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Google Cloud Platform コンソールでログインしてみる。

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP) の初期設定(Console)(覚書)

Google Cloud Platform resources and developer workflow

GCP に auth login

$ gcloud auth login

account を切り替える

(To set the active account, run:)

  $ gcloud config set account ``ACCOUNT''

GCP の Project を指定する

(You can change this setting)

$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

GCP の Project の設定を解除する

(unset it)

$ cloud config unset projet

GCP SDK Update

(Updates are available for some Cloud SDK components.)

$ gcloud components update

GCP SDK Revert

(To revert your SDK to the previously installed version)

$ gcloud components update --version [90.0.0]

Deploy コマンド

$ appcfg.py -A PROJECT_ID update app.yaml



$ appcfg.py -A PROJECT_ID update app.yaml --no_cookies


Usage: gcloud [optional flags] <group | command>
  group may be           auth | components | compute | config | container |
                         deployment-manager | dns | preview | source | sql |
  command may be         docker | feedback | help | info | init | version

The *gcloud* CLI manages authentication, local configuration, developer
workflow, and interactions with the Google Cloud Platform APIs.

optional flags:
  --account ACCOUNT      Google Cloud Platform user account to use for
  --format FORMAT        The format for printing command output resources.
  --help                 Display detailed help.
  --log-http             Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
  --project PROJECT_ID   Google Cloud Platform project ID to use for this
  --quiet, -q            Disable all interactive prompts.
  --trace-token TRACE_TOKEN
                         Token used to route traces of service requests for
                         investigation of issues.
  --user-output-enabled  Print user intended output to the console.
  --verbosity VERBOSITY  Override the default verbosity for this command.  This
                         must be a standard logging verbosity level: [debug,
                         info, warning, error, critical, none] (Default:
  -h                     Print a summary help and exit.
  -v, --version          Print version information.

command groups:
  auth                   Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK.
  components             List, install, update, or remove Google Cloud SDK
  compute                Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine resources.
  config                 View and edit Google Cloud SDK properties.
  container              Deploy and manage clusters of machines for running
  deployment-manager     Manage deployments of cloud resources.
  dns                    Manage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets.
  preview                Manage Preview CLI command groups.
  source                 Cloud git repository commands.
  sql                    Manage Cloud SQL databases.
  topic                  gcloud supplementary help.

  docker                 Provides the docker CLI access to the Google Container
  feedback               Provide feedback to the Google Cloud SDK team.
  help                   Prints detailed help messages for the specified
  info                   Display information about the current gcloud
  init                   Initialize or reinitialize gcloud.
  version                Print version information for Cloud SDK components.


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