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YAMAHA NVR700W から AWS Transit Gateway経由で IPSec VPN接続してみてみた

Last updated at Posted at 2020-08-21

#■ 目的
AWS の Transit Gateway(TGW)を使用すれば、複数の VPC および Direct Connect(DX) や IPSec VPNを使用してオンプレミスネットワークを相互接続できます。
ということで、Transit Gateway(TGW)経由で、On-Premises や他Cloudへ接続してみてみたいので、
まずは、Transit Gateway で On-Premises と2つの AWS VPCへ IPSec VPN 接続してみてみます。

#■ 構成
ここでは、Transit GatewayとIPSec VPN接続部分を設定します

#■ Transit Gateway作成

##● Trangit Gateway作成
(1) Trangit Gateway画面
[サービス] > [VPC] > [Trangit Gateway] をクリックし、[Create Transit Gateway]をクリック

(2) Create Transit Gateway設定画面
以下内容を設定し、[Create Transit Gateway]をクリック

・Amazon Side ASN: ここでは他と重複しないPrivate ASN 64512 を設定
・DNS support: チェックする
・VPN ECMP support: チェックする
・Default table associateion: チェックする
・Default route table propagation: チェックする


(3) Create Transit Gateway request succeeded

(4) Transit Gateway作成完了
"state" が"avalable"になれば作成完了

#■ Transit Gateway接続

##● Transit Gateway - VPN接続
(1) Transit Gateway接続画面
左ペインから[Transit Gateway接続]をクリックし、[Create Transit Gateway Attach]をクリック

(2) Create Transit Gateway Attachment設定画面
以下内容を設定し、[Create Attachment]をクリック

・Transit Gateway ID: 作成したTransit Gateway を選択
・Attachment type: [VPN]を選択
・Customer Gateway: [New]を選択
・IP Address: On-Premises側CPE(YAMAHA ルーター)のPublic IPを設定
・BGP ASN: On-Premises側CPE(YAMAHA ルーター)のBGP ASN "65000" を設定
・Routing option: Dynamic (requires BGP)を選択


(3) Create Transit Gateway Attachment request succeeded

(4) Transit Gateway接続完了
"state" が"avalable"になれば作成完了

##● Transit Gateway - VPC接続

(1) Transit Gateway接続画面
左ペインから[Transit Gateway接続]をクリックし、[Create Transit Gateway Attach]をクリック

(2) Create Transit Gateway Attachment設定画面
以下内容を設定し、[Create Attachment]をクリック

・Transit Gateway ID: 作成したTransit Gateway を選択
・Attachment type: [VPC]を選択
・DNS supported: [enable]
・VPC ID: 接続するVPCを選択
・Subnet IDs: VPC-内にあるSubnetを選択


(3) Create Transit Gateway Attachment request succeeded

(4) Transit Gateway接続完了
"state" が "available"になれば作成完了

#■ VPN接続作成

(1) サイト間のVPN接続

(2) VPN接続の作成
以下内容を設定し、[Create Attachment]をクリック

・Trangit Gateway Type: [Transit Gateway]を選択
・Trangit Gateway ID: 作成したTrangit Gatewayを選択
・カスタマーゲートウェイ: [既存]を選択
・Customer Gateway ID: Create Transit Gateway Attachmentで作成したustomer Gatewayを選択
・ルーテングオプション: [動的(BGPが必要)]を選択
・Tunnel Insede Ip Version: [IPv4]を選択


(3) 設定のダウンロード

(4) 設定のダウンロード破面

・ベンダー: [Yamaha]を選択
・プラットフォーム: [RTX Router]を選択
・ソフトウェア: [Rev 10]以上を選択


(5) 設定ファイル確認

	# Amazon Web Services
	# Virtual Private Cloud

	# AWS utilizes unique identifiers to manage the configuration of 
	# a VPN Connection. Each VPN Connection is assigned an identifier and is 
	# associated with two other identifiers, namely the 
	# Customer Gateway Identifier and Virtual Private Gateway Identifier.
	# Your VPN Connection ID  		    : vpn-0235b882c3da03565
	# Your Virtual Private Gateway ID           : 
	# Your Customer Gateway ID 		    : cgw-01dd21a44b2318a59
	# This configuration consists of two tunnels. Both tunnels must be 
	# configured on your Customer Gateway.

