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[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #87

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1. What is the Service scheduler in Amazon ECS?

The Service scheduler in Amazon ECS is responsible for maintaining the desired number of tasks running in a service. It starts and stops tasks to maintain the desired count, and automatically replaces unhealthy tasks.

2. What is a Deployment controller in Amazon ECS services?

The Deployment controller in Amazon ECS services is responsible for managing the deployment process of new task definitions. It can perform a rolling update, a blue/green deployment, or an external deployment.

3. How can I manage services in Amazon ECS?

You can manage services in Amazon ECS using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDKs. You can create, update, and delete services, and view their status and metrics.

4. How does Amazon ECS load balancing work for services?

Amazon ECS load balancing works by using an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or an Application Load Balancer (ALB). The load balancer distributes traffic across the tasks in a service, and can be configured to use different load balancing algorithms.

5. How can I scale services in Amazon ECS?

You can scale services in Amazon ECS using Service Auto Scaling. This feature automatically adjusts the number of tasks in a service based on metrics such as CPU utilization or request count. You can configure target tracking or step scaling policies to control the scaling behavior.


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