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Tips to Build a Great iOS App User Interface

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When you want to build a solid iOS app, it is vital to take care of the user interface. Although you can build an iOS app without focusing on the user interface, more than 50% of users abandon an app if the user interface is not up to the mark. So, how do you build a great user interface for your iOS app? Here are the top iOS user interface tips for building a revolutionary app design consulted by top iOS app designing agencies globally.

The formatting of content shall be strategic

The layout must fit the device screen in your iOS app. Users shall be able to view the content primarily without zooming the content or rotating the device. Take the example of the picture below. Users have to scroll right in order to read the content written near the image.
Formatting of the Content 1.png

The above image is not the right way of building the user design. Instead, the content should be visible and readable with minimal effort from the users. Watch the 2nd image below.

Formatting of the Content 2.png

In the second image, you can view the accurate formatting of the content. The picture and text are both visible, avoiding the number of taps from the users.

Go for touch gestures

Users have to select their date of birth or other important dates from the calendar. Although there are a couple of ways where you can deliver the interaction in your iOS app, Apple suggests its own standards. To feel the ease and natural selection, you must go for touch controls in your app. Also, it is one of the top UI/UX Design trends in the iOS app development industry.
Touch Gestures.png

Size of the text

The size of text is another important element in an iOS app user design. The size of the text should be 11 points which is a standard in building iOS apps. When you keep the font size 11, it is viewable, preventing the users from zooming in on the content in order to read the content.

Don’t let the text overlap

Overlapping of the text results in a bad user design. Best iOS app developers take care of the text overlapping with utmost efficiency. From letter spacing to the line height, ensure that your texts have enough gap between the letters and the line.

Use high-resolution images

Blurry images destroy a good user experience, and users are more likely to uninstall your app. As an excellent iOS app user design tip, you must use high-resolution images. Retina displays in Apple devices demand high-resolution images only.

Consistent alignment

If you use any word processing tool like MS Word, Google Docs, or LibreOffice Writer, you must be informed about the content alignment. We practice justified content in our documents so that the text and images are aligned right. The same goes for your iOS app design. Make sure that images are center aligned, the text is left aligned, and the lines are justified.

The aspect ratio of graphical content

Images or videos shall not be distorted. The aspect ratio must be intended carefully to display the image in its excellent form. For example, if you have played video games and changed the graphical settings, you will find out that some graphic settings stretch the game screen. Your images should not be stretched. Make sure they look in the perfect aspect ratio. If the best iOS app development company working on your iOS app then you might not have to worry about it.

Some inspirational iOS app user interface examples

Over 1.7 million apps are available in Apple's app store and not all of them survive to maintain or build a great user interface. Here are some inspirational iOS apps to reference while building your own.


Spotify has been topping the user base chart since its launch due to its intuitive user interface. The continuous updates in the app target improvement in the app’s usability. There are no word-based buttons anymore in the app promoting illustration-based designs making the overall navigation easy for the users. Similarly, the accurate song suggestions in the app further reduce the efforts and taps for the users to deliver an outstanding user experience.


Snapchat was designed only for mobile apps, and the experience on iOS devices is incredible. If you want to refer to all the important tips, Snapchat is the best one to reference from. The gestures on the Snapchat app are strategically planned, and you can use them everywhere. For example, the swipe right or left gesture will cycle through multiple features. But it also acts as a back button on the screens wherever required. From the button size to the placement of illustrations, everything is fluid in the Snapchat app. Even the top iPhone app developers suggest Snapchat for reference.

Alto’s Odyssey

Minimalism is not a high focus in the games because it is tough to achieve. And minimalism delivers a great iOS app user interface. Alto’s Odyssey is the answer to it. The game has a pretty simple concept where the main characters slide through the mountains just to escape llamas. But the user experience of the game is fabulous and can be ensured that top UI/UX design tools are used to build it.

Minimum yet appealing visuals with user-friendly navigation gestures to slide the character is something done with precision in the game. And, if you are building a game, you must check Alto’s Odyssey out for inspiration. Everything in the game was kept highly smooth and engaging.
Alto’s Odyssey.png


Finance apps look cluttered up, and the scenario is the same for most of the banking or personal finance management applications. However, the case is very different with Mint because it has registered points in keeping the user interface at par. The app lets users get their financial information right after the logging process with banks without asking them to leave the app. Once everything is in sync, the app shows you charters and figures for next-level data visualization. And all of that is designed after keeping the clean and minimal interface in mind. If you are building something related to finance, Mint is the app to refer to.

Closing thought

Apple provides complete information about the iOS app design. You can head to the official developer’s documentation and read ample design guidelines. However, the above-mentioned user guidelines will ensure that your app is carefully crafted. We advise you to build your iOS app design from iOS design experts. These experts have vast experience in the industry and know the finest details of iOS app user design. A great app is known for its design more than for its features and functionalities. When the design is right, then users are more interested in exploring the features and functionalities of an iOS app.

Reference Materials (Links)

UI/UX Design trends
Over 1.7 million apps are available in Apple's app store
Alto’s Odyssey
Building iOS apps


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