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既存レポジトリに git-flow 導入

Last updated at Posted at 2012-10-08

まず git-flow のインストール。

$ brew install git-flow

master 以外のブランチがない場合は、develop 用のブランチを作っておいてから git flow init するだけ。feature 用のブランチがある場合は、後で git branch -m bar feature/bar とかすればいいのではないかと思います。

$ git branch develop
$ git flow init

Which branch should be used for bringing forth production releases?
   - develop
   - master
Branch name for production releases: [master] 

Which branch should be used for integration of the "next release"?
   - develop
Branch name for "next release" development: [develop] 

How to name your supporting branch prefixes?
Feature branches? [feature/] 
Release branches? [release/] 
Hotfix branches? [hotfix/] 
Support branches? [support/] 
Version tag prefix? [] 
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
$ git branch
* master
$ git flow feature
No feature branches exist.

You can start a new feature branch:

    git flow feature start <name> [<base>]

$ git flow feature start foo
Switched to a new branch 'feature/foo'

Summary of actions:
- A new branch 'feature/foo' was created, based on 'develop'
- You are now on branch 'feature/foo'

Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use:

     git flow feature finish foo

$ git branch
* feature/foo



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