
[AWS Q&A 365][ECR]Daily Five Common Questions #95

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Q1: What security features does Amazon ECR provide?

A1: Amazon ECR provides several security features, including encryption at rest, compliance validation, identity and access management (IAM), and monitoring. It also supports interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) for enhanced security. Additionally, Amazon ECR integrates with AWS CloudTrail to log actions and provides troubleshooting guidance for security-related issues.

Q2: How does Amazon ECR handle authentication and access control?

A2: Amazon ECR uses AWS IAM to manage authentication and access control. Users and Amazon EC2 instances can be granted resource-based permissions to access container repositories and images. Access to repositories can be controlled using repository policies, which allow you to define fine-grained access rules.

Q3: Can Amazon ECR scan container images for vulnerabilities?

A3: Yes, Amazon ECR offers image scanning capabilities to identify software vulnerabilities in container images. Each repository can be configured to scan images on push, ensuring that new images are scanned before being stored. The results of the image scan can be retrieved and used for further analysis or remediation.

Q4: How does Amazon ECR handle encryption of data?

A4: Amazon ECR provides encryption at rest for the data stored in repositories. The data is encrypted using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) keys. This ensures that the data is protected and can only be accessed by authorized users.

Q5: Does Amazon ECR support monitoring and logging?

A5: Yes, Amazon ECR offers monitoring capabilities through Amazon CloudWatch. It provides various metrics and dimensions for monitoring repository and image activity. Additionally, Amazon ECR integrates with AWS CloudTrail, allowing you to log actions and monitor the activity within your ECR environment.


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