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double func(double t, double Vc) {

	return 100000 - 1000 * Vc;


int main(void) {


	long double Vc, t, step, R, C, end, r;
	long double k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6;
	int FLAG = 0;
	long double step_MIN, step_MAX, tol, e, Vc_o5, Vc_o4, diff;
	int error;
	FILE *fi;

	R = 10;
	C = 0.0001;
	r = 0.0;
	step = ((R*C) / 100.0) * 100;
	//step = 0.00001; //step数は関数に応じて任意に設定する
	diff = 0.0;
	Vc = 0.0;
	Vc_o4 = 0.0;
	Vc_o5 = 0.0;
	step_MIN = 0.00001;
	step_MAX = 0.005;
	//tol = 2.059999; //偏差の基準は関数に応じて任意に決定する
	tol = 2.06;
	e = 0;
	t = 0.0;
	end = 0.01;

	if ((error = fopen_s(&fi, "Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg_data.txt", "w")) != 0) {

		printf("\nThis file can't opened \n\n");

		return 0;


	fprintf(fi, "%f %f\n", t, Vc);

	while (FLAG != 1) {
	/*	k1からk6までを求める演算では、コメントアウトしている式が正しい式なのですが、

		k1 = step*func(t, Vc); printf("k1 = %lf\n", k1);
		k2 = step*func(t + step*0.25, Vc + (k1*0.25)); printf("k2 = %lf\n", k2);
		//k3 = step*func(t + step*(3/8), Vc + ( (k1*(3/32)) + (k2*(9/32)))); 
		k3 = step*func(t + step*(0.375), Vc + ((k1*(0.09375)) + (k2*(0.28125))));
		//k4 = step*func(t + step*(12/13), Vc +  (((1932/2197)*k1) - ((7200/2197)*k2) + ((7296/2197) * k3) )); 
		k4 = step*func(t + step*(0.92307), Vc + (((0.87938)*k1) - ((3.27719)*k2) + ((3.320892) * k3))); printf("k4 = %lf\n", k4);
		//k5 = step*func(t + step, Vc +  (((439 / 216)*k1) - (8 * k2) + ((3680 / 513)*k3) - ((845 / 4104)*k4)));
		k5 = step*func(t + step, Vc + (((2.032407)*k1) - (8 * k2) + ((7.173489)*k3) - ((0.20589)*k4))); printf("k5 = %lf\n", k5);
		//k6 = step*func(t + step*0.5, Vc + (-((8 / 27)*k1) + (2 * k2) - ((3544 / 2565)*k3) + ((1859 / 4104)*k4) - ((11/40)*k5)));
		k6 = step*func(t + step*0.5, Vc + (-((0.29629)*k1) + (2 * k2) - ((1.38167)*k3) + ((0.45330)*k4) - ((0.275)*k5))); printf("k6 = %lf\n", k6);

		Vc_o5 = ((0.1185 * k1) + (0.51898 * k3) + (0.50613 * k4) - (0.18 * k5) + (0.03636 * k6));
		//Vc_o5 = (((16 / 135) * k1) + ((6656 / 12825) * k3) + ((28561 / 56430) * k4) - ((9 / 50) * k5) + ((2 / 55) * k6));
		//Vc_o4 = Vc + (((25 / 216)*k1) + ((1408 / 2565)*k3) + ((2197 / 4104)*k4) - (1 / 5)*k5);
		Vc_o4 = ((0.11574 * k1) + (0.54892 * k3) + (0.53533 * k4) - (0.2)*k5);

		diff = Vc_o5 - Vc_o4;

		if (diff < 0) { 

			diff = diff*(-1);


		r = (diff / step); printf("r = %lf\n", r);

		if (r <= tol) {

			t = t + step;
			//Vc = Vc + (25/216)*k1 + (1408/2565)*k3 + (2197/4104)*k4 - (1/5)*k5;
			Vc = Vc + (0.11574) * k1 + (0.54892)*k3 + (0.535722)*k4 - (0.2)*k5;
			fprintf(fi, "%f %f\n", t, Vc);


		e = pow((tol / (2 * r)), 0.25);

		if (e <= 0.1) {

			step = step * 0.1;  //step幅を小さくする

		else if (e >= 1.5) {

			//step = step * 100000;
			step = step * 2; //step幅を大きくする

		else {

			step = e*step;


		if (step > step_MAX) {

			step = step_MAX;


		printf("t = %lf\n", t);

		if (t >= end) {

			FLAG = 1;

		else if ((t + step) > end) {

			step = 0.01 - t;

			if (step < step_MIN) {

				FLAG = 1;
				printf("\nMINIMUM step exceeded !!\n");



	return 0;



se grid
se xrange [0:0.01]
se yrange [0:110]
se xlabel "s[sec]"
se ylabel "Vc[V]"
plot "Euler_data.txt" using 1:2 with lines


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