米国のCenter for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS)が提供する、サイバーセキュリティのための支援ツールやサービス群を小分けにして考察します。
今回は、CIS Controlsのセーフガードを解釈するためのコツと手法の紹介です。CIS Controlsに限った話ではありませんが、フレームワークの要求事項が自組織の何に相当しうるのか、解釈が割れることは多々あるかと思います。
CIS Controlsは、18のコントロール(要するに大分類)と、その配下の153のセーフガードから構成されます。セーフガードは、ISO的な日本語に例えると"管理策"でしょうか。
コントロール | コントロールの詳細 | セーフガード |
コントロール 1 | HOGE | セーフガード 1.1 |
コントロール 1 | HOGE | セーフガード 1.2 |
省略 | ||
コントロール 18 | HOGE | セーフガード 18.5 |
セーフガード | 資産タイプ | セキュリティ機能 | IG1~3への割当て | セーフガードの詳細 |
セーフガード 1.1 | デバイス | 特定 | IG1、IG2、IG3 の全て | HOGE |
セーフガード 1.2 | デバイス | 対応 | IG1、IG2、IG3 の全て | HOGE |
省略 | ||||
セーフガード 18.5 | ネットワーク | 検知 | IG3 のみ | HOGE |
- 資産タイプ
- 対象となる資産の種類(例:デバイス、ソフトウェア、データ、文書など)
- セキュリティ機能
- NISTが定義するサイバーセキュリティ対策の必須機能(ガバナンス、識別、防御、検知、対応、復旧)との関係性
- IG1~3への割当て
- IG(Implementation Group)とはCISが定義する組織の"ペルソナ"であり、大規模且つ専門的な人材が揃う組織はIG3とされる
その1 セーフガードの要素を分解する
Image source: Center for Internet Security (CIS), "CIS Critical Security Controls Navigator", licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
→ 1.セーフガードの文中に含まれる多数の要件を、YES/NOの二択で回答できるレベルの要素にばらす
→ 2.各要素同士の文脈上の関係(AND/OR)は、なんらかの方法で維持する
→ 3.実施しない場合、どのようなリスクやデメリットがあるか明確にする
→ 4.実施する場合、課題となりうる点を明確にする
その2 セーフガード同士の依存関係を調べる
10.1 マルウェア対策ソフトウェアを導入し維持する
10.2 マルウェア対策のシグネチャ自動更新を設定する
尚、これを考える上では、CAS (CIS Controls Assessment Specification) で定義されるパラメータの Dependencies(依存関係) が参考になります。一覧化すると以下です。
title | Dependencies | Dependencies |
1.1: Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory | none | |
1.2: Address Unauthorized Assets | 1.1: | |
1.3: Utilize an Active Discovery Tool | 4.1: | |
1.4: Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory | 1.1: | |
1.5: Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool | 4.2: | 12.4: |
2.1: Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory | none | |
2.2: Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported | 2.1: | |
2.3: Address Unauthorized Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
2.4: Utilize Automated Software Inventory Tools | 1.1: | 2.3: |
2.5: Allowlist Authorized Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
2.6: Allowlist Authorized Libraries | 2.1: | 2.5: |
2.7: Allowlist Authorized Scripts | 2.1: | 4.1: |
3.1: Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process | none | |
3.2: Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory | 1.1: | |
3.3: Configure Data Access Control Lists | 3.2: | 4.1: |
3.4: Enforce Data Retention | 3.1: | 3.2: |
3.5: Securely Dispose of Data | 3.1: | 3.2: |
3.6: Encrypt Data on End-User Devices | 1.1: | 2.1: |
3.7: Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme | 3.1: | 3.2: |
3.8: Document Data Flows | 3.1: | 3.2: |
3.9: Encrypt Data on Removable Media | 1.1: | 2.1: |
3.10: Encrypt Sensitive Data in Transit | 3.2: | 4.1: |
3.11: Encrypt Sensitive Data At Rest | 1.1: | 2.1: |
3.12: Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity | 3.2: | 12.4: |
3.13: Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution | 2.1: | 3.2: |
3.14: Log Sensitive Data Access | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.1: Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process | 2.1: | |
4.2: Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure | 2.1: | |
4.3: Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.4: Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.5: Implement and Manage a Firewall on End-User Devices | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.6: Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.7: Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.8: Uninstall or Disable Unnecessary Services on Enterprise Assets and Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
4.9: Configure Trusted DNS Servers on Enterprise Assets | 1.1: | 4.1: |
4.10: Enforce Automatic Device Lockout on Portable End-User Devices | 1.1: | |
4.11: Enforce Remote Wipe Capability on Portable End-User Devices | 1.1: | |
4.12: Separate Enterprise Workspaces on Mobile End-User Devices | 1.1: | 2.1: |
5.1: Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts | 2.1: | |
5.2: Use Unique Passwords | none | |
5.3: Disable Dormant Accounts | 5.1: | |
5.4: Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts | 5.1: | |
5.5: Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts | 6.6: | |
5.6: Centralize Account Management | 1.1: | 2.1: |
6.1: Establish an Access Granting Process | none | |
6.2: Establish an Access Revoking Process | none | |
6.3: Require MFA for Externally-Exposed Applications | 2.1: | 4.1: |
6.4: Require MFA for Remote Network Access | 1.1: | 4.1: |
6.5: Require MFA for Administrative Access | 4.1: | 5.1: |
6.6: Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems | 1.1: | 2.1: |
6.7: Centralize Access Control | 1.1: | 2.1: |
6.8: Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control | 5.1: | |
7.1: Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process | none | |
7.2: Establish and Maintain a Remediation Process | none | |
7.3: Perform Automated Operating System Patch Management | 1.1: | 2.1: |
7.4: Perform Automated Application Patch Management | 1.1: | 2.1: |
7.5: Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets | 1.1: | 2.1: |
7.6: Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets | 1.1: | 2.1: |
7.7: Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities | 1.1: | |
8.1: Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process | none | |
8.2: Collect Audit Logs | 1.1: | 4.1: |
8.3: Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage | 1.1: | |
8.4: Standardize Time Synchronization | 1.1: | |
8.5: Collect Detailed Audit Logs | 1.1: | |
8.6: Collect DNS Query Audit Logs | 4.1: | |
8.7: Collect URL Request Audit Logs | 1.1: | 4.1: |
8.8: Collect Command-Line Audit Logs | 1.1: | 4.1: |
8.9: Centralize Audit Logs | 1.1: | 2.1: |
8.10: Retain Audit Logs | 4.1: | 8.9: |
