
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-01-04





  • エンタルピー計算
  • エントロピー計算
  • ギブスエネルギー計算
  • 多成分系への拡張
  • フラッシュ計算
  • 沸点圧力計算



熱力学において気体の温度・圧力・体積の関係を表す式は状態方程式(Equation of State, EoS)と呼ばれます。高校生で習うのが理想気体の状態方程式です。





Z := \frac{PV}{NRT}



3次の状態方程式(cubic EoS)は、この実在気体の物性や挙動を予測するモデルとして様々な工学分野で使用されています。最も広く使われている3次の状態方程式は、分子間力定数$a$と分子排除容積$b$の2つの定数で表されるタイプで、以下の3つのEOSが有名です。

  • Van der Waals EoS (VDW EoS)1
  • Soave-Redlich-Kwong EoS (SRK EoS)2
  • Peng-Robinson EoS (PR EoS)3


EoS 状態方程式
VDW $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{V-Nb} - \frac{N^2 a}{V^2} $
SRK $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{V-Nb} - \frac{N^2 a}{V(V+Nb) } $
PR $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{V-Nb} - \frac{N^2 a}{V^2+2NbV-(Nb)^2} $


EoS 状態方程式
VDW $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{v-b} - \frac{a}{v^2} $
SRK $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{v-b} - \frac{a}{v(v+b) } $
PR $\displaystyle P = \frac{RT}{v-b} - \frac{a}{v^2+2bv-b^2} $

SRKとPRでは分子間力定数が温度に依存するとして、$a=a(T)=a_c \alpha(T)$とモデル化されます。ここで$a_c:=a(T_c)$、$\alpha(T)$は分子間力定数の温度依存性を補正する係数で、$\alpha(T_c)=1$となるように定義されます。$\alpha$には様々な式が提案されていますが、次式2がよく使われています。

\alpha(T) = \left[ 1 + m \left( 1-\sqrt{T_r} \right) \right]^2


EoS $m$の計算式
SRK $ m = 0.480+1.574\omega -0.176\omega^2 $
PR $ m = 0.37464+1.54226\omega - 0.26992\omega^2 $



a_c = \Omega_a \frac{R^2 T_c^2}{P_c}, \quad b_c = \Omega_b \frac{R T_c}{P_c}


EoS $\Omega_a$ $\Omega_b$
VDW 0.421875 0.125
SRK 0.42747 0.08664
PR 0.45724 0.07780


EoS 圧縮係数に関する3次方程式
VDW $Z^3-(1+B)Z^2+Az-AB=0$
SRK $Z^3-Z^2+(A-B-B^2)Z-AB=0$
PR $Z^3+(B-1)Z^2+(A-3B^2-2B)Z-(AB-B^2-B^3)=0$


A &:= \frac{aP}{R^2T^2} = \Omega_a \frac{P_r}{T_r^2} \\
B &:= \frac{bP}{RT} = \Omega_b \frac{P_r}{T_r}

$P_r$は対臨界圧力、$T_r$は対臨界温度です。状態方程式の基礎を学びたいならKyle (1999)4を読むと良いでしょう。応用についてはKontogeorgis and Folas(2010)5にまとめられています。



共通部分: CubicEos

/// Gas constant [J/mol-K]
constexpr double gas_constant = 8.31446261815324;

/// @brief Two-parameter cubic EoS
/// @tparam T Value type
/// @tparam Eos EoS policy
/// @tparam Corrector Temperature correction for attraction parameter
template <typename T, typename Eos, typename Corrector>
class CubicEos {
  // Static functions

  /// @brief Computes attraction parameter
  /// @param[in] pc Critical pressure
  /// @param[in] tc Critical temperature
  /// @returns Attraction parameter at critical condition
  static T attraction_param(const T &pc, const T &tc) noexcept {
    return (Eos::omega_a * gas_constant * gas_constant) * tc * tc / pc;

  /// @brief Computes repulsion parameter
  /// @param[in] pc Critical pressure
  /// @param[in] tc Critical temperature
  /// @returns Repulsion parameter at critical condition
  static T repulsion_param(const T &pc, const T &tc) noexcept {
    return (Eos::omega_b * gas_constant) * tc / pc;

  /// @brief Computes reduced attraction parameter
  /// @param[in] pr Reduced pressure
  /// @param[in] tr Reduced temperature
  /// @returns Reduced attraction parameter
  static T reduced_attraction_param(const T &pr, const T &tr) noexcept {
    return Eos::omega_a * pr / (tr * tr);

  /// @brief Computes reduced repulsion parameter
  /// @param[in] pr Reduced pressure
  /// @param[in] tr Reduced temperature
  /// @returns Reduced repulsion parameter
  static T reduced_repulsion_param(const T &pr, const T &tr) noexcept {
    return Eos::omega_b * pr / tr;

