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How to develop a LaunchBar extension

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How to develop a LaunchBar extension

1.Duplicate the SampleExtension.lbaction


2.Open the package

2.1 Right click on the extension file and then click the "Show Package Contents".

How to develop a launchbar extension fig1.png

3.Edit Info.plist file

Original Info.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>Sample Extension</string>
        <string>This action sends the file to the specified contact in Messages.app.</string>
        <string>Soushi Yamamoto</string>
    <string>Copyright © 2014 Soushi Yamamoto</string>

3.1 Change the Extension Name

<string>Sample Extension</string> -> <string>New Extension Name</string>

<string>New Extension Name</string>

3.2 Change the Extension Identifier

jp.soushi.sampleid -> jp.soushi.newextensionid

<string> jp.soushi.newextensionid </string>

3.3 Change the apple script location(optional)

If you want to change the file name of the script, you should fix the location setting in the Config.plist file.

<string>default.scpt</string> -> <string>NewScriptFileName.scpt</string>


4 Change the apple script

This is the example for sending the specified file using the Messages app.

on open _files
    display dialog "Enter the address(To):" default answer "mail@soushi.jp"
    set toaddress to text returned of result
    repeat with _targetfile in _files
        tell application "Messages"
            send _targetfile to buddy "mail@soushi.jp" of service ("E:" & toaddress)
        end tell
    end repeat
end open

5 Install the extension

5.1 Double click the extension file(.lbaction)

How to develop a launchbar extension fig2.png


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