
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-02

問題 : http://nabetani.sakura.ne.jp/hena/orde15nohil/
解答リンク集 : http://qiita.com/Nabetani/items/705fa83cfbf20377b92f
イベント : https://yhpg.doorkeeper.jp/events/61418

  1. 「番号」を「3進数」にして、NxNブロックの集まりを構成するの数字範囲毎に桁となる数字列を作る
  2. 「番号」を2x2を最小単位とする「x,y座標」に変換するため、3進数の各桁を0か1に調整して「2進数」にする
  3. 上下左右に隣接する4か所の各「x,y座標」から隣接する「番号」を求める
  4. 「番号」の求め方は、「x,y座標」の「2進数」の各桁を 0, 1, 2 に調整して「3進数」にする
  5. ただし、右下の空白に該当する「x,y座標」は「番号」にならない
number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3進 0 1 2 10 11 12 20 21 22 100 101 102 110 111 112 120 121 122 200
2⇒0 0 1 0 10 11 10 00 01 00 100 101 100 110 111 110 100 101 100 000
2進変換 ⇒X座標 0 1 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 4 5 4 6 7 6 4 5 4 0
1⇒0 2⇒1 0 0 1 00 00 01 10 10 11 000 000 001 000 000 001 010 010 011 100
2進変換 ⇒Y座標 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 4
#!/usr/bin/env python

def base(n, b):
    return (n // b and base(n // b, b) or '') + str(n % b)

def number(x, y):
    return (x < 0 or y < 0 or x & y != 0 or  # return True if there is no number
            int(str(int(bin(x)[2:]) + int(bin(y)[2:].replace('1', '2'))), 3))  # x:0or1 + y:0or2

def solve(data):
    digits = base(int(data), 3)
    x = int(digits.replace('2', '0'), 2)                    # x:012 -> 010
    y = int(digits.replace('1', '0').replace('2', '1'), 2)  # y:012 -> 001
    neighbors = number(x, y - 1), number(x - 1, y), number(x + 1, y), number(x, y + 1)
    return ','.join(str(n) for n in neighbors if n is not True)

def test(n, data, correct):
    answer = solve(data)
    if answer == correct:
        print('OK #%s: "%s" -> "%s"' % (n, data, answer))
        print('NG #%s: "%s" -> "%s" != "%s"' % (n, data, answer, correct))

test(0, "21", "19,22,23")
test(1, "0", "1,2")
test(2, "1", "0,3")
test(3, "2", "0,6")
test(4, "3", "1,4,5")
test(5, "4", "3,9")
test(6, "9", "4,10,11")
test(7, "15", "11,16,17")
test(8, "27", "13,28,29")
test(9, "32", "30")
test(10, "47", "45,51")
test(11, "65", "63,69")
test(12, "80", "78,162")
test(13, "199", "198,201")
test(14, "204", "200,205,206")
test(15, "243", "121,244,245")
test(16, "493", "492")
test(17, "508", "507")
test(18, "728", "726,1458")
test(19, "793", "792,795")
test(20, "902", "900,906")
test(21, "981", "976,982,983")
test(22, "1093", "1092,2187")
test(23, "1202", "1200")
test(24, "1300", "1299,1305")
test(25, "1962", "1952,1963,1964")
test(26, "2188", "2187,2190")
test(27, "2405", "2403,2409")
test(28, "3326", "3324")
test(29, "6561", "3280,6562,6563")
test(30, "6612", "6608,6613,6614")
test(31, "7058", "7056,7062")
test(32, "8444", "8442,8448")
test(33, "9841", "9840,19683")
test(34, "15243", "15239,15244,15245")
test(35, "19946", "19944,19950")
test(36, "21148", "21147")
test(37, "39365", "39363")
test(38, "39366", "19682,39367,39368")
test(39, "55694", "55692,55698")
test(40, "57245", "57243")
test(41, "66430", "66429,66432")
test(42, "92740", "92739")
test(43, "115250", "115248")
test(44, "163031", "163029")
test(45, "221143", "221142,221157")
test(46, "410353", "410352")
test(47, "412649", "412647,412659")
test(48, "550391", "550389")
test(49, "699921", "699880,699922,699923")
test(50, "797161", "797160,1594323")
test(51, "1000000", "999999,1000002")

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