Python + NumPy だけで,本気で速度を追求した SVM を書いてみた.
アルゴリズムは LIVSVM のドキュメントと関連論文に倣って色々と工夫を取り入れた SMO.
Working set の選択 (各反復で部分問題に使う 2 変数を選ぶアレ) は実装のし易さを優先して少し古い手法 (LIBSVM ver. 2.8 くらいまで使われていたやつ) を採用したが,新しいやつが必ずしも速い保証はないしまあ良いかなという感じ.
まだ実装できていない機能が沢山あるけど,基本的に使い方は scikit-learn とほぼ同じになっているはず.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
def linear_kernel(x1, x2):
x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
return, x2.T)
# k(x, y) = exp(- gamma || x1 - x2 ||^2)
def get_rbf_kernel(gamma):
def rbf_kernel(x1, x2):
x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
m1, _ = x1.shape
m2, _ = x2.shape
norm1 =[m2, 1]), np.atleast_2d(np.sum(x1 ** 2, axis=1))).T
norm2 =[m1, 1]), np.atleast_2d(np.sum(x2 ** 2, axis=1)))
return np.exp(- gamma * (norm1 + norm2 - 2 *, x2.T)))
return rbf_kernel
# k(x1, x2) = (<x1, x2> + coef0)^degree
def get_polynomial_kernel(degree, coef0):
def polynomial_kernel(x1, x2):
x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
return (, x2.T) + coef0)**degree
return polynomial_kernel
class CSvc:
def __init__(self, C=1e0, kernel=linear_kernel, tol=1e-3, max_iter=1000,
gamma=1e0, degree=3, coef0=0):
self._EPS = 1e-5
self._TAU = 1e-12
self._cache = {}
self.tol = tol
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.C = C
self.gamma = gamma, self.coef0 = degree, coef0
self.kernel = None
self._alpha = None
self.intercept_ = None
self._grad = None
self.itr = None
self._ind_y_p, self._ind_y_n = None, None
self._i_low, self._i_up = None, None
def _init_solution(self, y):
num = len(y)
self._alpha = np.zeros(num)
self._i_low = y < 0
self._i_up = y > 0
def set_kernel_function(self, kernel):
if callable(kernel):
self.kernel = kernel
elif kernel == 'linear':
self.kernel = linear_kernel
elif kernel == 'rbf' or kernel == 'gaussian':
self.kernel = get_rbf_kernel(self.gamma)
elif kernel == 'polynomial' or kernel == 'poly':
self.kernel = get_polynomial_kernel(, self.coef0)
raise ValueError('{} is undefined name as kernel function'.format(kernel))
def _select_working_set1(self, y):
minus_y_times_grad = - y * self._grad
# Convert boolean mask to index
i_up = self._i_up.nonzero()[0]
i_low = self._i_low.nonzero()[0]
ind_ws1 = i_up[np.argmax(minus_y_times_grad[i_up])]
ind_ws2 = i_low[np.argmin(minus_y_times_grad[i_low])]
return ind_ws1, ind_ws2
def fit(self, x, y):
self._cache = {}
num, _ = x.shape
# Initialize the dual coefficients and gradient
self._grad = - np.ones(num)
# Start the iterations of SMO algorithm
for itr in xrange(self.max_iter):
# Select two indices of variables as working set
ind_ws1, ind_ws2 = self._select_working_set1(y)
# Check stopping criteria: m(a_k) <= M(a_k) + tolerance
m_lb = - y[ind_ws1] * self._grad[ind_ws1]
m_ub = - y[ind_ws2] * self._grad[ind_ws2]
kkt_violation = m_lb - m_ub
# print 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
if kkt_violation <= self.tol:
print 'Converged!', 'Iter:', itr, 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
# Compute (or get from cache) two columns of gram matrix
if ind_ws1 in self._cache:
qi = self._cache[ind_ws1]
qi = self.kernel(x, x[ind_ws1]).ravel() * y * y[ind_ws1]
self._cache[ind_ws1] = qi
if ind_ws2 in self._cache:
qj = self._cache[ind_ws2]
qj = self.kernel(x, x[ind_ws2]).ravel() * y * y[ind_ws2]
self._cache[ind_ws2] = qj
# Construct sub-problem
qii, qjj, qij = qi[ind_ws1], qj[ind_ws2], qi[ind_ws2]
# Solve sub-problem
if y[ind_ws1] * y[ind_ws2] > 0: # The case where y_i equals y_j
v1, v2 = 1., -1.
