
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2021-04-04



// 86400s = 24h
// blockGenerationTargetTimeInSeconds: デフォルト30s
% symbol-cli transaction namespace
✔ Enter your wallet password: … ************
✔ Enter the namespace name: … ccsmurai
✔ Do you want to create a root namespace? … yes
✔ Enter the maximum fee (absolute amount): … 2000000
✔ Select the transaction announce mode: › normal
✔ Enter the duration in number of blocks: … 172800 //60日

│                               NAMESPACE_REGISTRATION                               │
│ Max fee:        │ 2,000,000                                                        │
│ Network type:   │ TEST_NET                                                         │
│ Deadline:       │ 2021-04-04 13:02:24.456                                          │
│ Namespace name: │ ccsmurai                                                         │
│ Type:           │ Root namespace                                                   │
│ Duration:       │ 172800 blocks                                                    │
│                                 Signature details                                  │
│ Payload:        │ 9A000000000000003078D131AD1F8C8FBF8932023C33A9C69D6761145D47AA13 │
│                 │ A8E2785A4EB3BB1DF016EFE546E783E39B6F9A680FD4EF4E8DE891796F896FD0 │
│                 │ 1C14F831B57B880CC179986233ADC2507DFCF301C005548DF2F8819EF7497681 │
│                 │ D7CBB1109B22E5350000000001984E4180841E0000000000483649430A000000 │
│                 │ 00A30200000000004B7C7E01EAEF1AE500086363736D75726169             │
│ Hash:           │ 04A0C7F97F9A962E1B7C690C770F7B646EE438ADA18F3821EF208C0717C25924 │
│ Signer:         │ C179986233ADC2507DFCF301C005548DF2F8819EF7497681D7CBB1109B22E535 │


% symbol-cli transaction namespace --subnamespace --parent-name ccsmurai --name stock


% symbol-cli namespace owned

Namespace Information
│ Property          │ Value                                         │
│ Id                │ E51AEFEA017E7C4B                              │
│ Registration Type │ Root Namespace                                │
│ Owner             │ TAK7KS-KD4EVH-XCWF45-DAKU6X-AZGH22-CRFFZ6-3JY │
│ Start Height      │ 245854                                        │
│ End Height        │ 421534                                        │

Namespace Information
│ Property          │ Value                                         │
│ Id                │ 8D5DE16E917C3BC5                              │
│ Registration Type │ Sub Namespace                                 │
│ Owner             │ TAK7KS-KD4EVH-XCWF45-DAKU6X-AZGH22-CRFFZ6-3JY │
│ Start Height      │ 245854                                        │
│ End Height        │ 421534                                        │
│ Parent Id         │ E51AEFEA017E7C4B                              │



% symbol-cli transaction mosaicalias 
✔ Enter your wallet password: … ************
✔ Enter the namespace name: … ccsmurai
✔ Enter the mosaic id in hexadecimal format: … 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3
✔ Select an action: › Link
✔ Enter the maximum fee (absolute amount): … 2000000
✔ Select the transaction announce mode: › normal


% symbol-cli namespace info 
✔ Enter the namespace id in hexadecimal: … E51AEFEA017E7C4B

Namespace Information
│ Property          │ Value                                         │
│ Id                │ E51AEFEA017E7C4B                              │
│ Registration Type │ Root Namespace                                │
│ Owner             │ TAK7KS-KD4EVH-XCWF45-DAKU6X-AZGH22-CRFFZ6-3JY │
│ Start Height      │ 245854                                        │
│ End Height        │ 421534                                        │
│ Alias Type        │ MosaicId                                      │
│ Alias MosaicId    │ 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3                              │


# モザイクとサブネームスペースをlink
# 一つのモザイクがネームスペースと、サブネームスペースの両方にlinkすることは可能なのですね。TODO:仕様チェック
# サブネームスペースの書き方は、<ネームスペース>.<サブネームスペース>
% symbol-cli transaction mosaicalias 
✔ Enter your wallet password: … ************
✔ Enter the namespace name: … ccsmurai.stock
✔ Enter the mosaic id in hexadecimal format: … 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3
✔ Select an action: › Link
✔ Enter the maximum fee (absolute amount): … 2000000
✔ Select the transaction announce mode: › normal
# ネームスペースとモザイクをunlinkする
% symbol-cli transaction mosaicalias 
✔ Enter your wallet password: … ************
✔ Enter the namespace name: … ccsmurai
✔ Enter the mosaic id in hexadecimal format: … 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3
✔ Select an action: › Unlink // Unlinkを指定
✔ Enter the maximum fee (absolute amount): … 2000000
✔ Select the transaction announce mode: › normal

# ネームスペースはunlinkされた
% symbol-cli namespace info 
✔ Enter the namespace id in hexadecimal: … E51AEFEA017E7C4B

Namespace Information
│ Property          │ Value                                         │
│ Id                │ E51AEFEA017E7C4B                              │
│ Registration Type │ Root Namespace                                │
│ Owner             │ TAK7KS-KD4EVH-XCWF45-DAKU6X-AZGH22-CRFFZ6-3JY │
│ Start Height      │ 245854                                        │
│ End Height        │ 421534                                        │

# サブネームスペースはmosaicとリンクされている
% symbol-cli namespace info 
✔ Enter the namespace id in hexadecimal: … 8D5DE16E917C3BC5

Namespace Information
│ Property          │ Value                                         │
│ Id                │ 8D5DE16E917C3BC5                              │
│ Registration Type │ Sub Namespace                                 │
│ Owner             │ TAK7KS-KD4EVH-XCWF45-DAKU6X-AZGH22-CRFFZ6-3JY │
│ Start Height      │ 245854                                        │
│ End Height        │ 421534                                        │
│ Parent Id         │ E51AEFEA017E7C4B                              │
│ Alias Type        │ MosaicId                                      │
│ Alias MosaicId    │ 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3                              │


% symbol-cli transaction transfer --recipient-address TDS3ZA-G6BI26-UZAOXS-GAL7TL-FZLYOP-S3SODM-SFI --mosaics @ccsmurai.stock::10  --max-fee 2000000 --message "10stack" --sync


% symbol-cli account info --address TDS3ZA-G6BI26-UZAOXS-GAL7TL-FZLYOP-S3SODM-SFI
Balance Information
│ Mosaic Id        │ Relative Amount │ Absolute Amount │ Expiration Height │
│ 58DF8E44BCBC1CD3 │ 10              │ 10              │ Never             │



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