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Very useful Figma API & plugins

Last updated at Posted at 2023-06-23


Scripter: Speed up your workflow or experiment with the Figma API through scripts.

Google Sheets Sync: Sync content from Google Sheets directly into your Figma file

Node Inspector: View and copy node properties for plugin development.


// get node text content
const title = figma.getNodeById("1:121")

// set node text content
title.characters = "abc"

// fetch image from url
).then(async (image: Image) => {
  const imgnode = figma.getNodeById("1:11")

  // Resize the node to match the image's width and height
  const { width, height } = await image.getSizeAsync()
  imgnode.resize(width, height)

  // Set the fill on the node
  imgnode.fills = [{
      type: 'IMAGE',
      imageHash: image.hash,
      scaleMode: 'FILL'

}).catch((error: any) => {


// Create an instance from the component
const template = figma.getNodeById("1:123")
let ins = template.createInstance()

// get ins children
let person = ins.children[8]

// create style
let styleName = `chinese_tradition_color/${color.name}`
let style = figma.createPaintStyle()
style.name = styleName

style.paints = [{
  blendMode: "NORMAL",
  color: [251, 164, 20], // 淡橘橙
  opacity: 1,
  type: "SOLID",
  visible: true,
}, ]

ins.fillStyleId = style.id

batch create invites

  1. download scripter plugin https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/757836922707087381/scripter

  2. Enter the following

function createPost(template, items) {
  let arr = []
  for (const item of items) {
    let ins = template.createInstance()
    let person = ins.findOne((n => n.name === "#name"))
    ins.name = item.name
    person.characters = item.name
  return arr

const list = [{
    name: "shooter",
    name: "tiny",
    name: "bob",
    name: "alice",

const component = figma.currentPage.findOne((n => n.name === "#Poster"))
const posts = createPost(component, list)



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  2. You can efficiently read back useful information
  3. You can use dark theme
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Delete article

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Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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