d_max = min(self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws1], self._alpha[ind_ws2])
d_min = max(-self._alpha[ind_ws1], self._alpha[ind_ws2] - self.C)
else: # The case where y_i equals y_j
v1, v2 = 1., 1.
d_max = min(self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws1], self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws2])
d_min = max(-self._alpha[ind_ws1], -self._alpha[ind_ws2])
quad_coef = v1**2 * qii + v2**2 * qjj + 2 * v1 * v2 * qij
quad_coef = max(quad_coef, self._TAU)
d = - (self._grad[ind_ws1] * v1 + self._grad[ind_ws2] * v2) / quad_coef
d = max(min(d, d_max), d_min)
# Update dual coefficients
self._alpha[ind_ws1] += d * v1
self._alpha[ind_ws2] += d * v2
# Update the gradient
self._grad += d * v1 * qi + d * v2 * qj
# Update I_up with respect to ind_ws1 and ind_ws2
self._update_iup_and_ilow(y, ind_ws1)
self._update_iup_and_ilow(y, ind_ws2)
print 'Exceed maximum iteration'
print 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
# Set results after optimization procedure
self._set_result(x, y)
self.intercept_ = (m_lb + m_ub) / 2.
self.itr = itr + 1
def _update_iup_and_ilow(self, y, ind):
# Update I_up with respect to ind
if (y[ind] > 0) and (self._alpha[ind] / self.C <= 1 - self._EPS):
self._i_up[ind] = True
elif (y[ind] < 0) and (self._EPS <= self._alpha[ind] / self.C):
self._i_up[ind] = True
self._i_up[ind] = False
# Update I_low with respect to ind
if (y[ind] > 0) and (self._EPS <= self._alpha[ind] / self.C):
self._i_low[ind] = True
elif (y[ind] < 0) and (self._alpha[ind] / self.C <= 1 - self._EPS):
self._i_low[ind] = True
self._i_low[ind] = False
def _set_result(self, x, y):
self.support_ = np.where(self._EPS < (self._alpha / self.C))[0]
self.support_vectors_ = x[self.support_]
self.dual_coef_ = self._alpha[self.support_] * y[self.support_]
# Compute w when using linear kernel
if self.kernel == linear_kernel:
self.coef_ = np.sum(self.dual_coef_ * x[self.support_].T, axis=1)
def decision_function(self, x):
return np.sum(self.kernel(x, self.support_vectors_) * self.dual_coef_, axis=1) + self.intercept_
def predict(self, x):
return np.sign(self.decision_function(x))
def score(self, x, y):
return sum(self.decision_function(x) * y > 0) / float(len(y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create toy problem
num_p = 15
num_n = 15
dim = 2
x_p = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ones(dim) * 1, np.eye(dim), num_p)
x_n = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ones(dim) * 2, np.eye(dim), num_n)
x = np.vstack([x_p, x_n])
y = np.array([1.] * num_p + [-1.] * num_n)
# Set parameters
max_iter = 500000
C = 1e0
gamma = 0.005
tol = 1e-3
# Set kernel function
# kernel = get_rbf_kernel(gamma)
# kernel = linear_kernel
# kernel = 'rbf'
# kernel = 'polynomial'
kernel = 'linear'
# Create object
csvc = CSvc(C=C, kernel=kernel, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol)
# Run SMO algorithm, y)
LIBSVM と速度比較してみる
本家 LIBSVM,scikit-learn,自前の実装,の 3 つを 1 回勝負で雑に比べてみた.
scikit-learn は中身は LIBSVM だけど,Python との繋ぎが本家は ctypes なのに対して scikit-learn は Cython を使っているとか何とか?
使ったのは linear kernel で,表の数値の単位は sec.
自前実装 | scikit-learn | LIBSVM | |
mushrooms | 0.374 | 0.320 | 0.907 |
a1a | 0.729 | 0.332 | 0.663 |
diabetes | 0.0795 | 0.015 | 0.0451 |
liver | 0.0243 | 0.0031 | 0.0109 |
splice | 2.28 | 0.49 | 1.10 |
svmguide3 | 0.175 | 0.483 | 0.148 |
本家 LIBSVM にはかなり迫っているが,scikit-learn の謎の速さよ.
それでも Python + NumPy だけでガチ環境 (?) に耐え得る速度が出せている感じがするので結構頑張ったと思う.
- これをベースに SVM を拡張したアルゴリズム色々書きたい
- まだ速くしたい
- Python でも結構頑張れるっぽいので皆で頑張ろう