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1. Python Qualis - Pytest Testing Framework

Last updated at Posted at 2021-02-17

from proj.inventory import MobileInventory, InsufficientException
import sys
import os
import pytest

# Import MobileInventory class and InsufficientException from the inventory module using the expression from proj.inventory import MobileInventory, InsufficientException.
# Import pytest using the expression import pytest.
# Use assert statement for assert, and to check. Ex: assert 1 == 1

# Define a pytest test class **'TestingInventoryCreation'**
class TestingInventoryCreation:

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_creating_empty_inventory'**, which creates an empty inventory and checks if its 'balance_inventory' is an empty dict using assert.
    def test_creating_empty_inventory(self):
        x = MobileInventory()
        assert x.balance_inventory == {}
    # Define a pytest test method **'test_creating_specified_inventory'**, which checks if inventory instance with input {'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25}.
    def test_creating_specified_inventory(self):
        x = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':100 , 'Xiaomi Model Y':1000,'Nokia Model Z':25})
        assert {'iPhone Model X':100 , 'Xiaomi Model Y':1000,'Nokia Model Z':25} == x.balance_inventory

    # Define a pytest test method  **'test_creating_inventory_with_list'**, which checks if the  method raises a TypeError with the message "Input inventory must be a dictionary" when a list "['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z']" is passed as input using assert.
    def test_creating_inventory_with_list(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
                ['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])
        assert "Input inventory must be a dictionary" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_creating_inventory_with_numeric_keys'**, which checks if the  method raises a ValueError with the message "Mobile model name must be a string" using assert, when the dict {1:'iPhone Model X', 2:'Xiaomi Model Y', 3:'Nokia Model Z'} is passed as input.
    def test_creating_inventory_with_numeric_keys(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            MobileInventory({1: 'iPhone Model X', 2: 'Xiaomi Model Y', 3: 'Nokia Model Z'})
        assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_creating_inventory_with_nonnumeric_values'**, which checks if the  method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert, when the dict {'iPhone Model X':'100', 'Xiaomi Model Y': '1000', 'Nokia Model Z':'25'} is passed as input.
    def test_creating_inventory_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X': '100', 'Xiaomi Model Y': '1000', 'Nokia Model Z': '25'})
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_creating_inventory_with_negative_value'**, which checks if the  method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert, when the dict {'iPhone Model X':-45, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 200, 'Nokia Model Z':25} is passed as input.
    def test_creating_inventory_with_negative_value(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X': -45, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 200, 'Nokia Model Z': 25})
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)
# Define another pytest test class **'TestInventoryAddStock'**, which tests the behavior of the **'add_stock'** method, with the following tests
class TestInventoryAddStock:

    # Define a pytest class fixture 'setup_class', which creates an **'MobileInventory'** instance with input {'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25} and assign it to class attribute **'inventory'**.
    def setup_class(cls):
        cls.inventory = MobileInventory(
            {'iPhone Model X': 100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z': 25})

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_add_new_stock_as_dict'**, which adds the new stock {'iPhone Model X':50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A':10} to the existing inventory, and update the **balance_inventory** attribute. Also, check if the updated **balance_inventory** equals {'iPhone Model X':150, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 3000, 'Nokia Model Z':25, 'Nokia Model A':10} using assert.
    def test_add_new_stock_as_dict(self):
        self.inventory.add_stock({"iPhone Model X": 50, "Xiaomi Model Y": 2000, "Nokia Model A": 10})
        assert {"iPhone Model X": 150, "Xiaomi Model Y": 3000, "Nokia Model Z": 25, "Nokia Model A": 10} == self.inventory.balance_inventory

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_add_new_stock_as_list'**, which adds the new stock ['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'] to the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a TypeError with the message "Input stock must be a dictionary" using assert.
    def test_add_new_stock_as_list(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
                ['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])
        assert "Input stock must be a dictionary" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_add_new_stock_with_numeric_keys'**, which adds the new stock {1:'iPhone Model A', 2:'Xiaomi Model B', 3:'Nokia Model C'} to the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a ValueError with the message "Mobile model name must be a string" using assert.
    def test_add_new_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            self.inventory.add_stock({1: 'iPhone Model A', 2: 'Xiaomi Model B', 3: 'Nokia Model C'})
        assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_add_new_stock_with_nonnumeric_values'**, which adds the new stock {'iPhone Model A':'50', 'Xiaomi Model B':'2000', 'Nokia Model C':'25'} to the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert.
    def test_add_new_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            self.inventory.add_stock({"iPhone Model A": "50", "Xiaomi Model B": "2000", "Nokia Model C": "25"})
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_add_new_stock_with_float_values'**, which adds the new stock {'iPhone Model A':50.5, 'Xiaomi Model B':2000.3, 'Nokia Model C':25} to the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert.