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# IPSec Tunnel #1
	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# #1: Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Configuration
	# A policy is established for the supported ISAKMP encryption, 
	# authentication, Diffie-Hellman, lifetime, and key parameters.
	# Please note, these sample configurations are for the minimum requirement of AES128, SHA1, and DH Group 2.
	# Category "VPN" connections in the GovCloud region have a minimum requirement of AES128, SHA2, and DH Group 14.
	# You will need to modify these sample configuration files to take advantage of AES256, SHA256, or other DH groups like 2, 14-18, 22, 23, and 24.
	# NOTE: If you customized tunnel options when creating or modifying your VPN connection, you may need to modify these sample configurations to match the custom settings for your tunnels.
	# Higher parameters are only available for VPNs of category "VPN," and not for "VPN-Classic".
	# The address of the external interface for your customer gateway must be a static address.
	# Your customer gateway may reside behind a device performing network address translation (NAT).
	# To ensure that NAT traversal (NAT-T) can function, you must adjust your firewall !rules to unblock UDP port 4500. If not behind NAT, we recommend disabling NAT-T.
		tunnel select 1 
		ipsec ike encryption 1 aes-cbc
		ipsec ike group 1 modp1024
		ipsec ike hash 1 sha

	# This line stores the Pre Shared Key used to authenticate the 
	# tunnel endpoints.
			ipsec ike pre-shared-key 1 text Password01

	# #2: IPSec Configuration

	# The IPSec policy defines the encryption, authentication, and IPSec
	# mode parameters.
	# Category "VPN" connections in the GovCloud region have a minimum requirement of AES128, SHA2, and DH Group 14.
	# Please note, you may use these additionally supported IPSec parameters for encryption like AES256 and other DH groups like 2, 5, 14-18, 22, 23, and 24.
	# NOTE: If you customized tunnel options when creating or modifying your VPN connection, you may need to modify these sample configurations to match the custom settings for your tunnels.
	# Higher parameters are only available for VPNs of category "VPN," and not for "VPN-Classic".
	# Note that there are a global list of IPSec policies, each identified by 
	# sequence number. This policy is defined as #201, which may conflict with
	# an existing policy using the same number. If so, we recommend changing 
	# the sequence number to avoid conflicts.

			ipsec tunnel 201
			ipsec sa policy 201 1 esp aes-cbc  sha-hmac

	# The IPSec profile references the IPSec policy and further defines
	# the Diffie-Hellman group and security association lifetime.

		ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 1 3600
			ipsec ike pfs 1 on

	# Additional parameters of the IPSec configuration are set here. Note that 
	# these parameters are global and therefore impact other IPSec 
	# associations.
	# This option instructs the router to clear the "Don't Fragment" 
	# bit from packets that carry this bit and yet must be fragmented, enabling
	# them to be fragmented.
		ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear

	# This option enables IPSec Dead Peer Detection, which causes periodic
	# messages to be sent to ensure a Security Association remains operational.

			ipsec ike keepalive use 1 on dpd 10 3

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# #3: Tunnel Interface Configuration
	# A tunnel interface is configured to be the logical interface associated  
	# with the tunnel. All traffic routed to the tunnel interface will be 
	# encrypted and transmitted to the VPC. Similarly, traffic from the VPC
	# will be logically received on this interface.
	# The address of the interface is configured with the setup for your 
	# Customer Gateway.  If the address changes, the Customer Gateway and VPN 
	# Connection must be recreated with Amazon VPC.
		ipsec ike local address 1

	# If you are using NAT(IP masquerade) on this device, then you should specify the private IP address for the argument:
	# ipsec ike local address  <CGW local IP address>
	# Please specify the same local IP address for the 'nat descriptor masquerade' commands:
	# nat descriptor address inner 1  <CGW local IP address range>  
	# nat descriptor masquerade static 1 1 <CGW local IP address>  udp 500 
	# nat descriptor masquerade static 1 2 <CGW local IP address>  esp * 
	# For more information, please refer: http://www.rtpro.yamaha.co.jp/RT/docs/ipsec/nat.html
		ipsec ike remote address 1
		ip tunnel address
		ip tunnel remote address
		ipsec ike local id 1
		ipsec ike remote id 1
	# This option causes the router to reduce the Maximum Segment Size of
		# TCP packets to prevent packet fragmentation

