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Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-25





import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn import *
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import *
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import mglearn
import random
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectPercentile
import os
import glob

# 実行上問題ない注意は非表示にする
# data/kabu1フォルダ内にあるcsvファイルの一覧を取得
files = glob.glob("data/kabu1/*.csv")
# 説明変数となる行列X, 被説明変数となるy2を作成
base = 100 
day_ago = 4
num_sihyou = 8
reset =True
# すべてのCSVファイルから得微量作成
for file in files:
    temp = pd.read_csv(file, header=0, encoding='cp932')
    temp = temp[['日付','始値', '高値','安値','終値','5日平均','25日平均','75日平均','出来高']]
    temp= temp.iloc[::-1]#上下反対に
    temp2 = np.array(temp)
    # 前日比を出すためにbase日後からのデータを取得
    temp3 = np.zeros((len(temp2)-base, num_sihyou))
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 0] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 4] / temp2[base-1:len(temp2)-1, 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 1] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 1] / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 2] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 2] / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 3] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 3] / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 4] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 5].astype(np.float) / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4].astype(np.float)
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 5] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 6].astype(np.float) / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4].astype(np.float)
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 6] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 7].astype(np.float) / temp2[base:len(temp2), 4].astype(np.float)
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 7] = temp2[base:len(temp2), 8].astype(np.float) / temp2[base-1:len(temp2)-1, 8].astype(np.float)
    # tempX : 現在の企業のデータ
    tempX = np.zeros((len(temp3), day_ago*num_sihyou))
    # 日にちごとに横向きに(day_ago)分並べる
    # sckit-learnは過去の情報を学習できないので、複数日(day_ago)分を特微量に加える必要がある
    # 注:tempX[0:day_ago]分は欠如データが生まれる
    for s in range(0, num_sihyou): 
        for i in range(0, day_ago):
            tempX[i:len(temp3), day_ago*s+i] = temp3[0:len(temp3)-i,s]
    # Xに追加
    # X : すべての企業のデータ
    # tempX[0:day_ago]分は削除
    if reset:
        X = tempX[day_ago:]
        reset = False
        X = np.concatenate((X, tempX[day_ago:]), axis=0)

# 何日後を値段の差を予測するのか
pre_day = 1
# y : pre_day後の終値/当日終値
y = np.zeros(len(X))
y[0:len(y)-pre_day] = X[pre_day:len(X),0]
X = X[:-pre_day]
y = y[:-pre_day]

up_rate =1.03

# データを一旦分別
X_0 = X[y<=up_rate]
X_1 = X[y>up_rate]
y_0 = y[y<=up_rate]
y_1 = y[y>up_rate]

# X_0をX_1とほぼ同じ数にする
X_drop, X_t, y_drop, y_t = train_test_split(X_0, y_0, test_size=0.09, random_state=0)

# 分別したデータの結合
X_ = np.concatenate((X_1, X_t), axis=0)
y_ = np.concatenate((y_1, y_t))
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_, y_, random_state=0)

# y_train_,y_test2:翌日の終値/当日の終値がup_rateより上か
y_train2 = np.zeros(len(y_train))
for i in range(0, len(y_train2)):
    if y_train[i] <= up_rate:
        y_train2[i] = 0
        y_train2[i] = 1
y_test2 = np.zeros(len(y_test))
for i in range(0, len(y_test2)):
    if y_test[i] <= up_rate:
        y_test2[i] = 0
        y_test2[i] = 1

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_, y_, random_state=0)
pipe = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('classifier', MLPClassifier(max_iter=200000, alpha=0.001))])

param_grid = {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': [(10,), (100,), (500,)]}

grid = GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid=param_grid, n_jobs=1, cv=2 ,return_train_score=False, scoring="accuracy")
grid.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("Best parameters: ", grid.best_params_)
print("grid best score, ", grid.best_score_)
print("Test set score: {:.2f}".format(grid.score(X_test, y_test)))
conf = confusion_matrix(y_test, grid.predict(X_test))

[0.6632097  0.67099965]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.6709996467679266
Test set score: 0.67
over time:  00:17:02
[[23934 11997]
 [11216 23628]]


param_grid = {'classifier__alpha':[0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 ], 
              'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': [(60, ),(70, ), (80, ),(90, ), (100, ), (110, ), (120, ), (130, ), (140, ), (150, ), (160, ), (170, )]}

print("Best parameters: ", grid.best_params_)
print("grid best score, ", grid.best_score_)
print("Test set score: {:.2f}".format(grid.score(X_test, y_test2)))

xa = 'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes'
xx = param_grid[xa]
ya = 'classifier__alpha'
yy = param_grid[ya]
scores = np.array(grid.cv_results_['mean_test_score']).reshape(len(yy), -1)
mglearn.tools.heatmap(scores, xlabel=xa, xticklabels=xx, 
                      ylabel=ya, yticklabels=yy, cmap="viridis")
start time:  09:04:52
[0.66983634 0.66970917 0.66917697 0.6675521  0.66820676 0.6684187
 0.66648299 0.66292712 0.66562581 0.66385965 0.66300247 0.66399623
 0.66965736 0.66888496 0.66758978 0.66698222 0.66795243 0.66711409
 0.66445308 0.66298363 0.66240433 0.66574826 0.66748617 0.66630402
 0.67171553 0.67057577 0.66944543 0.6672601  0.66794772 0.66719416
 0.66722242 0.66848463 0.6693842  0.66848463 0.66216884 0.66649241
 0.6700624  0.66927587 0.66985988 0.67064641 0.6652349  0.67026021
 0.6675992  0.67008595 0.66846109 0.66872483 0.66701519 0.66769339
 0.66932768 0.67108913 0.67236077 0.67157424 0.67078771 0.67164488
 0.67100436 0.67317556 0.67175321 0.67185211 0.67232309 0.67072648
 0.67026492 0.67025079 0.67186153 0.67162604 0.67227128 0.67201696
 0.67221947 0.6719416  0.67177205 0.67346756 0.67292123 0.67198399]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__alpha': 0.1, 'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (150,)}
grid best score,  0.6734675615212528
Test set score: 0.67
[[24254 11677]
 [11667 23177]]
Test set precision score(再現率): 0.66
over time:  11:48:24