  // Constructors

  /// @brief Constructs EoS.
  /// @param[in] pc Critical pressure
  /// @param[in] tc Critical temperature
  /// @param[in] corrector Corrector
  CubicEos(const T &pc, const T &tc, const Corrector& corrector)
      : pc_{pc},
        ac_{this->attraction_param(pc, tc)},
        bc_{this->repulsion_param(pc, tc)},
        corrector_{corrector} {}

  /// @brief Computes pressure at given temperature and volume.
  /// @param[in] t Temperature
  /// @param[in] v Volume
  /// @returns Pressure
  T pressure(const T &t, const T &v) noexcept {
    const auto tr = t / tc_;
    const auto a = corrector_.alpha(tr) * ac_;
    const auto b = bc_;
    return Eos::pressure(t, v, a, b);

  /// @brief Computes z-factor
  /// @param[in] p Pressure
  /// @param[in] t Temperature
  /// @returns An array of z-factors
  std::vector<T> zfactor(const T& p, const T& t) const noexcept {
    const auto pr = p / pc_;
    const auto tr = t / tc_;
    const auto a = corrector_.alpha(tr) * this->reduced_attraction_param(pr, tr);
    const auto b = this->reduced_repulsion_param(pr, tr);
    const auto p = Eos::cubic_eq(a, b);
    return real_roots(p);

  T pc_;
  T tc_;
  T ac_;
  T bc_;
  Corrector corrector_;




  • PVTの式
  • 圧縮係数の三次方程式


三次方程式の実根を求める関数: real_roots


/// @brief Computes real roots of a cubic equation.
/// @param[in] a Array of coefficients of a cubic equation
/// @returns Array of real roots of a cubic equation
/// The cubic equation takes the form of:
/// \f[
///   x^3 + a[0] x^2 + a[1] x + a[2] = 0.
/// \f]
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> real_roots(const std::array<T, 3>& a) noexcept {
  const auto x = roots(a);
  std::vector<T> xreal;
  using std::fabs;
  constexpr double eps = 1e-10;
  for (auto&& xi : x)
    if (fabs(xi.imag()) < eps) xreal.push_back(xi.real());
  return xreal;


/// @brief Computes roots of a cubic equation by using Cardano's formula.
/// @param[in] a Array of coefficients of a cubic equation
/// @returns Array of roots of a cubic equation
/// The cubic equation takes the form of:
/// \f[
///   x^3 + a[0] x^2 + a[1] x + a[2] = 0.
/// \f]
template <typename T>
std::array<std::complex<T>, 3> roots(const std::array<T, 3>& a) noexcept {
  const auto p = (3 * a[1] - a[0] * a[0]) / 9;
  const auto q = (27 * a[2] + a[0] * (2 * a[0] * a[0] - 9 * a[1])) / 54;
  // Discriminant of the cubic equation
  const auto disc = p * p * p + q * q;

  using std::pow;
  using std::sqrt;
  using std::complex;

  const auto s = sqrt(complex<T>(disc, 0));
  const auto u1 = pow(-q + s, 1.0 / 3.0);
  const auto u2 = pow(-q - s, 1.0 / 3.0);

  const auto sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0);
  // The primitive cube root of unity
  const auto w1 = complex<T>(-0.5, sqrt3 / 2);
  const auto w2 = complex<T>(-0.5, -sqrt3 / 2);

  // Roots based on Cardano's formula
  const auto x1 = u1 + u2 - a[0] / 3;
  const auto x2 = w1 * u1 + w2 * u2 - a[0] / 3;
  const auto x3 = w2 * u1 + w1 * u2 - a[0] / 3;

  return {x1, x2, x3};



  • 定数omega_aおよびomega_bを定義している。
  • 静的関数pressure(t,v,a,b)およびcubic_eq(a,b)を定義している。


/// @brief Van der Waals EoS for CubicEos.
/// @tparam T Value type
template <typename T>
struct VanDerWaals {
  /// Constant for attraction parameter
  static constexpr double omega_a = 0.421875;
  /// Constant for respulsion parameter
  static constexpr double omega_b = 0.125;

  // Static functions

  /// @brief Computes pressure at given temperature and volume.
  /// @param[in] t Temperature
  /// @param[in] v Volume
  /// @param[in] a Attraction parameter
  /// @param[in] b Repulsion parameter
  /// @returns Pressure
  static T pressure(const T &t, const T &v, const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return gas_constant * t / (v - b) - a / (v * v);

  /// @brief Computes coefficients of cubic equation
  /// @param[in] a Reduced attraction parameter
  /// @param[in] b Reduced repulsion parameter
  /// @returns Coefficients of the cubic equation of z-factor
  static std::array<T, 3> cubic_eq(const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return {-b - 1, a, -a * b};


