
[AWS Q&A 365][AppSync]Daily Five Common Questions #100

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1. What measures does AWS AppSync have in place to ensure the security of customer data?

Answer: AWS AppSync provides multiple security features such as encryption at rest and in transit, fine-grained access control with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon Cognito, and protection against common web attacks with AWS Shield.

2. Does AWS AppSync allow customers to control access to their data?

Answer: Yes, AWS AppSync allows customers to control access to their data with fine-grained access control through IAM and Amazon Cognito. Customers can also use custom authorization and authentication mechanisms.

3. Can customers use their own encryption keys with AWS AppSync?

Answer: Yes, customers can use their own encryption keys with AWS AppSync. It supports AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for encryption at rest, which allows customers to create and manage their own encryption keys.

4. Does AWS AppSync provide logging and auditing capabilities?

Answer: Yes, AWS AppSync provides logging and auditing capabilities through CloudWatch Logs and CloudTrail. Customers can monitor and log API requests and responses, and track changes to their resources.

5. How does AWS AppSync protect against DDoS attacks?

Answer: AWS AppSync provides protection against DDoS attacks with AWS Shield Standard, which is included at no extra cost. AWS Shield Standard provides automatic detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks. Customers can also use AWS Shield Advanced for more advanced protection.


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