	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
		tunnel enable 1
		tunnel select none
			ipsec auto refresh on

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# #4: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Configuration
	# BGP is used within the tunnel to exchange prefixes between the
	# Virtual Private Gateway and your Customer Gateway. The Virtual Private Gateway    
	# will announce the prefix corresponding to your VPC.
	# The BGP timers are adjusted to provide more rapid detection of outages.
	# The local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN) (65000) is configured
	# as part of your Customer Gateway. If the ASN must be changed, the 
	# Customer Gateway and VPN Connection will need to be recreated with AWS.
		bgp use on
		bgp autonomous-system 65000
		bgp neighbor 1 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=

	# To advertise additional prefixes to Amazon VPC, copy the 'import filter' statement and 
	# identify the prefix you wish to advertise. Make sure the 
	# prefix is present in the routing table of the device with a valid next-hop.
	# For example, the following two lines will advertise and to Amazon VPC
	# bgp import filter 1 equal
	# bgp import filter 1 equal

		bgp import filter 1 equal
		bgp import 64512 static filter 1
		bgp configure refresh 

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# IPSec Tunnel #2
	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# #1: Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Configuration
	# A policy is established for the supported ISAKMP encryption, 
	# authentication, Diffie-Hellman, lifetime, and key parameters.
	# Please note, these sample configurations are for the minimum requirement of AES128, SHA1, and DH Group 2.
	# Category "VPN" connections in the GovCloud region have a minimum requirement of AES128, SHA2, and DH Group 14.
	# You will need to modify these sample configuration files to take advantage of AES256, SHA256, or other DH groups like 2, 14-18, 22, 23, and 24.
	# NOTE: If you customized tunnel options when creating or modifying your VPN connection, you may need to modify these sample configurations to match the custom settings for your tunnels.
	# Higher parameters are only available for VPNs of category "VPN," and not for "VPN-Classic".
	# The address of the external interface for your customer gateway must be a static address.
	# Your customer gateway may reside behind a device performing network address translation (NAT).
	# To ensure that NAT traversal (NAT-T) can function, you must adjust your firewall !rules to unblock UDP port 4500. If not behind NAT, we recommend disabling NAT-T.
		tunnel select 2 
		ipsec ike encryption 2 aes-cbc
		ipsec ike group 2 modp1024
		ipsec ike hash 2 sha

	# This line stores the Pre Shared Key used to authenticate the 
	# tunnel endpoints.
			ipsec ike pre-shared-key 2 text Password02

	# #2: IPSec Configuration

	# The IPSec policy defines the encryption, authentication, and IPSec
	# mode parameters.
	# Category "VPN" connections in the GovCloud region have a minimum requirement of AES128, SHA2, and DH Group 14.
	# Please note, you may use these additionally supported IPSec parameters for encryption like AES256 and other DH groups like 2, 5, 14-18, 22, 23, and 24.
	# NOTE: If you customized tunnel options when creating or modifying your VPN connection, you may need to modify these sample configurations to match the custom settings for your tunnels.
	# Higher parameters are only available for VPNs of category "VPN," and not for "VPN-Classic".
	# Note that there are a global list of IPSec policies, each identified by 
	# sequence number. This policy is defined as #202, which may conflict with
	# an existing policy using the same number. If so, we recommend changing 
	# the sequence number to avoid conflicts.

			ipsec tunnel 202
			ipsec sa policy 202 2 esp aes-cbc  sha-hmac

	# The IPSec profile references the IPSec policy and further defines
	# the Diffie-Hellman group and security association lifetime.

		ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 2 3600
			ipsec ike pfs 2 on

	# Additional parameters of the IPSec configuration are set here. Note that 
	# these parameters are global and therefore impact other IPSec 
	# associations.
	# This option instructs the router to clear the "Don't Fragment" 
	# bit from packets that carry this bit and yet must be fragmented, enabling
	# them to be fragmented.
		ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear

	# This option enables IPSec Dead Peer Detection, which causes periodic
	# messages to be sent to ensure a Security Association remains operational.

			ipsec ike keepalive use 2 on dpd 10 3

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# #3: Tunnel Interface Configuration
	# A tunnel interface is configured to be the logical interface associated  
	# with the tunnel. All traffic routed to the tunnel interface will be 
	# encrypted and transmitted to the VPC. Similarly, traffic from the VPC
	# will be logically received on this interface.
	# The address of the interface is configured with the setup for your 
	# Customer Gateway.  If the address changes, the Customer Gateway and VPN 
	# Connection must be recreated with Amazon VPC.
		ipsec ike local address 2

	# If you are using NAT(IP masquerade) on this device, then you should specify the private IP address for the argument:
	# ipsec ike local address  <CGW local IP address>
	# Please specify the same local IP address for the 'nat descriptor masquerade' commands:
	# nat descriptor address inner 1  <CGW local IP address range>  
	# nat descriptor masquerade static 1 1 <CGW local IP address>  udp 500 
	# nat descriptor masquerade static 1 2 <CGW local IP address>  esp * 
	# For more information, please refer: http://www.rtpro.yamaha.co.jp/RT/docs/ipsec/nat.html
		ipsec ike remote address 2
		ip tunnel address
		ip tunnel remote address
		ipsec ike local id 2
		ipsec ike remote id 2
	# This option causes the router to reduce the Maximum Segment Size of
		# TCP packets to prevent packet fragmentation

	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
		tunnel enable 2
		tunnel select none
			ipsec auto refresh on

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# #4: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Configuration
	# BGP is used within the tunnel to exchange prefixes between the
	# Virtual Private Gateway and your Customer Gateway. The Virtual Private Gateway    
	# will announce the prefix corresponding to your VPC.
	# The BGP timers are adjusted to provide more rapid detection of outages.
	# The local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN) (65000) is configured
	# as part of your Customer Gateway. If the ASN must be changed, the 
	# Customer Gateway and VPN Connection will need to be recreated with AWS.
		bgp use on
		bgp autonomous-system 65000
		bgp neighbor 2 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=

	# To advertise additional prefixes to Amazon VPC, copy the 'import filter' statement and 
	# identify the prefix you wish to advertise. Make sure the 
	# prefix is present in the routing table of the device with a valid next-hop.
	# For example, the following two lines will advertise and to Amazon VPC
	# bgp import filter 1 equal
	# bgp import filter 1 equal

		bgp import filter 1 equal
		bgp import 64512 static filter 1
		bgp configure refresh 

	# Additional Notes and Questions
	#  - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Getting Started Guide: 
	#       http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/GettingStartedGuide
	#  - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide: 
	#       http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/NetworkAdminGuide
	#  - Yamaha router's manual:
	#	 http://www.rtpro.yamaha.co.jp/RT/docs/amazon-vpc/index.html
	#  - Yamaha router's NAT settings in IPsec:
	#        http://www.rtpro.yamaha.co.jp/RT/docs/ipsec/nat.html
	#  - XSL Version: 2009-07-15-1119716

#■ YAMAHA NVR700W 設定

##● 初期設定確認
YAMAHA NVR700WをInternet接続できるように事前設定しておきます

# show config
	# NVR700W Rev.15.00.16 (Thu Jun 20 19:48:42 2019)
	# MAC Address : 00:a0:de:b3:32, 00:a0:de:b3:33
	# Memory 256Mbytes, 2LAN, 1ONU, 1WWAN
	# main:  NVR700W ver=00 serial=TESTSERIAL
	# Reporting Date: Aug 16 18:01:51 2020
	console character en.ascii
	ip route default gateway pdp wan1
	ip lan1 address
	ip wan1 address pdp
	ip wan1 nat descriptor 31000
	wan1 bind wwan 1
	wwan select 1
	description wwan Sim
	wwan always-on on
	wwan auth accept chap
	wwan auth myname sim@pass sim
	wwan auto connect on
	wwan disconnect time off
	wwan disconnect input time off
	wwan disconnect output time off
	wwan access-point name sim.jp
	wwan access limit length off
	wwan access limit time off
	wwan enable 1
	ip filter 500000 restrict * * * * *
	nat descriptor type 31000 masquerade
	nat descriptor address outer 31000 primary
	telnetd host lan
	dhcp service server
	dhcp server rfc2131 compliant except remain-silent
	dhcp scope 1
	dns host lan1
	dns server pdp wan1
	dns server select 500401 pdp wan1 any .
	dns private address spoof on
	dns private name setup.netvolante.jp
	analog supplementary-service pseudo call-waiting
	analog extension dial prefix sip prefix="9#"
	statistics traffic on
	wwan-module use on