day_ago = 2
param_grid = {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': [(10,), (100,), (500,)]}
[0.65889324 0.66886142 0.66844726]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.668861424349103
Test set score: 0.67
day_ago = 3
param_grid = {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': [(10,), (100,), (500,)]}
[0.6651177  0.66957156 0.6526177 ]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.6695715630885123
Test set score: 0.67
day_ago = 5
param_grid = {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': [(10,), (100,), (500,)]}
[0.6654904  0.669104   0.66197103]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.669103998040084
Test set score: 0.67


一目均衡表,転換線,基準線,先行スパン1,先行スパン2,25日ボリンジャーバンド 追加
day_ago = 3
num_sihyou = 16
# 一目均衡表,転換線,基準線,先行スパン1,先行スパン2,25日ボリンジャーバンド 追加
# 一目均衡表を追加 (9,26, 52) 
    para1 =9
    para2 = 26
    para3 = 52
    temp2_2 = np.c_[temp2, np.zeros((len(temp2), 3))]
    p1 = 9
    p2 = 10
    p3 =11
    # 転換線 = (過去(para1)日間の高値 + 安値) ÷ 2
    for i in range(para1, len(temp2)):
        tmp_high =temp2[i-para1+1:i+1,2].astype(np.float)
        tmp_low =temp2[i-para1+1:i+1,3].astype(np.float)
        temp2_2[i, p1] = (np.max(tmp_high) + np.min(tmp_low)) / 2 /temp2[i, 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 8] = temp2_2[base:len(temp2), p1]

    # 基準線 = (過去(para2)日間の高値 + 安値) ÷ 2
    for i in range(para2, len(temp2)):
        tmp_high =temp2[i-para2+1:i+1,2].astype(np.float)
        tmp_low =temp2[i-para2+1:i+1,3].astype(np.float)
        temp2_2[i, p2] = (np.max(tmp_high) + np.min(tmp_low)) / 2 /temp2[i, 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 9] = temp2_2[base:len(temp2), p2]

    # 先行スパン1 = { (転換値+基準値) ÷ 2 }を(para2)日先にずらしたもの
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 10] = (temp2_2[base-para2:len(temp2)-para2, p1] + temp2_2[base-para2:len(temp2)-para2, p2]) /2 /temp2[base:len(temp2), 4]

    # 先行スパン2 = { (過去(para3)日間の高値+安値) ÷ 2 }を(para2)日先にずらしたもの
    for i in range(para3, len(temp2)):
        tmp_high =temp2[i-para3+1:i+1,2].astype(np.float)
        tmp_low =temp2[i-para3+1:i+1,3].astype(np.float)
        temp2_2[i, p3] = (np.max(tmp_high) + np.min(tmp_low)) / 2 /temp2[i, 4]
    temp3[0:len(temp3), 11] = temp2_2[base-para2:len(temp2)-para2, p3]

    # 25日ボリンジャーバンド(±1, 2シグマ)を追加
    parab = 25
    for i in range(base, len(temp2)):
        tmp25 = temp2[i-parab+1:i+1,4].astype(np.float)
        temp3[i-base,12] = np.mean(tmp25) + 1.0* np.std(tmp25) 
        temp3[i-base,13] = np.mean(tmp25) - 1.0* np.std(tmp25) 
        temp3[i-base,14] = np.mean(tmp25) + 2.0* np.std(tmp25) 
        temp3[i-base,15] = np.mean(tmp25) - 2.0* np.std(tmp25)
[0.66537194 0.66843691 0.6497081 ]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.668436911487759
Test set score: 0.67
day_ago = 3
num_sihyou = 12
# 一目均衡表,転換線,基準線,先行スパン1,先行スパン2,追加

[0.66653484 0.6696516  0.64932674]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.6696516007532957
Test set score: 0.67


day_ago = 3
num_sihyou = 8
# 曜日情報の追加
ddata = pd.to_datetime(temp['日付'], format='%Y%m%d')
daydata = ddata[base:len(temp2)].dt.dayofweek
daydata_dummies = pd.get_dummies(daydata, columns=['Yobi'])
daydata2 = np.array(daydata_dummies)
tempX = np.concatenate((tempX, daydata2), axis=1)
[0.66510358 0.66762241 0.6524435 ]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.6676224105461394
Test set score: 0.67
day_ago = 3
num_sihyou = 16
# 一目均衡表,転換線,基準線,先行スパン1,先行スパン2,25日ボリンジャーバンド, 曜日 追加
[0.6695951  0.67004237 0.64863936]
Best parameters:  {'classifier__hidden_layer_sizes': (100,)}
grid best score,  0.6700423728813559
Test set score: 0.68





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