#AV1 specification 日本語訳 (2018-03-26)
7.4. Ordering of OBUs
A bitstream conforming to this specification consists of one or more coded video sequences.
A coded video sequence consists of one or more temporal units.
A temporal unit consists of a series of OBUs starting from a temporal delimiter, optional sequence headers, optional metadata OBUs, a sequence of one or more frame headers, each followed by zero or more tile group OBUs as well as optional padding OBUs.
The first frame header in a coded video sequence must have frame_type equal to KEY_FRAME and show_frame equal to 1.
If operating points are being used, then only a selection of frames will be decoded.
The first frame header that will be decoded for each valid operating point must have frame_type equal to KEY_FRAME and show_frame equal to 1.
A frame header and its associated tile group OBUs within a temporal unit must use the same value of obu_extension_flag
(i.e., either both include or both not include the optional OBU extension header).
1つのテンポラルユニット内で、フレームヘッダとそれに関連付けられるタイルグループOBUは、同じ obu_extension_flag を持たなければなりません(つまり、オプショナルOBU拡張ヘッダを両方とも持つか、両方とも持たないかどちらかということです)。
The value of temporal_id must be the same in all OBU extension headers that are contained in the same temporal unit.
If a coded video sequence contains at least one enhancement layer (OBUs with spatial_id greater than 0 or temporal_id greater than 0) then all frame headers and tile group OBUs associated with base (spatial_id equals 0 and temporal_id equals 0) and enhancement layer (spatial_id greater than 0 or temporal_id greater than 0) data must include the OBU extension header.
符号化ビデオシーケンスが少なくとも1つのエンハンスメントレイヤ(spatial_id>0 || temporal_id>0 のOBU)をもつならば、ベース(spatial_id==0 && temporal_id==0)に関連付けられる全てのフレームヘッダとタイルグループOBUと、エンハンスメントレイヤ(spatial_id>0 || temporal_id>0)データは、OBU拡張ヘッダ持たなければなりません
OBUs with spatial level IDs (spatial_id) greater than 0 must appear within a temporal unit in increasing order of the spatial level ID values.
空間レベルID (spatial_id) >0 を持つOBUは、空間レベルIDの昇順で1つのテンポラルユニット内に存在しなければなりません。
Temporal units containing key frames must contain a sequence header before the frame header.
If multiple sequence headers are contained in a temporal unit containing a key frame then they must all indicate identical parameter values.
Sequence header OBUs may appear in any order within an OBU sequence.
The values of the parameters must be identical each time the sequence header appears.
A bitstream can change the sequence header parameters during decode, but this is interpreted as a video consisting of multiple independent coded video sequences.
One or more metadata and padding OBUs may appear in any order within an OBU sequence (unless constrained by semantics provided elsewhere in this specification).
Specific metadata types may be required or recommended to be placed in specific locations, as identified in their corresponding definitions.
OBU types that are not defined in this specification can be ignored by a decoder.