8.11: Conduct Audit Log Reviews | none | |
8.12: Collect Service Provider Logs | 4.1: | 15.1: |
9.1: Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients | 2.1: | |
9.2: Use DNS Filtering Services | 1.1: | 4.1: |
9.3: Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters | 1.1: | 2.1: |
9.4: Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized Browser and Email Client Extensions | 1.1: | 2.1: |
9.5: Implement DMARC | 2.1: | |
9.6: Block Unnecessary File Types | 1.1: | 4.1: |
9.7: Deploy and Maintain Email Server Anti-Malware Protections | 1.1: | 4.1: |
10.1: Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
10.2: Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Signature Updates | 10.1: | |
10.3: Disable Autorun and Autoplay for Removable Media | 1.1: | 4.1: |
10.4: Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Scanning of Removable Media | 4.1: | 10.1: |
10.5: Enable Anti-Exploitation Features | 1.1: | 4.1: |
10.6: Centrally Manage Anti-Malware Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
10.7: Use Behavior-Based Anti-Malware Software | 1.1: | 2.1: |
11.1: Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process | none | |
11.2: Perform Automated Backups | 1.1: | 2.1: |
11.3: Protect Recovery Data | 1.1: | 2.1: |
11.4: Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data | 1.1: | 4.1: |
11.5: Test Data Recovery | 1.1: | |
12.1: Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date | 1.1: | |
12.2: Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture | 12.4: | 2.1: |
12.3: Securely Manage Network Infrastructure | 1.1: | 4.2: |
12.4: Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s) | none | |
12.5: Centralize Network Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing (AAA) | 2.1: | |
12.6: Use of Secure Network Management and Communication Protocols | 4.2: | 12.2: |
12.7: Ensure Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise’s AAA Infrastructure | 1.1: | 2.1: |
12.8: Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work | 1.1: | 4.2: |
13.10: Perform Application Layer Filtering | 1.1: | 2.1: |
13.11: Tune Security Event Alerting Thresholds | 13.1: | |
13.1: Centralize Security Event Alerting | 1.1: | 2.1: |
13.2: Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution | 1.1: | 2.1: |
13.3: Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution | 1.1: | 12.4: |
13.4: Perform Traffic Filtering Between Network Segments | none | |
13.5: Manage Access Control for Remote Assets | 1.1: | 4.1: |
13.6: Collect Network Traffic Flow Logs | 1.1: | 4.2: |
13.7: Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Solution | 1.1: | 2.1: |
13.8: Deploy a Network Intrusion Prevention Solutions | 1.1: | 12.4: |
13.9: Deploy Port-Level Access Control | 1.1: | |
14.1: Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program | none | |
14.2: Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks | none | |
14.3: Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices | none | |
14.4: Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices | none | |
14.5: Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure | none | |
14.6: Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents | none | |
14.7: Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates | none | |
14.8: Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks | none | |
14.9: Conduct Role-Specific Security Awareness and Skills Training | none | |
15.1: Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers | none | |
15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy | none | |
15.3: Classify Service Providers | 15.1: | 15.2: |
15.4: Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements | 15.1: | 15.2: |
15.5: Assess Service Providers | 15.1: | 15.2: |
15.6: Monitor Service Providers | 15.1: | 15.2: |
15.7: Securely Decommission Service Providers | 15.1: | 15.2: |
16.1: Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process | none | |
16.2: Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities | none | |
16.3: Perform Root Cause Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities | 16.2: | |
16.4: Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components | 2.1: | |
16.5: Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components | 16.4: | |
16.6: Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities | 16.2: | |
16.7: Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure | 4.1: | 4.2: |
16.8: Separate Production and Non-Production Systems | none | |
16.9: Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding | none | |
16.10: Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures | 16.1: | |
16.11: Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components | 2.1: | |
16.12: Implement Code-Level Security Checks | 2.1: | |
16.13: Conduct Application Penetration Testing | 2.1: | |
16.14: Conduct Threat Modeling | 2.1: | |
17.1: Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling | none | |
17.2: Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents | none | |
17.3: Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents | none | |
17.4: Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process | none | |
17.5: Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities | 17.4: | |
17.6: Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response | 17.4: | |
17.7: Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises | 17.4: | |
17.8: Conduct Post-Incident Reviews | 17.4: | |
17.9: Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds | 17.4: | |
18.1: Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program | none | |
18.2: Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests | 18.1: | |
18.3: Remediate Penetration Test Findings | 18.2: | |
18.4: Validate Security Measures | 18.1: | |
18.5: Perform Periodic Internal Penetration Tests | 18.1: |