
[AWS Q&A 365][AppSync]Daily Five Common Questions #99

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1. What is Real-time data in AWS AppSync?

Answer: Real-time data in AWS AppSync is the ability to receive real-time updates as data changes in the back-end data sources connected to the GraphQL API.

2. How can I enable real-time data in AWS AppSync?

Answer: Real-time data can be enabled in AWS AppSync by using AWS AppSync subscriptions, which allow clients to receive real-time updates as data changes.

3. What data sources can I use to enable real-time data in AWS AppSync?

Answer: Real-time data in AWS AppSync can be enabled with data sources such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and HTTP APIs.

4. How can I control access to real-time data in AWS AppSync?

Answer: Access to real-time data in AWS AppSync can be controlled at a per-field level using Amazon Cognito user pools, which provide fine-grained access control.

5. Can I build real-time applications using AWS AppSync?

Answer: Yes, AWS AppSync provides the ability to build real-time applications by enabling real-time data updates and providing support for real-time subscriptions.


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