    def test_add_new_stock_with_float_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                {'iPhone Model A': 50.5, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000.3, 'Nokia Model C': 25})
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)

# Define another pytest test class **'TestInventorySellStock'**, which tests the behavior of the **'sell_stock'** method, with the following tests
class TestInventorySellStock:
    # Define a pytest class fixture 'setup_class', which creates an **'MobileInventory'** instance with the input {'iPhone Model A':50, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000, 'Nokia Model C':10, 'Sony Model D':1}, and assign it to the class attribute **'inventory'**.
    def setup_class(cls):
        cls.inventory = MobileInventory(
            {'iPhone Model A': 50, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000, 'Nokia Model C': 10, 'Sony Model D': 1})

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_as_dict'**, which sells the requested stock {'iPhone Model A':2, 'Xiaomi Model B':20, 'Sony Model D':1} from the existing inventory, and update the **balance_inventory** attribute. Also check if the updated **balance_inventory** equals {'iPhone Model A':48, 'Xiaomi Model B': 1980, 'Nokia Model C':10, 'Sony Model D':0} using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_as_dict(self):
            {'iPhone Model A': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 20, 'Sony Model D': 1})
        assert self.inventory.balance_inventory == {'iPhone Model A': 48, 'Xiaomi Model B': 1980, 'Nokia Model C': 10,
                                                    'Sony Model D': 0}
    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_as_list'**, which tries selling the requested stock ['iPhone Model A', 'Xiaomi Model B', 'Nokia Model C'] from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a TypeError with the message "Requested stock must be a dictionary" using assert.

    def test_sell_stock_as_list(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
                ["iPhone Model A", "Xiaomi Model B", "Nokia Model C"])
        assert "Requested stock must be a dictionary" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_with_numeric_keys'**, which tries selling the requested stock {1:'iPhone Model A', 2:'Xiaomi Model B', 3:'Nokia Model C'} from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises ValueError with the message "Mobile model name must be a string" using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                {1: 'iPhone Model A', 2: 'Xiaomi Model B', 3: 'Nokia Model C'}))
        assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_with_nonnumeric_values'**, which tries selling the requested stock {'iPhone Model A':'2', 'Xiaomi Model B':'3', 'Nokia Model C':'4'} from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                {'iPhone Model A': '2', 'Xiaomi Model B': '3', 'Nokia Model C': '4'}))
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_with_float_values'**, which tries selling the requested stock {'iPhone Model A':2.5, 'Xiaomi Model B':3.1, 'Nokia Model C':4} from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises a ValueError with the message "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_with_float_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                {'iPhone Model A': 2.5, 'Xiaomi Model B': 3.1, 'Nokia Model C': 4}))
        assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_of_nonexisting_model'**, which tries selling the requested stock {'iPhone Model B':2, 'Xiaomi Model B':5} from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises an InsufficientException with the message "No Stock. New Model Request" using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_of_nonexisting_model(self):
        with pytest.raises(InsufficientException) as excinfo:
            self.inventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model B': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 5})
        assert "No Stock. New Model Request" == str(excinfo.value)

    # Define a pytest test method **'test_sell_stock_of_insufficient_stock'**, which tries selling the requested stock {'iPhone Model A':2, 'Xiaomi Model B':5, 'Nokia Model C': 15} from the existing inventory, and which checks if the method raises an InsufficientException with the message "Insufficient Stock" using assert.
    def test_sell_stock_of_insufficient_stock(self):
        with pytest.raises(InsufficientException) as excinfo:
            self.inventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A':2, 'Xiaomi Model B':5, 'Nokia Model C': 15})
        assert "Insufficient Stock" == str(excinfo.value)


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