##● IPSec VPN設定
ダウンロードしたファイルから、以下情報をYAMAHA NVR700Wへ設定

(1) Tunnel1設定

	tunnel select 1 
	ipsec ike encryption 1 aes-cbc
	ipsec ike group 1 modp1024
	ipsec ike hash 1 sha
	ipsec ike pre-shared-key 1 text Password01
	ipsec tunnel 201
	ipsec sa policy 201 1 esp aes-cbc  sha-hmac
	ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 1 3600
	ipsec ike pfs 1 on
	ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear
	ipsec ike keepalive use 1 on dpd 10 3
	ipsec ike local address 1
	ipsec ike remote address 1
	ip tunnel address
	ip tunnel remote address
	ipsec ike local id 1
	ipsec ike remote id 1
	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
	tunnel enable 1
	tunnel select none
	ipsec auto refresh on

(2) Tunnel2設定

	tunnel select 2 
	ipsec ike encryption 2 aes-cbc
	ipsec ike group 2 modp1024
	ipsec ike hash 2 sha
	ipsec ike pre-shared-key 2 text PassoPasswordwrd02
	ipsec tunnel 202
	ipsec sa policy 202 2 esp aes-cbc  sha-hmac
	ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 2 3600
	ipsec ike pfs 2 on
	ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear
	ipsec ike keepalive use 2 on dpd 10 3
	ipsec ike local address 2
	ipsec ike remote address 2
	ip tunnel address
	ip tunnel remote address
	ipsec ike local id 2
	ipsec ike remote id 2
	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
	tunnel enable 2
	tunnel select none
	ipsec auto refresh on

(3) BGP設定

	bgp use on
	bgp autonomous-system 65000
	bgp neighbor 1 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=
	bgp neighbor 2 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=
	bgp import filter 1 equal
	bgp import 64512 static filter 1
	bgp configure refresh 

##● IPSec設定反映

# ipsec auto refresh on
# show ipsec sa
	Total: isakmp:2 send:2 recv:2

	sa    sgw isakmp connection    dir  life[s] remote-id
	1     1    -     isakmp        -    28736
	2     1    1     tun[0001]esp  send 3538
	3     1    1     tun[0001]esp  recv 3538
	4     2    -     isakmp        -    28762
	5     2    4     tun[0002]esp  send 3564
	6     2    4     tun[0002]esp  recv 3564

##● BGP設定反映

# bgp configure refresh

##● BGP伝搬確認

# show ip route
	Destination         Gateway          Interface       Kind  Additional Info.
	default      WAN1(PDP)    static  -                 TUNNEL[2]  implicit  -                 TUNNEL[1]  implicit   TUNNEL[2]       BGP  path=64512   TUNNEL[2]       BGP  path=64512          LAN1  implicit        WAN1  implicit

#■ IPSec 接続ステータス確認
##● YAMAHA NVR700W画面

#■ AWS Route Table 設定
VPCからTransitGWを経由して外部へ通信できるようにRoute Tableを設定

##● VPC- Route設定
以下のように、OnPremises(, 他VPC-等へ通信がTransitGWを経由して通るようにRouteを設定

##● VPC- Route設定
以下のように、OnPremises(, 他VPC-等へ通信がTransitGWを経由して通るようにRouteを設定

#■ 接続確認
##● On-Premises --> AWS Instance01


[onp@MacBook:~] $ ping 172.31 -c 3
	PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=218 ms
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=218 ms
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=217 ms

	--- ping statistics ---
	3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1999ms
	rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 217.963/218.257/218.808/0.665 ms


[onp@MacBook:~] $ sudo traceroute -I
	traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
	1  setup.netvolante.jp (  0.261 ms  0.285 ms  0.225 ms
	2  * * *
	3 (  253.438 ms  253.383 ms  257.427 ms


