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  1. カメラの軌跡の位置座標から固有値・固有ベクトルを使って平面を推定する
  2. ロドリゲスの回転公式より回転行列を求める
  3. 回転行列を使ってカメラの位置情報を変える(ついでにカメラの向き情報・colmapで得られたsparse_pc.plyも変える)


import json
import numpy as np
import copy
import open3d as o3d

def estimate_plane(points):
    com = np.sum(points, axis=0) / len(points)
    # 重心を計算
    q = points - com
    # 重心を原点に移動し、同様に全点群を平行移動する  pythonのブロードキャスト機能使用
    Q = np.dot(q.T, q)
    # 3x3行列を計算する 行列計算で和の形になるため総和になる
    la, vectors = np.linalg.eig(Q)
    # 固有値、固有ベクトルを計算 固有ベクトルは縦のベクトルが横に並ぶ形式
    plane_v = vectors.T[np.argmin(la)]

    return plane_v

def find_rotation_matrix(n, n_target):
    axis = np.cross(n, n_target)
    sin_theta = np.linalg.norm(axis)
    cos_theta = np.dot(n, n_target) / (np.linalg.norm(n) * np.linalg.norm(n_target))
    axis = axis / sin_theta
    K = np.array([
        [0, -axis[2], axis[1]], 
        [axis[2], 0, -axis[0]], 
        [-axis[1], axis[0], 0]
    R = np.eye(3) + sin_theta * K + (1 - cos_theta) * np.dot(K, K)
    return R

def project_points(points, R):
    return np.dot(points, R.T)

def calc_new_points(points, R = None, average_point = None):
    coeffs = estimate_plane(points)
    normal_vector = coeffs[:3]

    n_target = np.array([0., 1., 0.])

    if R is None:
        R = find_rotation_matrix(normal_vector, n_target)

    projected_points = project_points(points, R)

    if average_point is None:
        average_point = np.average(projected_points, axis=0)
    projected_points -= average_point

    return projected_points, R, average_point

def calc_new_axis(axis, R, average_point):
    projected_axis = project_points(axis, R)
    projected_axis -= average_point
    return projected_axis

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = "transforms.json"
    new_path = "new_transforms.json"
    ply_path = "sparse_pc.ply"
    new_ply_path = "new_sparse_pc.ply"

    with open(path) as f:
        transform_json = json.load(f)
    ply = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(ply_path)
    ply_points = np.asarray(ply.points)

    points = []
    xaxis = []
    yaxis = []
    zaxis = []

    for frame in transform_json["frames"]:
        points.append([frame["transform_matrix"][0][-1], frame["transform_matrix"][1][-1], frame["transform_matrix"][2][-1]])
        xaxis.append([frame["transform_matrix"][0][0], frame["transform_matrix"][1][0], frame["transform_matrix"][2][0]])
        yaxis.append([frame["transform_matrix"][0][1], frame["transform_matrix"][1][1], frame["transform_matrix"][2][1]])
        zaxis.append([frame["transform_matrix"][0][2], frame["transform_matrix"][1][2], frame["transform_matrix"][2][2]])

    points = np.array(points)
    xaxis = np.array(xaxis)
    yaxis = np.array(yaxis)
    zaxis = np.array(zaxis)

    projected_points, R, average_point = calc_new_points(points)
    projected_xaxis = calc_new_axis(xaxis, R, average_point)
    projected_yaxis = calc_new_axis(yaxis, R, average_point)
    projected_zaxis = calc_new_axis(zaxis, R, average_point)
    projected_ply_points, _, _ = calc_new_points(ply_points, R, average_point)

    new_transform_json = copy.deepcopy(transform_json)
    for frame, point, x, y, z in zip(new_transform_json["frames"], projected_points, projected_xaxis, projected_yaxis, projected_zaxis):
        frame["transform_matrix"][0] = [x[0], y[0], z[0], point[0]]
        frame["transform_matrix"][1] = [x[1], y[1], z[1], point[1]]
        frame["transform_matrix"][2] = [x[2], y[2], z[2], point[2]]
    with open(new_path, "w") as f:
        json.dump(new_transform_json, f, indent=4)
    ply.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(projected_ply_points)
    o3d.io.write_point_cloud(new_ply_path, ply)

    camera = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
    camera.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(projected_points)


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