- NestJS + AWS Lambdaとして動かすまでは のシリーズで実施した内容を exampleに依存せず実施
- もっとシンプルにゼロから始める
- その1 nest cliを使いプロジェクト初期化(本ページ)
- その2 AWS Lambda + API Gatewayとしてデプロイする
- その3 AWS App Runner として動かす(仮)
- 試した内容は、GitHubに公開しています
- https://github.com/ssugimoto/serverless-framework-nestjs-example/branches
記事 | ブランチ | 内容 |
その1 | feature/example-step1 | nest cli |
その2 | feature/example-step2-sls | use serverless framework, sls deploy |
将来、1つのdevelop ブランチ にしてしまうかもしれません
- Node.js 18 が動く環境であること(v18.16.0を利用)
- NestJS v10
- Serverless Framework v3
- なお、npm では ライブラリを Globalインストールをするため、コンテナ等の環境が好ましい
Node バージョン
$ node -v
NestJS CLIをインストール
npm i -g @nestjs/cli
$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
added 263 packages in 14s
44 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
$ nest -v
Serverless Frameworkをインストール
npm i -g serverless
$ npm i -g serverless
npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.1: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
npm WARN deprecated superagent@7.1.6: Please downgrade to v7.1.5 if you need IE/ActiveXObject support OR upgrade to v8.0.0 as we no longer support IE and published an incorrect patch version (see https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/issues/1731)
added 418 packages in 19s
68 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
node ➜ /workspaces/nestjs-example $
node ➜ /workspaces/nestjs-example $ sls -v
Framework Core: 3.34.0
Plugin: 6.2.3
SDK: 4.3.2
nest cli を使い serverless-nestjs でのプロジェクトを作成
nest new プロジェクト名 で作成
$ nest new serverless-nest
$ nest new serverless-nest
⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..
? Which package manager would you ❤️ to use? npm
CREATE serverless-nest/.eslintrc.js (663 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/.prettierrc (51 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/README.md (3340 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/nest-cli.json (171 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/package.json (1956 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/tsconfig.build.json (97 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/tsconfig.json (546 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/src/app.controller.spec.ts (617 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/src/app.controller.ts (274 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/src/app.module.ts (249 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/src/app.service.ts (142 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/src/main.ts (208 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/test/app.e2e-spec.ts (630 bytes)
CREATE serverless-nest/test/jest-e2e.json (183 bytes)
✔ Installation in progress... ☕
🚀 Successfully created project serverless-nest
👉 Get started with the following commands:
$ cd serverless-nest
$ npm run start
Thanks for installing Nest 🙏
Please consider donating to our open collective
to help us maintain this package.
🍷 Donate: https://opencollective.com/nest
- 必要なディレクトリとファイルは作成される
node ➜ /workspaces/nestjs-example $ tree -L 2
└── serverless-nest
├── nest-cli.json
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── README.md
├── src
├── test
├── tsconfig.build.json
└── tsconfig.json
4 directories, 6 files
npm start
node ➜ /workspaces/nestjs-example/serverless-nest (master) $ npm start
> serverless-nest@0.0.1 start
> nest start
[Nest] 2367 - 08/21/2023, 1:34:13 AM LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 2367 - 08/21/2023, 1:34:13 AM LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +8ms
[Nest] 2367 - 08/21/2023, 1:34:13 AM LOG [RoutesResolver] AppController {/}: +13ms
[Nest] 2367 - 08/21/2023, 1:34:13 AM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/, GET} route +1ms
[Nest] 2367 - 08/21/2023, 1:34:13 AM LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +2ms
Windows のコマンドプロンプト
>curl http://localhost:3000/
Hello World!
- WindowsのPower Shell
PS > curl http://localhost:3000/
StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : Hello World!
RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5
Content-Length: 12
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 01:35:22 GMT
ETag: W/"c-Lve95gjOVATpfV8EL5X4nxwjKHE"...
Forms : {}
Headers : {[Connection, keep-alive], [Keep-Alive, timeout=5], [Content-Length, 12], [Content-Type, text/html;
Images : {}
InputFields : {}
Links : {}
ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength : 12
ここまでは、Webフレームワーク としての初期化です