/// @brief Soave-Redlich-Kwong EoS for CubicEos.
/// @tparam T Value type
template <typename T>
class SoaveRedlichKwong {
  static constexpr double omega_a = 0.42748;
  static constexpr double omega_b = 0.08664;

  // Static functions

  static T pressure(const T &t, const T &v, const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return gas_constant * t / (v - b) - a / (v * (v + b));

  static std::array<T, 3> cubic_eq(const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return {-1, a - b - b * b, -a * b};


/// @brief Peng-Robinson EoS for CubicEos.
/// @tparam T Value type
template <typename T>
class PengRobinson {
  static constexpr double omega_a = 0.45724;
  static constexpr double omega_b = 0.07780;

  // Static functions

  static T pressure(const T &t, const T &v, const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return gas_constant * t / (v - b) - a / ((v - b) * (v + b) + 2 * b * v);

  static std::array<T, 3> cubic_eq(const T &a, const T &b) noexcept {
    return {b - 1, a - (3 * b + 2) * b, (-a + b + b * b) * b};




template <typename T>
struct DefaultCorrector {
  T alpha(const T&) const noexcept { return 1; }


template <typename T>
class SoaveCorrector {
  /// @brief Computes correction factor for temperature dependence of attraction
  /// parameter
  static T m(const T &omega) noexcept {
    return 0.48 + (1.574 - 0.176 * omega) * omega;

  // Constructors

  /// @brief Constructs EoS
  /// @param[in] omega Acentric factor
  SoaveCorrector(const T &omega) noexcept : m_{this->m(omega)} {}

  /// @brief Computes correction factor for attraction parameter
  /// parameter
  /// @param[in] tr Reduced temperature
  /// @returns Temperature correction factor for the attraction parameter
  T alpha(const T &tr) const noexcept {
    using std::sqrt;
    const auto a = 1 + m_ * (1 - sqrt(tr));
    return a * a;

  /// Correction factor for temperature dependence of attraction parameter
  T m_;


template <typename T>
class PengRobinsonCorrector {
  static T m(const T &omega) noexcept {
    return 0.3796 + omega * (1.485 - omega * (0.1644 - 0.01667 * omega));

  // Constructors

  PengRobinsonCorrector(const T &omega) : m_{this->m(omega)} {}

  // Member functions

  T alpha(const T &tr) const noexcept {
    using std::sqrt;
    const auto a = 1 + m_ * (1 - sqrt(tr));
    return a * a;

  T m_;



template <typename T>
auto make_vdw_eos(const T& pc, const T& tc) 
    -> CubicEos<T, VanDerWaals<T>, DefaultCorrector<T>> {
  return {pc, tc, DefaultCorrector<T>{}};

template <typename T>
auto make_srk_eos(const T& pc, const T& tc, const T& omega)
    -> CubicEos<T, SoaveRedlichKwong<T>, SoaveCorrector<T>> {
  return {pc, tc, SoaveCorrector<T>{omega}};

template <typename T>
auto make_pr_eos(const T& pc, const T& tc, const T& omega)
    -> CubicEos<T, PengRobinson<T>, PengRobinsonCorrector<T>> {
  return {pc, tc, PengRobinsonCorrector<T>{omega}};



// Critical parameters for methane
const double pc = 4e6;      // Critical pressure [Pa]
const double tc = 190.6;    // Critical temperature [K]
const double omega = 0.008; // Acentric factor

// Creates EoS object
const auto eos = make_pr_eos(pc, tc, omega);

// Computes z-factor
  const double p = 3e6;    // Pressure [Pa]
  const double t = 180.0;  // Temperature [K]
  // Please note that there can be multile values for z-factor.
  const auto z = eos.zfactor(p, t);

// Computes pressure at given temperature and volume
  const double t = 180.0;  // Temperature [K]
  const double v = 0.001;  // Volume [m3]
  const auto p = eos.pressure(t, v);

  1. van der Waals; J. D. (1873). On the Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States (doctoral dissertation). Universiteit Leiden. 

  2. Soave, Giorgio (1972). "Equilibrium constants from a modified Redlich-Kwong equation of state". Chemical Engineering Science. 27 (6): 1197–1203. doi:10.1016/0009-2509(72)80096-4. 

  3. Peng, D. Y.; Robinson, D. B. (1976). "A New Two-Constant Equation of State". Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Fundamentals. 15: 59–64. doi:10.1021/i160057a011. 

  4. Kyle, B. G. 1999. Checmical and Process Thermodynamics, third edition. Pearson. 

  5. Kontogeorgis, G. M. and Folas, G. K. 2010. Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 


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