quads
  34. JSON-LD to Expanded
  35. JSON-LD to Compacted
  36. JSON-LD to Flattened
  37. JSON-LD to Framed
  38. JSON-LD to Normalized
  39. Flow to Typescript
  40. XML to JSON
  41. YAML to JSON
  42. Markdown to HTML



  • Reactコンポーネントを作っていて、素材となるHTMLをJSXにしたいとき。
  • JSON APIのレスポンスをTypeScriptで扱う際、レスポンスJSONの型をTypeScriptのinterfaceで定義したいとき
    • ScalaやGoでも同様



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