[onp@MacBook:~] $ ssh -i AWS_EC2.pem ec2-user@ hostname

##● On-Premises --> AWS Instance02


[onp@MacBook:~] $ ping -c 3
	PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=252 time=230 ms
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=252 time=219 ms
	64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=252 time=219 ms

	--- ping statistics ---
	3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
	rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 219.414/223.145/230.588/5.276 ms


[onp@MacBook:~] $ sudo traceroute -I
	traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
	1  setup.netvolante.jp (  0.398 ms  0.273 ms  0.241 ms
	2  * * *
	3 (  242.235 ms  242.222 ms  248.701 ms


[onp@MacBook:~] $ ssh -i AWS_EC2.pem ec2-user@ hostname

#■ Yamaha NVR700W最終config

# show config

	# NVR700W Rev.15.00.16 (Thu Jun 20 19:48:42 2019)
	# MAC Address : 00:a0:de:b3:32, 00:a0:de:b3:33
	# Memory 256Mbytes, 2LAN, 1ONU, 1WWAN
	# main:  NVR700W ver=00 serial=TESTSERIAL
	# Reporting Date: Aug 20 22:01:02 2020
	console character en.ascii
	ip route default gateway pdp wan1
	ip lan1 address
	ip wan1 address pdp
	ip wan1 nat descriptor 31000
	wan1 bind wwan 1
	wwan select 1
	description wwan Sim
	wwan always-on on
	wwan auth accept chap
	wwan auth myname sim@pass sim
	wwan auto connect on
	wwan disconnect time off
	wwan disconnect input time off
	wwan disconnect output time off
	wwan access-point name sim.jp
	wwan access limit length off
	wwan access limit time off
	wwan enable 1
	tunnel select 1
	ipsec tunnel 201
	ipsec sa policy 201 1 esp aes-cbc sha-hmac
	ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 1 3600
	ipsec ike encryption 1 aes-cbc
	ipsec ike group 1 modp1024
	ipsec ike hash 1 sha
	ipsec ike keepalive use 1 on dpd 10 3
	ipsec ike local address 1
	ipsec ike local id 1
	ipsec ike pfs 1 on
	ipsec ike pre-shared-key 1 text Password01
	ipsec ike remote address 1
	ipsec ike remote id 1
	ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear
	ip tunnel address
	ip tunnel remote address
	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
	tunnel enable 1
	tunnel select 2
	ipsec tunnel 202
	ipsec sa policy 202 2 esp aes-cbc sha-hmac
	ipsec ike duration ipsec-sa 2 3600
	ipsec ike encryption 2 aes-cbc
	ipsec ike group 2 modp1024
	ipsec ike hash 2 sha
	ipsec ike keepalive use 2 on dpd 10 3
	ipsec ike local address 2
	ipsec ike local id 2
	ipsec ike pfs 2 on
	ipsec ike pre-shared-key 2 text Password02
	ipsec ike remote address 2
	ipsec ike remote id 2
	ipsec tunnel outer df-bit clear
	ip tunnel address
	ip tunnel remote address
	ip tunnel tcp mss limit 1379
	tunnel enable 2
	ip filter 500000 restrict * * * * *
	nat descriptor type 31000 masquerade
	nat descriptor address outer 31000 primary
	bgp use on
	bgp autonomous-system 65000
	bgp neighbor 1 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=
	bgp neighbor 2 64512 hold-time=30 local-address=
	bgp import filter 1 equal
	bgp import 64512 static filter 1
	ipsec auto refresh on
	telnetd host lan
	dhcp service server
	dhcp server rfc2131 compliant except remain-silent
	dhcp scope 1
	dns host lan1
	dns server pdp wan1
	dns server select 500401 pdp wan1 any .
	dns private address spoof on
	dns private name setup.netvolante.jp
	analog supplementary-service pseudo call-waiting
	analog extension dial prefix sip prefix="9#"
	statistics traffic on
	wwan-module use on

■ Transit GatewayとOCI接続

TGWから足を一本出して、他Network,他Cloudへ接続できるので、Oracle Cloud(OCI)へ接続してみてみます。
・手順: AWS Transit Gateway経由でオンプレミスとOracle Cloudを接続してみてみた

#■ 参考
“共有型”AWS DirectConnectでも使えるAWS Transit Gateway
AWS Transit Gateway - Awsstatic


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