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[AWS Q&A 365][Batch]Daily Five Common Questions #60

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1. What is a compute environment in AWS Batch?

A compute environment in AWS Batch is a set of compute resources that are used to run batch jobs. It can be managed or unmanaged and can use EC2 or Fargate resources.

2. How do I create a compute environment in AWS Batch?

To create a compute environment in AWS Batch, you need to specify the type of environment (managed or unmanaged), the type of compute resources to use (EC2 or Fargate), and any other configuration options such as security groups and IAM roles.

3. Can I use Amazon EKS as a compute environment in AWS Batch?

Yes, you can use Amazon EKS as a compute environment in AWS Batch. You need to create an EKS cluster and configure it to work with AWS Batch. You can then create a compute environment that uses the EKS cluster as its underlying infrastructure.

4. How do I update a compute environment in AWS Batch?

To update a compute environment in AWS Batch, you can make changes to its configuration options such as the type of compute resources or the size of the environment. You can also update the AMI ID used by the environment or add new compute resources.

5. What is the difference between a managed and unmanaged compute environment in AWS Batch?

A managed compute environment in AWS Batch is fully managed by AWS and automatically scales up or down based on job demand. An unmanaged compute environment allows you to manage your own infrastructure and provides more control over how jobs are executed.


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