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DB2 Docker 起動手順書

Last updated at Posted at 2020-01-30

Docker 利用イメージ


$ docker pull ibmcom/db2


db2.env というファイルを作成。

$ cat db2.env
# set License to accept to use the Db2 software contained in this image
# specify the Db2 Instance name
# specify the Db2 Instance password
# create an initial database with the name provided or leave empty
# set to true to enable BLU on instance
# set to true to enable Oracle Compatibility on instance
# set to true to create sample database


$ docker run -itd --name mydb2 --privileged=true -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept --env-file ./db2.env ibmcom/db2


docker run コマンド実行後、セットアップまで時間がかかる。
ログを確認し、Setup has completed. というメッセージが表示されるまで待つ。

$ docker logs -f mydb2

(*) Setup has completed.


$ docker exec -ti mydb2 bash -c "su - db2inst1"

DB 接続

$ db2 connect to sample

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUXX8664
 SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1
 Local database alias   = SAMPLE


$ db2 list tables

Table/View                      Schema          Type  Creation time
------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------------
ACT                             DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
ADEFUSR                         DB2INST1        S     2020-01-30-
CATALOG                         DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
CL_SCHED                        DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
CUSTOMER                        DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
DEPARTMENT                      DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
DEPT                            DB2INST1        A     2020-01-30-
EMP                             DB2INST1        A     2020-01-30-
EMPACT                          DB2INST1        A     2020-01-30-
EMPLOYEE                        DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
EMPMDC                          DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
EMPPROJACT                      DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
EMP_ACT                         DB2INST1        A     2020-01-30-
EMP_PHOTO                       DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
EMP_RESUME                      DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
INVENTORY                       DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
IN_TRAY                         DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
ORG                             DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
PRODUCT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
PRODUCTSUPPLIER                 DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
PROJ                            DB2INST1        A     2020-01-30-
PROJACT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
PROJECT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
PURCHASEORDER                   DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
SALES                           DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
STAFF                           DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
STAFFG                          DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
SUPPLIERS                       DB2INST1        T     2020-01-30-
VACT                            DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VASTRDE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VASTRDE2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VDEPMG1                         DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VDEPT                           DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VEMP                            DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VEMPDPT1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VEMPLP                          DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VEMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VFORPLA                         DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VHDEPT                          DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPHONE                          DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPROJ                           DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPROJACT                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPROJRE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPSTRDE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VPSTRDE2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VSTAFAC1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-
VSTAFAC2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-01-30-

  47 record(s) selected.

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