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Last updated at Posted at 2014-09-27


\min \frac{1}{2} {\bf x}^T {\bf D} {\bf x} + {\bf c}^T {\bf x}\\
subject \ \ \ {\bf A}{\bf x} \ge {\bf b}

ここで${\bf x}$の次元を$n$、制約数を$m$とすると、${\bf x},{\bf c},{\bf b}$は$n$次元ベクトルで、${\bf A}$は$n \times m$の行列、${\bf D}$は$n \times n$の正値対象行列となります。

今回、二次計画問題を内点法で解く方法としてNumerical Optimizationの中で紹介されている予測子修正子法というものを今回実装してみました。線形計画問題に比べると複雑さは増しています。

import numpy as np

EPS_ZERO = 1.0e-9

def select_alpha(alphas):
    return 1.0 if alphas.size == 0 or np.min(alphas) > 1.0 else np.min(alphas)

def inv_vec(vec):
    inv = np.matrix(zeros((vec.shape[0], 1)))
    cond = np.where(np.abs(vec) > EPS_ZERO)
    inv[cond] = 1.0 / vec[cond]
    return inv

def less_zero(vec):
    return vec <= -EPS_ZERO

def quadratic_programming(x, gmat, c, amat, b,
                          tau=0.5, eps=1.0e-3, nloop=30):
    object  min z = 0.5 * x^T * G * x + cT * x
    subject Ax >= b
    ndim  = gmat.shape[0] # 次元数
    ncnst = amat.shape[0] # 制約数
    x_idx, y_idx, l_idx = np.split(np.arange(0, ndim + 2 * ncnst),
                                   [ndim, ndim + ncnst])
    y_l_idx = np.r_[y_idx, l_idx]
    zeros_d_c = np.zeros((ndim, ncnst))
    zeros_c2 = np.zeros((ncnst, ncnst))
    eye_c = np.identity(ncnst)

    f = np.bmat([[-gmat * x - c],
                 [zeros((ncnst, 1))],
                 [amat * x - b]])
    exmat = np.bmat([[gmat, zeros_d_c, -amat.T],
                     [zeros_d_c.T, zeros_c2, eye_c],
                     [-amat, eye_c, zeros_c2]])
    delta_xyl0 = np.linalg.pinv(exmat) * f

    abs_yl0 = np.abs(delta_xyl0[y_l_idx])
    abs_yl0[abs_yl0 < 1.0] = 1.0
    y, lmd = np.vsplit(abs_yl0, 2)
    rd = gmat * x - amat.T * lmd + c
    rp = amat * x - y - b

    for n in range(nloop):
        err = np.linalg.norm(rd)**2 + np.linalg.norm(rp)**2 + np.asscalar(y.T * lmd)
        if err < eps:
        # affine scaling step
        iy = inv_vec(y)
        f = np.bmat([[-rd],
        exmat = np.bmat([[gmat, zeros_d_c, -amat.T],
                         [zeros_d_c.T, np.diag(np.multiply(lmd, iy).A1), eye_c],
                         [-amat, eye_c, zeros_c2]])
        d_xyl_aff = np.linalg.pinv(exmat) * f
        # alphaの計算
        y_l_cnb = np.bmat([[y],
        cnd = less_zero(d_xyl_aff[y_l_idx])
        alpha_aff = select_alpha(-y_l_cnb[cnd] / d_xyl_aff[y_l_idx][cnd])
        # 中心パラメータ
        mu = np.asscalar(y.T * lmd / ncnst)
        mu_aff = np.asscalar((y + alpha_aff * d_xyl_aff[y_idx]).T * (lmd + alpha_aff * d_xyl_aff[l_idx]) / ncnst)
        sig = (mu_aff / mu)**3
        # corrector step
        dl_y_aff = np.multiply(np.multiply(d_xyl_aff[y_idx],
        f = np.bmat([[-rd],
                     [-lmd - dl_y_aff + sig * mu * iy],
        d_xyl = np.linalg.pinv(exmat) * f
        # alpha_pri, alpha_dualの計算
        cnd = less_zero(d_xyl)
        alpha_pri = select_alpha(-tau * y[cnd[y_idx]] / d_xyl[y_idx][cnd[y_idx]])
        alpha_dual = select_alpha(-tau * lmd[cnd[l_idx]] / d_xyl[l_idx][cnd[l_idx]])
        alpha_hat = min([alpha_pri, alpha_dual])
        # x, y, lmdの更新
        x, y, lmd = np.vsplit(np.r_[x, y, lmd] + alpha_hat * d_xyl,
                              [ndim, ndim + ncnst])
        rp = (1.0 - alpha_pri) * rp
        rd = (1.0 - alpha_dual) * rd + (alpha_pri - alpha_dual) * gmat * d_xyl[x_idx]
    return x, y, lmd

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = np.matrix([[-2.0],
    dmat = np.matrix([[2.0, 0.0],
                      [0.0, 2.0]])
    amat = np.matrix([[1.0, 1.0],
                      [1.0, -1.0],
                      [-3.0, 1.0]])
    b = np.matrix([[-0.5],
    # 描画
    from pylab import *

    ax = subplot(111, aspect='equal')
    x = np.arange(-3.0, 3.01, 0.15)
    y = np.arange(-3.0, 3.01, 0.15)
    X,Y = meshgrid(x, y)
    t = arange(-3.0, 3.01, 0.15)
    func = lambda x, y : 0.5 * (dmat[0, 0] * x**2 + dmat[1, 1] * y**2) + c[0, 0] * x + c[1, 0] * y
    const = [lambda x : -amat[i, 0] / amat[i, 1] * x + b[i, 0] / amat[i, 1] for i in range(amat.shape[0])]
    Z = func(X, Y)
    s = [const[i](t) for i in range(amat.shape[0])]
    pcolor(X, Y, Z)
    for i in range(amat.shape[0]):
        ax.plot(t, s[i], 'k')
    x, y, lmd = quadratic_programming(np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                                      dmat, c, amat, b,
                                      tau=0.5, eps=1.0e-3, nloop=25)
    print x
    ax.plot([x[0, 0]], [x[1, 0]],'yo')
    axis([-3, 3, -3, 3])





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